4/5/13- Today I spent hours watching old EWA shows. I focused mainly on The Oneonta years, more specifically, I watched Adam Rider wrestle. Adam Rider was known as Max Delirium, General Incoherance, or the short lived Madd E. Rational in the EWA world. Sadly, I have the unfortunate task of writing about the first EWA Death in real life. Adam passed away 1 week ago today on 3/28/13. I am planning the first EWA show since 2010 in tribute to Adam. RIP my friend.

8/9/08 Today we had EWA 117-The flying by the seat of our pants show. It was supposed to be WMX and face vs. X-Loco and Hack because of what they did to WMX at the last show by causing that No-Contest. However Hack decided not to show up. Instead, the suits set up 3 qualifying matches, and the winners will join WMX in a 4 way dance. Jevon comes out of nowhere to announce that he is in town and moving to Florida in a few weeks, so he will be the special guest Ref. X-Loco, Face and The Ninja will all be facing mystery opponents. The first match was The Ninja vs. Mr. Splooge. Before they even fight, they play with a basketball, a football, and baseballs. These two idiots fooled around until the end when Ninja gave Splooge the weakest suplex ever and they both stayed down for a 10 count, thus causing a draw. The second match was X-Loco vs. Mr. Execution. X-Loco started the match by manhandling Mr. EX. X-Loco was in control until Mr. Ex got him with some low blows. In the end we saw, X-Loco pin Ex after a twisting sidewalk slam of sorts. The third match was Psycohol vs. Face. After a dropkick, getting his head sliced open, and some weapons, Face passed out allowing Psycohol the easy win. The Main event saw a drunken Jevon as ref. It was WMX vs. Psycohol vs. X-Loco in a 3 way Dance. The match started when X-Loco cut WMX's head open with a hub cap. As WMX was taking care of his head, X-Loco and Psycohol went back and forth. WMX tags himself in and goes back and forth with X-Loco. Natas joins the show in color commentary. WMX Powerbombs and Gorilla Press Slams Psycohol onto X-Loco. The end saw The reformation of the DOE to cause a no contest. (Revenge for what happened at the last show.)After the show the DOE are at Rockefeller Lookout, NJ looking at the Manhattan Skyline. They discuss why they reformed the DOE. It was because of the bragging the New Reich was doing. It was supposed to be DOE vs. New Reich, but Hack didn't show up, so thats why the suits and DOE had to plan a new angle to get revenge on X-Loco.

7/13/08 Today we had EWA 116-Forced Interaction. The shows starts with Face driving WMX's Mustang into the EWA Arena, and getting out of the car and walking out the back of the yard. Then back to the Pony Car, the engine turns on and WMX's music plays, and WMX gets out of the passenger side. WMX then talks about not having a show in NY since the ten year anniversary show, and then brags about beating Ground Zero in Florida after a Blitzkrieg onto thumbtacks. WMX then talks about sleeping with the EWA World title show no one steals it again. Since there hasn't been a show in a while, WMX just forgot to bring it. WMX then talks about being at home talking to his many chicks that won't give it up, except a 19 year old a few months ago. He asks if that is bad, and then says 17 is legal. Anyways The suits are saying X-Loco, Hack, Face, and The Ninja all want a title shot. The suits set up a 4 man tourney: Loco vs Ninja, and Hack vs Face. The 2 winners then join WMX for a 3 man dance (3rd man needs to be tagged in.)We get to the first match, X-Loco vs. The Ninja. Ninja starts off by trying 3 shoulder blocks to X-Loco, but falling on his ass for all 3 of them. Ninja goes for a 4th, but gets hit with a big boot. After some X-Loco offense, Ninja tries the Merry Go Round, but gets hit with a headbutt. The end saw, X-Loco pin the Ninja following his Mantis Palm. The second match was Hack McNasty vs. Face. The match starts out with a test of strength which Hack wins after a stomp to the hands. Hack hit Face with a nice DDT and killer Suplex. Face delivered a Tuck Piledriver, and after Hack failed hurting Face with 2 headbutts, Face returned with one of his own. The end saw, WMX come out and deliver a running boot to Hack and then X-Loco came out and gave Face a splash as he was pinning Hack, which allowed Hack to pin Face for the 1,2,3. The Main Event saw WMX vs. Hack vs. X-Loco in a 3 way dance. The match starts out with all 3 men tagging the third man out until Hack and X-Loco double team WMX. WMX did hit Hack with a nice bodyslam. Later on after a bunch of brawling with both men against WMX, Hack hit him with a DDT. The end saw, Both men give WMX a double Suplex, and then beat him up until they walked away causing a no contest. After the match, X-Loco beat WMX up with his own baseball bat. He pinned WMX just to embarrass him, and Hack then announced the no Contest. We then saw a drunken Drixon ramble on about coming out of retirement.

