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Games of All Time

#20 Seiken Densetsu 3

Release Date: 1995
Developer: Squaresoft
Genre: Role-Playing
Platform: Super Nintendo
My Rating: 9.5

Why this game was never released stateside I'll never know. Perhaps it was because demand for RPGs in the west was still low at the time. Whatever the reason, most people never got to experience one of the greatest RPGs of the 16-bit era. The most notable features include the ability choose your protagonist, team members, and class.

#19 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Release Date: 2003
Developer: Bioware
Genre: Role-Playing
Platform: Xbox
My Rating: 9.5

Ok, let's face it. There have been many Star Wars games over the years and most of them suck ass. KOTOR is one exception to this rule. You do not have to be a Star Wars fan to appreciate this wonderful RPG that lets you choose between light and darkside. Some of the dialogue is downright hilarious, as well as the characters *cough*Jolee&HK*cough*

#18 Devil May Cry

Release Date: 2001
Developer: Capcom
Genre: Action
Platform: Playstation 2
My Rating: 9.5

Originally meant to be Resident Evil 4, the developers quickly realized they had made a completely different game, and thus Devil May Cry was born. It stars one badass half devil, half human demon hunter named Dante who weilds a HUGE sword. If you want heart-pumping action combined with challenging gameplay, then this game is a must have.

#17 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Release Date: 2004
Developer: Rockstar Games
Genre: Adventure
Platform: Playstation 2
My Rating: 9.5

Ah yes, Grand Theft Auto. The godfather of "sandbox" crime based games. No doubt it revolutionized the genre with the release of GTAIII, but San Andreas is no doubt the best in the series. Why? Because virtually anything you can think of you can do in this game. Not even the sky is the limit. Plus Samuel Jackson is in it. 'Nuff said.

#16 Conker's Bad Fur Day

Release Date: 2001
Developer: Rare
Genre: Adventure
Platform: Nintendo 64
My Rating: 9.5

One word. Hilarious. Conker went from being cute and cuddly to a beer drinking, cigar smoking, foul mouthed sadist. Featuring an endless amount of movie spoofs and parodies, this game will have you laughing. Unless you lack what is called a sense of humor of course. It was so good they even remade it for the Xbox, though I would have preferred a sequel.

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