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(-(-Larger Than Life Living Legend Chris Jericho-)-)

Roleplay Number: 3
Roleplay Title: RAW RP # 1: Triple H, and My Destiny.
People Used: Chris Jericho, Mitchell Cole, and Joe 'The Cop' Boyd
Win-Draw-Loss 1-0-0
Next Match: Triple H Vs. Chris Jericho (Undisputed Title on Line)
Accomplishments: None As Of Right Now.
- -.:::Disclaimer:::.- This site is in no way affiliated with the WWF, WCW, or ECW. This Roleplay may contain explicit language and offensive material that may offend some people. All roleplay material and content is copyright of a friend of mine... You can locate him on AIM... KnightRider703. Any use of this roleplay or banners without written consent is prohibited if you would like to use his magnificent layout then reply to this and ask me, and I'll ask him. I give thanks to him for the layout!
-.:::End Disclaimer:::.-

..::|[SCENE 1]|::..

..::|[ Scene opens up in the backstage parking-lot... A limo is seen pulling in, and on the liscenes plate, it says "LRGRTHNLFE." The limo pulls up to a 'Reserved Parking' sign, and then from the front left side, a man in a suit gets out of the limo... The man then walks beside the left side of the limo, behind the back, and goes to the back right seat... He then pulls out a handkerchief and strokes at the doors handles, wiping the dirt off of it... He then places his hand upon the handle, lifts it up, and opens the door... From the angle of the camera, all that is shown was the foot of this marvelous superstar... Then, from behind the door, rises the 'Larger Than Life, Living Legend' 'Y2J' Chris Jericho! In a risen position, Y2J pats the driver on the back... He then walks away as the driver is smiling... Y2J takes a long route to the ring, going along side the arenas side... On the way to the main entrance, Y2J stops, and thinks about his match... He then lets out a large sigh, and then gets a smilouse grin on his face... He then proceeds to the main gate... Y2J, was undoubtedly trying to waste time, getting there at an early 8:00 PM, when the show didn't start until 10:00 PM, fore he was at the event entitled 'Jakked.' The show itself wasn't very popular, but with the millenium wrestler (Y2J) being there, he figured the show would get a better rating this time than ever... Jericho was then finally at the main entrance, and let himself in... He then peered at everyone setting everything up; the popcorn stands, the shopzone stands, etc... Y2J then went backstage, and located a spot where he wanted his locker/dressing room located at... He picked the first door, right beside the entrace to the stage, fore he was hoping to be the first person out to address to the audience about his match... ..::Later on in the night::.. Before he knew it, it was already 9:55 PM... But, like always, the put-together Jericho was ready, and decided to head out... Jericho was wearing the normal shiny/sparkly upper body attire, and his matching lower body shiny/sparkly attire... Y2J met up with the technician, and music put-together people, and told them he wanted out first... They decided that he could, and got his pyro, music, and titan tron all ready... In an matter of minutes... WWF Jakked went live in an almost sold-out arena!...]|::..

..::|[SCENE 2]|::..

..::|[ On the Titantron a countdown starts...5....4......3.....2.......1......BOOM!! Then Jericho's music hits: 'Come on (Jericho) You know I got ya (yeah, one) Break the wall down! (Ahhh) (Break down the walls!) For those about to rock What ya want? And even though you're Judas And I'm your priest Baby what I got is not from the least Bring it to the stage in the rage of the beast Step in the arena and break the wall down Step in the arena and break the wall down Awaken from a deep sleep You're all weak You're living in the enemy of defeat I am the master of your whole heap I am the pasture flock ya like sheep Step into the town and break the wall down Your heartbeat is the only sound Step into the light and then ya know You were stopped and dropped by the walls of Jericho What ya gonna do? Throw me down, Feel me now (Feel me now) Break the wall down (Jericho) For those who about to rock Start to rock For those who bounce the joke I'm all pump For those about to go Watch me slow Break down the walls of Jericho. The lights come back up in the arena as a shadow of Jericho is seen with his back turned and arms raised, as the real Jericho makes his way out. He turns his back and puts his down, and puts his arms out to the side, then turns back around to the crowd as he recieves a mix reaction from the crowd. He makes his way down to the ring as the crowd tries to reach out and touch him, but he refuses to let them. He then climbs up onto the apron, and slowly walks along the apron, as he then turns to the crowd and looks out at them as he leans on the ropes. He then enters the ring as he recieves mix reactions from the crowd. As he walks past Lilian Garcia, and asks for a mic. He gets a mic and begins to speak. ]|::..