5/8/08 Today we had EWA 115- Wrestlecraze 2008-The Florida Invasion Tour. On 5/5/08 WMX is in The Florida Keys on Holiday Isle, talking about his 29th B-Day in three days. What a better way to celebrate his 29th B-Day than to defend his 10 time EWA Title status against anyone in the state of Florida. WMX says that we all know who lives in Florida, so lets see if he shows up. WMX opens the show and says that he threw a hint at a certain former EWA Superstar, so lets see if he shows up. It was almost ten years ago that that man beat WMX for his first and only EWA World title at the original Wrestlecraze. Rumor has it that man has heard the challenge, so lets see if he has the guts to show up. We all know that GROUND ZERO has the guts, and its been eight long years since they met, but the result will be the same it will be WMX over GZ. The only match of the card was Ground Zero vs Wolfman X. GZ comes out first, then WMX comes out and shows off his new red lettered Wolfman X hat made for this Florida Invasion Tour. They lock up three times, the first two, GZ pushes WMX back, but the third WMX pushes GZ down. They lock up a fourth time, and GZ twists WMX's arm. This was one of the most technical matches, well fought matches in a very long time. There were alot of reversals, and even a few sledgehammer shots, but in the end it was WMX beating GZ after a chokeslam and Blitzkrieg onto a bed of thumb tacks. After the match this 6'5" monster named JP clothslined GZ, and had a staredown with WMX.

2/7/08 Today we had EWA 114-The Ten Year Anniversary Show. We had a Preshow interview with WMX and Drakon in Drakon's garage. WMX asked Drakon what was his favorite EWA moment. Drakon said when he won the belt. WMX asked Drakon what his favorite match was. Drakon said his match against Marvelous Jevon Hill. WMX then talks about Drakon's Submission match against Ground Zero. WMX then picked on Drakon for the time in 1998 where his voice cracked and Drakon sounded like a little girl as he said Ground Zero. WMX was about to ask Drakon what his funniest moment was, and before he even got it all out, Drakon said, "African American Jokes", or how others like to put it, "Nigger Jokes." WMX then complained how he can't show this interview now. WMX opens the show at the EWA Trailer. WMX started off by talking about how the EWA started off at this very spot ten years ago with WMX, Natas and Chainz (Drakon). WMX then introduces X-Loco. WMX challenges X-Loco to a Towel Match. X-Loco laughed, but WMX reminds the World how he took Natas's career during a towel match. WMX then introduces the boombox that has been with the EWA almost the entire duration. However, Shortcake's music played and WMX went crazy and destroyed the boombox. Hack McNasty comes out and tells WMX that the suits set up a Triangle match, Gorebelly vs. Hack vs. WMX. If Hack pins Gorebelly, he gets an IC Title shot, but if Hack pins WMX he gets WMX's World title shot. WMX goes irate and swears about the suits. All of a sudden, the show moves to the EWA Arena. WMX starts to explain all of shit going wrong. First he shut the car door on the wire of the boombox, breaking off the prong. Then the opening did not tape, so they had to do it over again. Then since the boombox did not work, they had to play the music out of the car, but some cock sucker played Shortcakes' music to piss WMX off. The reason why the show was moved to the EWA Arena was because the electricity at the Trailer was not working, and the battery on the camera decided to die. WMX asked, "What the fuck else can go wrong today?" Then we cut to the Extreme Screen. We see WMX and Cool Jen, and WMX has a box that says 2/7/08 10 year wardrobe. WMX puts his sunglasses, leather gloves, Yankees hat, and Leather Jacket into the box. WMX then mentions it was the exact jacket that Shortcakes bought on their Honeymoon. He then jokes how this jacket lasted longer than his marriage did. He places the box into his dad's car. We then see a mystery hand steal the box. Then all of the wardrobe is displayed on the picnic table. We cut back to the Arena and WMX asks who the Hell was stalking him. Back on the Extreme Screen we see Psycohol come out and he explained that this was taped after his last show "a few months ago". He then puts the wardrobe on the ground and PISSES on it all, and puts it back in the box and then the box back in the car. Back at the Arena, WMX freaks out and tears his wardrobe off himself. X-Loco is laughing his ass off at WMX. The first match was Suicide vs Ninja. They begin being two funny ass retards, then both mock things that WMX has done. Ninja then becomes a little serious and knees Suicide, hits him with a garbage lid and drops it on his wrist. He then pins Suicide for the pin. The second match was Hack vs WMX vs Gorebelly. The match started off as a 3 way brawl. WMX then reminded GB that Hack is trying to steal their title shots. GB then went after Hack. WMX left to get Face, and Face attacked both men. WMX comes out and gives GB the Final Solution and Boot From Hell for the win. He then said he paid Face another dollar. The third match was Gorebelly vs. Face for the IC belt. They went back and forth until Face gave GB the flying headbutt. As he was going for the pin, Hack came out and hit Face with a Kendo Stick. GB then rolled Face up for the win and the IC title. The fourth match was Face vs. Hack. Hack started the match with an onslaught. Face came back with a Tuck Piledriver and Neck hang. Hack beat Face with the Irish Hammer Slam. Before the fifth match, WMX and X-Loco announce their towel holders. X-Loco picked Hack, and WMX picked Notorious Jevon Hill. The match was back and forth. X-Loco hit a few Belly to Belly Suplexes. WMX hit an awesome Kamizazi DDT. Disruptor interferes and attacks both men. He gives us a DDT and Stunner at the same time. Later, WMX has Jevon punch X-Loco, but then Hack comes out and hits Jevon and WMX with the World Title. The match ends with WMX giving X-Loco a big splash off the steps of the tower. X-Loco was bleeding from the mouth and pulsating, thus making Hack throw in the towel. WMX becomes the EWA World Champion for the 10th time at the 10 year Anniversary Show. After the show WMX and Natas sat down for an interview. WMX says that the suits gave them a dozen topics to discuss. Before they got to those subjects, WMX and Natas talked about the origin of the EWA. There was the Senior project in the NWF with WMX as The Mighty Sledgehammer vs. Psycohol as The Psycho Icedog. Also there were those Rumbles in the backyard, where the federation was called NWO? NWA? NWF? Anyway, After Natas saw the NFW match he wanted to take it a step further and develop a league with story lines. On the corner of Silver Street and Rexford street, WMX came up with the name EWA. Natas then came up with the first match Natas vs. WMX vs. Chainz (Drakon). Natas became the first ever EWA Champion and Ground Zero and Marvelous Jevon Hill joined us at the next show.

