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Games of All Time

#5 Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

Release Date: 1996
Developer: Squaresoft
Genre: Role-Playing
Platform: Super Nintendo
My Rating: 9.9

Co-developed by Nintendo and Squaresoft, this the best Mario game, if you consider it one that is. Instead of the traditional 2-D platforming of Mario games past, it is actually an RPG more similar to that of Final Fantasy. It also features Mario and Bowser fighting alongside each other, which is an automatic win.

#4 Final Fantasy VIII

Release Date: 1999
Developer: Squaresoft
Genre: Role-Playing
Platform: Playstation
My Rating: 9.9

Many may disagree with me on this one, but Final Fantasy VIII was just short of perfection. It had an amazing cast of characters, as well as a superb story. Do not let the junctioning system turn you off. It may seem confusing and tired at first, but when properly used can make this game one of the most fun and fulfilling experiences you'll ever have.

#3 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Release Date: 1998
Developer: Nintendo
Genre: Adventure
Platform: Nintendo 64
My Rating: 10

Ocarina of Time is Shigeru Miyamoto's greatest masterpiece. Although the story was essentially recycled from A Link to the Past, it improved on its predecessor in almost every way. It featured epic cutscenes for its time as well as boss fights. The dungeons were all well designed and each had their own unique theme.

#2 Chrono Trigger

Release Date: 1995
Developer: Squaresoft
Genre: Role-Playing
Platform: Super Nintendo
My Rating: 10

Squaresoft made so many great games back in the day. Chrono Trigger is no exception. Created by a "dream team" of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest developers, including artist of Dragonball Z fame Akira Toriyama, this game is simply like no other. Only one game surpasses it...

#1 Final Fantasy VII

Release Date: 1997
Developer: Squaresoft
Genre: Role-Playing
Platform: Playstation
My Rating: 10

Must I explain this? Just play it and find out why it's the best game ever. Period.

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