With The Worlds Dangerous Man on a roll, first beating Brock Lesnar and Tank Abbot in a dark match but then again last week, beating the Olympic Gold Medalist almost impressively it's becoming quite clear that Ken Shamrock has that extra motivation and has shaken off whatever ring rust Shamrock experienced while he was away from the wrestling ring. This week, The People's Champion, The Rock will be set to take on Ken Shamrock in a one on one, submission match which should be fun to see since The Rock is not known to be a submission type wrestler. At the Wachovia Arena in Wilkes - Barre, Pennsylvania, two men who are trying to climb all the way to the top will be on a wrestle clinic; The question is, who will be victorious? Stay tuned ...

As the scene fades up, there are many people around running back and forth, moving around furniture and other things as it looks like we are on a set as the director is shouting out orders for what each person is going to do. The director is getting impatient and frustrated with how slow things seem to be going as he stands up, throwing up his hands in disgust.

Director: Oh come on people, can we PLEASE move alittle bit faster, huh?! We are burning daylight here, we are not here to screw around, we are here to ACT and get this thing right! We need to show we care alittle bit, I know it's alot to ask for some of you but let's at least TRY to act like we care about getting this movie off the freaking ground! And ...

The movie director is looking around as if he is searching for someone that isn't there that's suppose to be there. Now the movie director seems to be at wits end.

Director: WHERE THE HELL IS THE STAR OF THE MOVIE?! Damn it, Ken Shamrock told me he would be here HOURS ago! This is what I get for putting in my hard work into school and trusting those World Incorporated Wrestling goofballs for trying to sell me this Ken Shamrock character is actually talented ... Does talent show up late for work? NO!! If I was him, I'd ...

For some funny reason, the director stops, perhaps sensing someone behind him that might be a threat to him. The movie director turns around, jumps a bit as he is taken aback by whoever it is that he is looking at. As the camera pans around to show you who it is, it's Ken Shamrock dressed in his street clothes not looking all that happy with the director making those rude comments towards Ken Shamrock, pretty much throwing his name in the mud. Being as nervous as the movie director can be, he has a nervous smile on his face pretending that he never said a thing about Shamrock.

Director: Well there you are, there's the star of the show! I've been so anxious to see you.

' ufc hall of famer ' Ken Shamrock: SAVE IT! You think I came all this way to get pissed on?! I'm not here for YOU nor anyone else, I'm here to see just what got The Rock so excited about acting. That's all it is, I think in my own opinion this acting crap is all a joke and just shows how fake people are. Kind of like the entire WIW lockerroom ... They are filled with those type of people; They act like your friend but as soon as they use you, they cut you loose!

Director: Look, I'm just stressed out, nothing more, nothing less. It's just I've had long days and sleepless nights and it's starting to get to me.

' ufc hall of famer ' Ken Shamrock: Oh really? Tell someone that GIVES A DAMN! I'm not here to babysit you or listen to your problems. You, The Rock and everyone else can just STICK IT! This hollywood stuff is JUNK and I wouldn't be caught alive doing a movie with a bunch of people that could careless about the people around them and more about if a hair on their head is combed the right way. It's ridicilous if I'm honest with you and I see why The Rock went into Hollywood and started his acting career. He is just as FAKE as these people are!

Director: Come on, The Rock is a good actor and still learning the ropes. He is a real pleasure to work with, I've seen some of his work and I like it.

There is brief silence as Ken Shamrock looks over at the movie director like he is out of his mind, not agreeing with anything he just told Shamrock.

' ufc hall of famer ' Ken Shamrock: Which movie are you talking about? The Scorpion King? Or Walking Tall? They BOTH sucked and he sucks even worse because he needed all kinds of people to hide behind his CRAPPY acting! I don't know what pisses me off more; The fact that he THINKS he is a good actor OR that he thinks he has even an OUNCE of wrestling ability in that puny body of his! I guess it all goes hand in hand because Dwayne Johnson will never be as good a wrestler like his father and as hard as The Rock tries, The Rock will always come in second best to every hall of fame wrestler he'll ever come across. What has The Rock done that makes him an accomplished wrestler? Being apart of the Rock N' Sock connection? Or kissing Vince McMahon's ASS for so long? I guess it all evens out because The Rock KNOWS how it feels to be in the anklelock, tapping .. And SCREAMING FOR HIS LIFE! And I swear to GOD that I will have him tapping again!