Y2J, At Jakked?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. WELCOME TO JAKKED IS JERICHO! ..::Pauses, and Stares at the crowd::.. Now you all are probably wondering... 'What is a Living Legend doing here, tonight?' Well people, Y2J has decided to come here... To boost up your ratings a bit... It seems only the hillbillies come to these shows... I mean... How much did you all pay for those tickets? Ten dollars is the max... Or at least, at the box-office it was... (((BOOO!))) Now, you see, I don't understand that... I simply gave all of you a compliment... Ten dollars is a very high price for you all... (((BOOO!))) Didn't you just hear me? You need to clap your filthy, digusting hands for me... I'm the reason why the WWF is still going... I'm the reason why people are actually tuning in today... Yet, I get this reply for all of you? (((BOOO!))) Nice... Very nice... But, anyways!... As you all know... I have a match on the better show, WWF RAW... Against the 'Game' Triple H, in a Hell-In-The-Cell match... For my soon-to-be-won, WWF Undisputed Championship! ..::Pauses::.. You see... I've got it all figured out... And I have a little plan here... The plan is... ..::Thinks::.. Oh yeah, nevermind... Why would I tell a group of rednecks what my plan is?! (((YOU SUCK!))) ..::Ignoring the chant::.. Triple H... Coming this Monday, at RAW... I will put in EVERYTHING I've got, and I WILL come out victorouis... No matter if you like it, or if you don't! Right now, I simply, do-not-care!... ..::He pauses again, this time, with the chant still raging on, he gets an angry grin upon his face::.. You people, obvioulsy, don't understand that, this time, I'm for real... You may think I'm arogant, obnoxious, etc... But, right now, I don't give a damn! 'Cause, you see... Like I said just a while ago... I'm putting everything I've got into my match... And when I do... I will be the Undisputed Champion... I don't care, if any of you like it or not! ..::Pauses yet again, and stares at the crowd!::.. Triple H... I don't care if you bring out your little DX buddies, or your filthy, dirty, most disgusting, skanky, brutal, bottle feeding, trash bag ho Stephanie McMahon, even though you two are split up!... But, you have to realize, the fact of the matter is... Y2J, Chris Jericho is going to RAW, in a Hell in the Cell match against the biggest JERKY of them all, Triple H, for the World Wrestling Federation Undisputed Championship... And is going to walk out of the arean victorious, and once again... UNBEATABLE! And now that the Y2J problem is here, and since that problem is going to win the Championship... This company, from the front office idiots to all the amateurs in the dressing room to everybody watching tonight, will never eh eh eeever be the same, a-gain!

..::|[Y2J then drops the microphone, and heads toward the back... As the camera fades, and Scene 2 comes to an end ]|::..


..::|[ SCENE 3]|::..

..::|[Scene re-opens in the corridor... Michael Cole is standing along side the Living Legend waiting for an interview... Cole stands nervously, and looks ready to be dissed by Y2J. (Like always!)Jericho is already giving Cole a hard time, laughing and mocking him, but Cole is desperatly trying to ignore him, and to no prevail, the start of the interview is pushed back... Cole then looks at Jericho, and asks him to PLEASE act serious, and Y2J does so, but still, he laughs behind his back... Suddenly, Y2J walks off the scene, and comes back with another microphone, and tries to act as if he's Cole... (Funny things DO happen behind the scenes!)A total of 5 seconds before the interview, and there stand Jericho still mocking Cole, but, like Jericho usually does, he stops on command... The interview then takes place with Cole leading... ]|::..

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. Y2J, you're aware about the match you're having at RAW, right?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Mitchell... Why did I go out to the ring for?

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. Oh, right... But, how do you feel about this match...

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Well Cole... I feel fine... I mean, I've been in these situations before... It's not like, I'm going to choke, or something...

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. What was your reaction like when you heard that MaVen was quitting, and that then, you were placed in the title match?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Thats almost a good question... Whos been teaching you?...

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. Well... N...

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Umm... I wasn't finished there... Well, my reaction... It wasn't a shock to me... Like I said like, a minute ago... I've been in these situations...

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. Chris...

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. You will refer to me as Mr. Legend!

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. Yeah, okay... Mr. Legend... If you were to have to fight Hogan today, right now... Would you have any 'pre-game' practices?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Why does that matter?... I mean... Who cares... I do what I do... And thats all that matters!

