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Games of All Time

#15 Resident Evil 2

Release Date: 1997
Developer: Capcom
Genre: Action
Platform: Playstation
My Rating: 9.6

Resident Evil 2 was one of the first games to be dubbed "survival horror," meaning that you had to ration health and ammo to stay alive in a world full of zombies and whatnot. Resident Evil 2 the best in the series because the story is the most intriging. It included 2 protagonists who each had their own disc, and 2 versions of the story depending on who you chose to play as first.

#14 Harvest Moon 64

Release Date: 1999
Developer: Natsume
Genre: Simulation
Platform: Nintendo 64
My Rating: 9.6

A farming sim may sound boring, but with Harvest Moon, that couldn't be further from the truth. Your task, as with every game in the series, was to take your grandfather's old, run-down farm and turn it around. Growing crops and raising livestock were not the only options, as you could get married and even have a child. Festivals and events would also provide a nice break from the monotony of farm work.

#13 Silent Hill

Release Date: 1999
Developer: Konami
Genre: Adventure
Platform: Playstation
My Rating: 9.6

Be prepared to be scared (hey that rhymes!). Seriously though, this game will make you want to piss your pants with its psychological horror inspired by Jacob's Ladder. You play as Harry Mason who is searching for his missing daughter in a town where all is not as it's damn scary actually. For best results, play alone in the dark with surround sound cranked up. I dare you.

#12 Full Throttle

Release Date: 1995
Developer: LucasArts
Genre: Adventure
Platform: PC
My Rating: 9.6

Back in the early-mid 90s, point-and-click PC games were all the rage. Full Throttle was among the best. You played as the leader of a biker gang named the "Polecats." And while some may say it was too short, I think it's the experience and not the length which is what matters (that's what she said). Its story and humor are what made this game so memorable, as well as Ben's classic one liners. R.I.P. Roy Conrad.

#11 Ico

Release Date: 2001
Developer: Sony Computer Entertainment
Genre: Adventure
Platform: Playstation 2
My Rating: 9.6

Do not be fooled by this game's initial appearance. It is easily one of the deepest and most moving games I have ever played. A boy named Ico is imprisoned inside a castle because of his horns, and now his only hope of survival depends on working with a mysterious girl named Yorda, and soon an inseparable bond forms between the two. If I had to describe this game, I would say it's an artist's masterpiece come to life.

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