Director: Look, I know you don't think much of Hollywood and you would rather be training and getting prepared for your match with The Rock but can you at least do a few scenes before you go? You are afterall the star in this role.

Shamrock stays there quiet for a moment, thinking it over. He then turns back to the director, giving the director his offical answer.

' ufc hall of famer ' Ken Shamrock: FINE but this is the only time I will do anything that involves Hollywood. What does my character have to do or say?

Director: You just have to be in a few fight scenes, we'll hire a stunt double to do the talking parts.

' ufc hall of famer ' Ken Shamrock: Let's just get this thing over with, I have more important things to do.

Ken Shamrock goes on the set next to another guy that is in his leather jacket dressed like a gang member. He looks at Ken Shamrock and chuckles.

' ufc hall of famer ' Ken Shamrock: What's your problem?

playing the gang member: Nothing, you don't look like much of an actor that's all.

That might of just done it as Ken Shamrock looks like he is about to kill the guy right then and there but Shamrock thinks better of it or does he? The director is getting everyone settled and ready for their parts as he starts calling things out.

Director: Ok Ken, I just need you to take a fall from the guy with a punch, get up and punch him once close to his face, making it look real. Got it everyone?

Everyone said yes in agreement, even Ken Shamrock as disinterested as he may seem in doing this. Shamrock and the guy playing the gangmember go to their places as the director gets them ready to roll.

Director: Ok ... Lights - Camera - ACTION!

The guy walks up to Ken Shamrock as they go into their roles.

playing the gang member: Yo, where you think you're goin'?

' ufc hall of famer ' Ken Shamrock: I'll walk wherever I want to walk and if you don't step aside I'll break your anklein HALF!

playing the gang member: You didn't pay my cousin for all the drugs you told us you were going to pay us back and I'm here to collect the money one way or another!

Shamrock raises his eyebrow, taking that as a challenge.

' ufc hall of famer ' Ken Shamrock: I'd like to see you try. There have been many people that have crossed my path that thought they could take me down. Tank Abbot, Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle who were my latest victoms of the anklelock and at Meltdown, The People's CHUMP will be screaming louder than a two dollar street hooker! You see, people thought they were going to get a quiet, nice Ken Shamrock that was going to follow the rules and basically be a good boy but that's not what is going to happen. What's going to happen on Meltdown, my first debut on Meltdown Television and out of those stupid dark matches, I'll be in the publics eye where they will see me destroy The Rock single handedly. You, if you don't get out of my way will be my next victom!

Everything gets quiet for a moment as no one knows what Ken Shamrock is doing as it's not in the script they read. Then the guy decides to continue his talking part.

playing the gang member: Listen you son of a bitch, I mean it, your money or your life!

He takes out a fake gun and sticks it at Ken Shamrock, who is getting a very intense look on his face.

playing the gang member: You don't think I'm playing now, DO YOU?!

Ken Shamrock grabs the fake gun, snatching it out of his hand as then Shamrock grabs the guy by the throat, tossing him down on the floor, which is the stage set. The guy is struggling to get up as Shamrock gives him a shift kick to the gut and then applies the anklelock on the guy, screaming in pain. After he passes out from the pain, Shamrock goes down to his knees, shouting at the guy.

' ufc hall of famer ' Ken Shamrock: I don't care who you think you are but I told your boss I didn't like Hollywood and normally I get a sense of appreciation for things but this time, It just makes me hate Hollywood even more! It just goes to show how fake and make believe guys like The Rock are. It wasn't too long ago the man stood in a wrestling ring and started saying how much this is his life and how much he loves the fans like he is the pope. He's not the pope, he's not even a decent human being ... HE IS A PIECE OF TRASH! I'll BREAK you apart and when there is NOTHING left of you after Meltdown is over with, tell your Hollywood buddies how you got your ass humilated by a guy that supposedly doesn't know how to "wrestle" like you. Rock, I'm coming for you on Meltdown!

Shamrock gets back up with a big evil grin on his face. Everyone is looking at Ken Shamrock like they are scared to move or they just all collectively wet themselves. The scene fades out going to a commercial break.