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Captain Morgan's Page

The page is under much construction...yada yada blah blah. It'll be up very soon
Registered Name:Call A Black
Name I Gave Him:Captain Morgan
Nicknames:Busta Cap, El Capitan, Captain Asshole, Nephew, Ball-Buster, The Best Dressage horse that was at River Ridge, etc. :)
Birthday/Age:April 4th 1986. That would make him 18. He is a year and 5 days older than me. Bastard.
Discipline:Dressage. We are both starting our Junior/Young Rider career this...spring? I think. Wahoo. Go Training Level. Semi-Retired for now.
Likes:Fooooood!!, Whips(S&M pony...muhuhahaha), Powerade, Throwing the brush box across the aisle (he did that once, he found it to be hilarious), Throwing anything for that matter, Being a jackass in front of the camera, My Farrier, He Lurves me, Snow, Screaming hello to him (he'll scream back), Drinking alcohol...preferably Captain Morgan, Playing, Rearing, Beating up Thor, Beating up any horse, Playing in the mud/snow, Little Grace (the little whore), Rambos, Being Cute, Being raped by Little Lauren, Listening to Punk music (really. He calms down.) His new home....He's in love with it actually.
Dislikes:Being yelled at or hit, His mane being pulled near his poll, Mints, Wet polos, Being ridden while it's snowing, Crappy music (he'll get irritated and try to kiiilll yyyooouuu), Sneezes that he doesn't suspect, When his friends leave, umm...dunno what else. He hates Patricia and Nancy with a passion.

Captain has recently been moved to the Catskills from my trainers barn. He is now living with an old friend Memphis who used to be at River Ridge also. They are now living in what everyone likes to call Horsey Heaven...because honestly it is. It's my good friend's friends place, if that made sense. This is where Captain will live out the rest of his years unless my friend Lauren buys her own barn. I'm sad that I don't get to see him as often as I'd like, but when I get to, Captain is always there to greet me. Atleast he didn't forget who I am. He'll follow me around the pasture, play games, and the next time I go up there, I get to ride him. I'll get pics of that up too. Until then, you get to look at these...have fun.
Still not shedded out fully : /

The white stuff all over him is a cream for his scabs since Memphis is a very playful character. They both like to nibble on each other as fun.

Stud muffin!! He gained SO much weight and SOOO much muscle. In my opinion, he looks amazing.

HaHa!! I have all of the hay! Screw you Memphis – in the words of my horse. Yes I gave half to Memph so he would gain some damn weight. Memphis is also an ex racer (Thoroughbred). He is 26.

After taking all these pictures Memphis started to fall asleep.