1. Greatest EWA moment- WMX-Winning the belt for the first time at EWA 8. Natas-coming back at EWA 95 and winning the belt and the promos following that at EWA 96.

2. Greatest match against Psycohol- Natas- 3 fall Tree Match at McDonald's Park. WMX- 5 fall Kijou Match

3. Greatest match against Ground Zero- WMX- The match where he chokeslammed GZ through a flaming table. Natas- Easy to say the one where Natas won, but the one where GZ won after the Tombstone in the creek.

4. Best match against each other- Both- Burnt Alive match

5. Funniest EWA moment- Natas- Unmasking of The Ninja. WMX- New Breed mocking the three faces of Tyrone.

6. Greatest match that did not involve Natas or WMX- Both- Ground Zero vs Bumpkin at Day of Destruction.

7. Greatest match ever- Both Natas vs WMX Burnt Alive

8. Greatest Show- WMX- Day of Destruction EWA 8. Natas- Twin Towers Tribute Show

9. Best Feud- Both- WMX vs Natas

10. Favorite Accomplishment WMX- No one has a winning record against. Natas- Being first ever EWA Champion

11. Favorite in-match spot. WMX-Tie Suplex off the roof to Psycohol, and Powerbomb to Max off Trailer roof. Natas- WMX Powerbomb Nats off table into box in 1999.

12. Legacy- Natas- People pay attention when he is on the video. WMX- The EWA has ran for 10 years, while all of the other federations have folded.