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. Just asking...

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Yes, you do, do that a lot...

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. It's my job!

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Yeah, yeah! I've got time for one more question... I want to get out of this dump!

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. Okay, Mr. Legend... What do you think about the whole match being in a Hell in a Cell?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Well, I haven't really fought in one of these things in a while... All I know right now, is to stay away from that side... And well... I'm okay... And then, in about a matter of minutes... *DING DING DING* Winner, and new World Wrestling Federation Undisputed Champion, the Larger than Life, Living Legend... Y2J! CHRIS JERICHO!... Now... Are we finished?

..:|| /'The Frosty One' Michael Cole \ ||:.. Yes Chri... Er.. Mr. Jericho... That'll be all...

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Okay... Well see ya Mitch!

..::|[ Y2J then walks off, leaving Cole to stand there... The camera then fades, as then, scene 3 comes to an end! ]|::..

..::|[SCENE 4]|::..

..::|[ Scene is taking place outside of Jericho's limo, which has already left the arena... Jericho is watching his portable TV, and then hears a siren noise... Jericho ignores it, but the siren keeps going... He then switches his TV off, and then press's the down button on the ceiling of the vehicle, which beings down the Limo window. (the one which seperates the driver from the passenger.)He then asks the driver what the siren noise is... He then replied by telling him that they had been pulled over... Jericho makes a large sigh, and sits back in his seat disapointed... Moments later the limo stops, and so does the sirens... A car door is then heard being shut... About a minute later a police officer goes to the front seat where the driver is sitting... ]|::..

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Licenses and registration please...

..:|| /'The Limo Driver' Driver Guy \ ||:.. Officer, I assure you I wasn't doing anything wrong...

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Uhh, sir... You were going at least 30 MPH over the speed limit...

..:|| /'The Limo Driver' Driver Guy \ ||:.. ..::He sighs, and then hands him both his license and registration::.. Officer, please, make this fast... I need to get Mr. Jer...

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Sir, I don't care who you have to take... And since you told me to hurry up... I'm going to take as much time as I possibly can... ..::Pauses::.. And oh yes... May I see who is in the backseat?

..::|[ Almost seconds after the officer last statement, Y2J stepped out of the vehicle... And then began to talk to the officer... ]|::..

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. ..::Looks down at name-tage::.. Okay 'Joe Boyd.' We're sort of in a hurry right now... So could you PLEASE hurry it up?

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Who are you to say these things to me...

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Are you asking me who I am?

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Ummm... Yeah, is that a problem?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Joe... How could you NOT know me? I'm a Larger Than Life, Living Legend!

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. If you're such a big legend... Then how come I don't know you?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Because Joe... You have aboslutly no freakin' life!... ..::Pauses::.. But, in case you're an imbosel... I'm a wrestler in the WWF...

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Oh! The WWF? Yeah, doesn't people like Stone Cold, and HHH wrestle there?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Whoa whoa whoa! You know them... But not ME!?

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. No... Who are you!?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. I'm Y2J... Chris Jericho!

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Whats a Y2J?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. ..::Sigh::.. You're an idiot! But... Hey... You're a cop... I have to have SOME respect for you!... And so I'll explain who I am... And etc, etc...

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Uhh, okay...

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. I'm the Larger than Life Living Legend... I'm the next undisputed champion... ..::Pauses::.. I'm the one about to face HHH for that title in a Hell in a Cell... AND... Well... Jerky, I'm just... Well... LARGER THAN LIFE-AH!

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. You said that already...

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Whatever... Just watch WWF on Monday to see me wrestle against HHH... I'm getting tired of talking to you, now may we PLEASE leave?...

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Yes... Now you may... But... Your driver is due in court by May the 24... Well... See ya on TV... Y2J...? Good luck in your match...

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Thanks...

..::|[ Jericho then gets back into the limo as the officer gives the driver a ticket... And then the officer walks to the back seat and knocks on the window... ]|::..

..:|| /'The Police Guy' Joe Boyd \ ||:.. Mr... Jericho?... May I have an autograph?

..:|| /'Larger Than Life Living Legend' Chris Jericho \ ||:.. Uhh... Mr. Boyd... WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP?! And leave us in peace so we can get along here!?

..::|[ The scene then begins to fade as the limo storms off! Leaving the officer heading back to his car, feeling almost stupid! ]|::..