1/13/08 Today we had EWA 113- On 1/13. Psycohol opens the show at the EWA Arena. Psycohol starts talking about how this is his last show before he goes back to Hawaii. He says that if no one beats him, then the belt is going back to Hawaii with him. We will then have to find another belt because he destoyed the former EWA belt. WMX's music hits. He explains the probability of the show's number being the same as the date would be 1/366 X 1/366 = 1/133,956. WMX calls X-Loco out. WMX explains now that Natas is gone and retired, the suits are back. They order WMX and X-Loco to have a 3 fall non-wrestling contest. The winner gets a title shot, the loser has to wrestle a mystery opponent. WMX talks about how every time there is a mystery opponent it is a jobber letdown. He tells X-Loco not to expect, Ground Zero, Jevon, or even Drakon, but to expect Suicide. WMX gets to pick 1 competition, X-Loco picks one, and Psycohol picks the third. WMX then announces he automatically gets a title shot at the Ten Year Anniversary show, because he is a ten year legend, he is the Gold Standard. If he is the champ before that show, he gets to pick his opponent for that main event. WMX then says time for a history lesson. 2005-he told the world he would spread his seed, and he created his Monster (Austin). 2006-he told the world that he would go to Florida and beat up three legends, which he did, Ground Zero, Jevon, and Natas. 2007-WMX told the world he would go to Canada and get Psycohol and bring him back to the EWA. 2008-WMX guarantees he will win and hold the EWA World title for the 10th time in 2008. Also, WMX promises to find his next X-Wife in 2008. WMX announced that he paid Face that dollar to lat down to the Priest, because Kamilian was always bragging about never losing a multi-man match. Kamilian refused to fight X-Loco one on one. After Kamilian's loss and before he was fired by Natas, he said my whole career is ruined, I am never wrestling in the EWA again. Kamilian deleted WMX and the EWA from his Myspace. WMX beat X-Loco in the device competition. Round 1- X-Loco 30 WMX-30, Round 2- X-Loco 12 WMX 14 The first match was Gorebelly vs. (Normal) Mr. Splooge. Splooge became retarded again after his Kamikazi Headbutt from EWA 112. Gorebelly dominated this match. Gorebelly won with a tombstone making them a career 1-1. The second match was Gorebelly vs. Psycohol for the EWA World Title. Gorebelly actually dominated the match, but Psycohol won after a corkscrew plancha. X-Loco beat WMX in a drinking contest. The third match was Face vs. Mr Ex for the IC Belt. Face and Mr. Execution were copying old WWF guys like Rick Rude, Macho Man, Million Dollar Man...Face won the match and the EWA IC Belt after giving Ex his own move the flipping neckbreaker. X-Loco beat WMX in a running race, after Psycohol tripped WMX. The fourth match was WMX vs the mystery opponent Putty Man. WMX took Putty's hat first thing, and gave Putty a boot from Hell, a chokeslam, a choke Bomb, and a Blitzkrieg. The fifth match was X-Loco vs Psycohol in 2 outta 3 falls. X-Loco won the first fall after he ducked a clothesline and gave Psycohol a Superkick. The second fall saw a lot of Psycohol offense like a Frogsplash, handspring splash, tornado DDT countered into a bodyslam by X-Loco. Psyohol won the second fall after a flip off the steps. X-Loco won the final after WMX interfered with Six Feet Under, Death Valley Driver, and an X-4. He then Bulldogged X-Loco onto Psycohol, but Psycohol kicked out. Psycohol tried to give X-Loco a Frankensteiner, but X-Loco caught him and gave him a Sit Down Powerbomb for the pin and win of the EWA World Title.

12/30/07 Today we had EWA 112- Legends. Natas and Drakon open the show. Natas announces that his son was born two weeks ago, and that at the end of this show he is retiring from his commissionership to spend time with his baby. Natas calls Psycohol out. Natas orders Psycohol to fight a former world champion. WMX comes out happy that Natas will no longer be champion, that means that Natas can no longer fuck WMX out of his 10th EWA World Title. WMX then complains about his 30 minute ironman match draw. He then gets a phone call about a package in his mailbox. It is a cd, and he is instructed to play it. We hear new music and then The Disruptor comes back to the EWA. He says that he is going to name the "cock sucker that ran him down. The first match was Mr. Splooge vs. Gorebelly. Mr. Splooge is still good from his Tokyo training, and does alot of karate on GB. These guys actually change offensive moves, and Mr. Splooge wins with his kamikazi bomb. WMX then comes out with Drixon to beat up on GB for losing. Ninja then runs out to get clobbered by GB for the loss of the second match. Since it was under 30 seconds, GB gets an IC title shot. Disruptor is out with 4 suspects: Mr. Ex, WMX, Priest, and Gorebelly. It was not WMX, Priest, GB. It was Mr. Execution and Disruptor kicks his ass. The third match was Gorebelly vs Mr. Execution for the IC belt. Since Ex was hurt, GB took the early advantage. From the back, WMX tells ex some jokes to piss him off. From there, Ex destroys GB and pins him after his flipping neckbreaker. After the match, Ex thanks Natas for coming back to the EWA. Natas gives Ex a superkick. Drakon then comes out and starts kicking Mr. Ex. The fourth match was Face vs The Kamilian vs The Priest. This match sucked but for the fact that WMX came out and Blitzkrieged Kamilian to Hell. Face comes back out with a dollar and lays down. Priest pins him for the win. Since this was The Kamilian's first "multi-man match" loss he threw a tantrum off camera and left the show. The fifth match was X-Loco vs Psycohol for the EWA world title. X-Loco dominated this match. During the middle, Natas and Drakon played a prank and stole the EWA World Title and ran away with it. They were chasing each other, reminisant of their old 1998 pranks. Near the end X-Loco gives Psycohol the Mantis Palm, but Psyco kicks out. Psycohol gives X-Loco a Tornado DDT, and then goes for the moonsault off the table. However, WMX runs in and catches Psycohol in mid-air and gives him a powerslam. He then gives X-Loco a big splash to cause a no contest as a result of a double 10 count. After the match WMX sets up a "Trademark Infringment" match against Psycohol. Each man has to pick the move set of a former or current EWA Superstar and can only do their moves. If either man does their own trademark moves, they automatically lose the match. The sixth match is WMX vs Psycohol. WMX comes out to Face's music. Psycohol comes out to Mr. Execution's music. WMX starts with the neck hang, and Psycohol hits a DDT and The Shake, Rattle, and Roll. WMX hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. He then went for a Face headbutt, but hurt his own face. Later, WMX hit Face's Flying Headbutt, but Psyco kicked out. Psycohol, then went for a Handspring Clothesline, but WMX hit a big boot, and pinned Psycohol, for what he thought was his 10th EWA World Title. Natas then came out and banned the Kamilian for life from the EWA, and ruled the previous match a draw because both men did their own moves. The seventh match was WMX vs. Super Splooge. Splooge being super dominated the match. Splooge even ripped WMX's jeans apart. In the middle of the match, WMX did gain control and gave Splooge a Gorilla Press into a big kick into the stomach. Splooge reversed WMX's Electric Chair drop attempt to a Victory Roll. Splooge went for another, but WMX reversed it into a pin. After the match, Splooge placed a bunch of weapons onto WMX and went for the Kamikazi Bomb Headbutt, but hurt himself in the process. The eighth match was Psycohol vs Natas. Before the match Natas calls out Drakon and Drixon, since they were both former world champions that have not wrestled in awhile. The match went back and forth like usual Psycohol/Natas matches. The end saw Natas hit Psycohol with a somersault clothesline, a stunner and then Natas and Drakon arranged with weapons for Psycohol to be catapalted into a chair and then pinned.

12/22/07 Today we had EWA 111- The 16th show of the year. WMX opens the show with the Gold's gym EWA title. Psycohol comes out, and WMX shows on the Extreme Screen the happenings. WMX was looking for Psycohol in Niagara Falls, because "word has it that Psycohol is in Canada to visit his mother. The camera man kept taping the falls instead of WMX, thus pissing WMX off. WMX is also pissed off that Psycohol is 5 hours away from the EWA arena, but can't even set foot in our country. WMX says that he plans on finding Psycohol at the CN Tower in Toronto and will put him in his trunk and bring him back to the EWA. If Psycohol is not in Toronto, WMX will go to New Castle and beat Psycohol up in front of his mommy and bring him back to the states. WMX gets to the CN Tower and he is on the phone with a tower worker. WMX promises an autograph, but when he finds out that Psycohol left half an hour ago, he tells the worker he can stick that autograph up his mother fucking ass. WMX then shows Psyco's mothers house and shows Psycohol and his mom hugging. WMX then gives Psycohol the Final Solution, big boot, chokeslam, and Blitzkrieg. WMX then retrieves the Gold's gym belt and puts Psycohol into his trunk. WMX and Psycohol get caught in a 3 hour traffic jam. Back at the arena, WMX is proud of having 16 shows in a year. Psycohol is mad to be back in New York. Psycohol says Fuck Canada. WMX said he asked Natas for a title shot against X-Loco, but before he gets it, WMX has to beat a former EWA champion in the second match. WMX and Psycohol said "The DOE agree that they hate Canada",then Psycohol turns on WMX and steals the belt back. The first match was Ninja vs. (Super)Mr. Splooge. Mr. Splooge is super strong and destroys the Ninja. Splooge hits two Kamikazi bombs. Splooge hits the savate kick, and wins with the Ankle Biter. WMX comes out wondering which former world champion he will be fighting. He says there were ten not including Psykedelik. It is not Natas, because WMX took his career. It is not WMX, or Ground Zero because of winter time, Drakon is too busy with married life, Psycohol stole the belt and went back to Hawaii, Jevon is in Binghamton and on good terms, Mr Ex hit by a train and dead by now, Face is the most likely guy, Drixon is retired and DOX, and Disruptor has a broken leg. So WMX is waiting for Face. The second match was WMX vs. Mr. Execution. Mr. Ex stated that he has a three show contract. WMX starts out by a deadly DDT and a camel clutch. Mr. Ex turns the tides by hitting WMX in the balls. Mr. Ex hit the Garvin Stomp, and as he went for a piledriver, WMX reversed it into a back body drop. WMX then hit a suplex and a hiptoss. The end saw, WMX hit a Final Solution, Boot From Hell, Chokeslam, and a HUGE Blitzkrieg for the pin. The third match was set to be WMX vs. X-Loco in a 30 minute Iron man Match. X-Loco dominated the beginning with tackles and throws. X-Loco hit a nice belly to back suplex. X-Loco had WMX in a Samoan Drop position, but WMX reversed it into a DDT. WMX hit a cliffhanger and scored a pin. WMX messed up two 1979's, missed a clothesline and received a kick to the face. X-Loco scored a pin. WMX hit a double ax handle from the porch. WMX was going for a Blitzkrieg, then Psycohol came out of nowhere and gave WMX a flipping clothesline. He then gave X-Loco a scissor kick and frog splash, thus creating a no contest. The fourth match was Face vs Mr. Execution for the vacant IC belt. Face started off with a double neck hang, and a claw bomb. He then hit a tuck piledriver. After some headbutts, Face hit a blue thunder bomb. Mr Ex made a comeback with some weapon shots and a headbutt to the balls. The end saw Face miss a flying headbutt, and Ex hit a big splash. Ex hit a knee DT, and a stunner, and a flipping neckbreaker off the table for the win and the IC belt. The fifth match was Psycohol vs X-Loco for the EWA World Title. This match was to unite the two EWA belts. (The Gold's Gym that Psycohol stole and the EWA belt that X-Loco holds). The match started with a test of strength whick X-Loco was winning but Psycohol did a jumping kick to the Jimmy and then a scissor kick. He then hit a dropkick, flipping lariet and a flying cross body. X-Loco caught Psycohol after a flying crossbody and gave him six feet under and a chokeslam. The end saw Psycohol hit X-Loco with a DDT, X-Loco kick out after two moonsaults, then pin X-Loco after a moonsault off the table onto a pizza pan for the win and the EWA World Title.

11/11/07 Today we had EWA 110- Day of Destruction 2007 X-Loco and Evil Alice open the show. Evil Alice states she was "Nursing Disruptor back to health." WMX comes out and says other than the show where he had to seek revenge, even through the Revolution vs. New Reich feud, through the DOX vs. New Reich feud, WMX hasd never had a major problem with X-Loco, infact has always respected X-Loco's dedication to the EWA, but now we have a problem. "Because, you have what I want." Evil Alice says X-Loco challenges WMX to a Tower of Power match. WMX accepts the match, but wonders what it is. The first match is Ninja vs. The Priest in a debut match. The Ninja runs around and the Priest chases him and picks on the Priest for wearing a dress. Ninja misses a savate kick. The Ninja throws a punch but it gets blocked and The Priest trips and pins the Ninja. The second match is Ninja vs. Gorebelly in a best of 7 weapons match. The Ninja had a weapon under his shirt and GB punched him, thus giving the Ninja the first usage. (1-0) GB hit Ninja with a garbage lid for his first. (1-1) Gorebelly hits the Ninja with a weapon to the knee thus making it (1-2) The Ninja had a hub cap between his legs and GB kicked it to make it (1-3). Ninja gave GB a drop toe hold onto a chair to make it (2-3) Ninja had he and GB run to the last two weapons. GB caught Ninja with a knee and chokeslammed him onto the weapons to win (2-4). After the match, WMX came out and congratulated GB, but then beat him up for not beating Ninja under 30 seconds. WMX then says, "I still wanna know what the Tower of Power is." The third match is Suicide vs. Face in a TKO match. Face gets his first knock down with as Tuck Piledriver. Face gets the second with a throat throw. Face wins with a headbutt. The fourth match was WMX vs. X-Loco in a Tower of Power match. Evil Alice explains what it is. There are seven weapons that need to be used before you can grab the suspended EWA title. WMX then complains about never winning that type of match. Natas appears Live via Satellite, to pick on WMX for always losing those type of matches, and addresses Hack for not being there, thus stripping him of the IC belt. WMX then complains about Natas ruining his intro by announcing that Hack was stripped of the IC belt. X-Loco comes out for his defense. WMX used a license plate for weapon 1. X-Loco used a hubcap for weapon 2. WMX gave X-Loco a Boot from Hell into the garbage lid for weapon 3. WMX had a cookie sheet on a swing, and swung it into X-Loco for weapon 4. X-Loco gave WMX a lepdrop onto another license plate for weapon 5. X-Loco hit WMX over the head with a pizza pan for weapon 6. X-Loco gave WMX a back drop onto a chair for weapon 7. X-Loco then won the match by grabbing the belt. After the match The Priest is looking for his sword. He then complains about fighting the Ninja. Evil Alice said that she did not want him to lose his first match. The Priest challenges the Ninja again, and wonders when his first real match is.

9/23/07-Today we had EWA 109- Who did it? Before the show started, Natas appeared live via Satellite to talk about the EWA roster situation. We've got WMX, Face, Ninja, X-Loco, Gorebelly,and Suicide. Natas then added that when he returned from Florida we had more people than that. We had Drixon Webb who retired, Vince who got fired, 88 who refused to go to rehab, Keven James gone because he wanted too much money, Dr. Evil disappeared, and Disruptor, injured. Natas then said, if Hack does not show up at the next show he will be stripped of the IC belt. Face and Evil Alice was reported to have gone to Natas for a special stipulation against X-Loco. WMX opened the show by smashing a couple of speakers. WMX reported that Disruptor sent in a message to Myspace saying he was hit by a car. WMX talks about how Natas said all of the EWA roster are suspect for hitting Disruptor. WMX said how he was going to try to get Disruptor on the phone. WMX said it was not him only because he did not have a cameraman with him. WMX then talks about pissing on camera in NYC before. Face wants to fight X-Loco because of the interference from the last show. Face wants a flying headbutt match against X-Loco. WMX says how Mr. Splooge and Gorebelly have one thing in common. WMX talks about how GB went from a monster to a loser, so WMX is gonna teach him a lesson. Anyway, the one thing that GB and Splooge have in common is: they are the only two men to lose to both Ninja and Suicide. WMX challenges Gorebelly to a match. The first match is WMX vs. Gorebelly. WMX starts out by attacking GB with the baseball bat. WMX dominates this match and wins with a tapout by an arm twist. After the match, WMX tells GB if he sticks with the DOX he will be the next IC champion. In order to do that, all he has to do that is beat the Ninja in less than 30 seconds. The second match was Gorebelly vs the Ninja. Ninja started to run around to kill time and ensure that GB won't be having that IC shot. after 30 seconds expired, Ninja kicked a chair into GB's head for the pin and win!!!! After the match, WMX is boxing, talking to Drixon about Rocky and Rambo 4. Disruptor calls and WMX asks him who ran him over. WMX wants Diss to tell the world it was not him. Diss says, "He is not going to reveal who it was until he comes back and beats the living Hell out of him or her." WMX is pissed and says he wished it was him. Diss says he is done with his funny little gimmicks. Diss says that he has had steel ros put into his leg and says he will be back in a few months or more. Diss said he is not going to reveal who it was because he does not want Natas to fire them. DOX then beat up Gorebelly for losing to Ninja. The third match was X-Loco vs. Face in a flying headbutt match for the EWA world title. As usual Face tries to dominate with headbutts, while X-Loco returns with his own headbutts and shoulder tackles. In the end it was X-Loco winning the EWA world title when he got Face in the throat with a chair as he was doing a flying headbutt. Then X-Loco hit one of his own and the pin. X-LOCO is your NEW EWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!! After the match Evil Alice leaves Face for X-Loco.

8/26/07- Today we had EWA 108-What Happened? Hack McNasty opened the show. Hack challenged WMX to a finishers match to defend his IC belt. WMX comes out to accept the compliment of Hack challenging him, but declines the match because the IC belt is so "First Revolution" to him. The IC belt is eons of generations ago. Hack then informed WMX that the Commissioner said that the winner of their match would get a title match in the main event against Face. WMX accepts the match. WMX then asks, "What happened to the Disruptor's leg?" Suicide then comes out to issue an open challenge for the first ever EWA Sumo Match. The first match is Suicide vs. X-Loco in a Sumo Match. A cat keeps showing up on camera. X-Loco beat Suicide with a toss to the ground. After the match X-Loco threw Suicide outside the ring of weapons. The second match was Ninja vs. Hack McNasty in a sumo match. Ninja challenged Hack for his title shot. Hack won with a belly to belly throwdown. The third match was WMX vs. Hack McNasty in a Finisher's Match. WMX hit a big boot and went for a Blitzkrieg right away, but Hack slipped out. Hack then went for a powerslam, but WMX slipped out. WMX then hit a DDT. WMX later went for another powerbomb, but then Hack went for a back body drop, but WMX turned it into a gut wrench DDT. WMX went for the Final Solution, but Hack blocked it and gave WMX the Irish Hammer Powerslam for the win. The fourth match was Face vs. X-Loco. Face attacked X-Loco right from the beginning. The match went back and forth, Face with headbutts, and X-Loco with some clubbing blows. The end saw, Face hit X-Loco with the flying Headbutt for the pin. The Main event was Hack McNasty vs. Face in an I Quit match. Face attacked Hack in his opening by throwing a weapon at him. This match was a brawl back and forth. Hack dominated Face almost the whole match. X-Loco came out and the New Reich double teamed Face. Face won by a full nelson with added headbutts to the back of the head.

8/5/07- Today we continued EWA 107. WMX explains how the cops were called and Officer Tim "ANUS" Annesi came here in this backyard, and said that we can't wrestle in the city of Norwich any longer. WMX then explained that he called the cops and that no ordiance is in effect...so today is EWA 107 part 2. First match is Ninja vs. X-Loco in a 3 Minute Iron Man match. Ninja was sleeping on a chair and X-Loco came behind him and gave him a choke slam down the hill for his first pin. X-Loco then pinned ninja after that following a DDT. Ninja missed a savate kick. X-Loco gave Ninja a Sleeper. X-Loco got his third pin following the Mantis Pin. X-Loco then got a 4th pin. Next was Disruptor vs. Ninja in a 3 Minute Iron man match. Disruptor pinned Ninja one time and made him tap out 3 times in a row. Mid-match Ninja started to pick on Diss. Ninja claimed that they were on a beach and instead of Diss looking at the girls, he was too busy trying to find ice cream to eat. And then at McDonalds' Diss was eating french fries off other peoples' trays. Needless to say Ninja got his ass kicked following that funny rant. Diss gave Ninja a Chokeslam and then beat him with some metal for his 5th fall. At the end of the match, Ninja hit his head HARD on the picnic bench. The third match was Ninja vs WMX in a 3 minute Iron Man match. The match starts with Ninja headbutting WMX in the balls, and then slicing some skin off WMX's head following a baseball bat hit. WMX gets pin 1 following a splash. Pin two after a DDT. Pin 3 after a roll up. Pin 4 after a single arm DDT. After a final solution and a big boot WMX failed to gain the 5th Fall. The 4th match was Suicide vs. Gorebelly. In a HUGE upset he pinned Gorebelly after hitting him in the head and then his own head with medal. (This was Suicide's first win that Mr. Splooge had nothing to do with.) WMX challenged X-Loco to a Brooklyn Belt Match, where the leather belt is hanging 15ft off the ground. It is the only weapon and to win, one must use the belt to choke his opponent until his arm falls 3 times. So the match happened next. WMX and X-Loco fought back and forth trying to get the strap. WMX finally got it and used it for a Final Solution. When X-Loco got the belt, he whipped the Hell out of WMX. They went back and forth, until WMX Tied the belt around X-Loco's neck and used the steps of the 15 ft structure as leverage to choke X-Loco out for the win. After the match WMX shows his red marks from the whips to the back. The main event was Face vs. Disruptor for The EWA World Title. These men went back and forth with many near falls. WMX then comes out mid-match to seek his revenge. Disruptor is bent over in his car, and WMX ties him by the neck to the steering wheel. Face comes back out and closes the car door on Diss's head. Face wins following his flying Headbutt.

7/15/07- Today started EWA 107 "Seeking Revenge" WMX opened by saying, "Just in case you forgot who I am, let me remind you, I am the lady thrilla Jobber killa, I have the face to make your momma leave your daddy, I am Wolfman Motha Fucking X!!!!" WMX then talks about how at the last show everyone laughed when he said he'd seek revenge. He then talked about his hint of "Straight Edge Style" He then said how the buzz going around said it was Psycohol. WMX then said if Psycohol was in Norwich, no...if Psycohol was in NYS, Hell if Psycohol was in the continential 48 states he'd find and kick his ass. So no its not Psycohol. WMX then calls out X-Loco and Evil Alice. He complains how Alice choked him out with a belt and AGAIN cost him his 10th EWA World Title. WMX then says that he went to the depths of the EWA roster. He went ALL the way down to Miami Florida. "Play his Music!!!!" Notorious Jevon Hill MAKES HIS RETURN TO THE EWA ARENA!!!! WMX talks about Straight Edge Style...Straight because Jevon ain't a Homo, Edge because of the Notrious Edge, and Style because of New York Style. He and WMX then beat X-Loco with a belt. They then turned their attentions to Evil Alice. Jevon holds her while WMX makes her wait for her punishment. Jevon gives her a DDT and then they start to whip her in the ass with the belt. WMX even pulls her skirt up exposing her ass, and continue to beat her. (Off Camera Note)-The cops were called and threatened all of us because some dumb pansies called them because they saw a big white guy and a black guy beating on a girl. Back on camera WMX is on the phone with another one of Norwich's finest and he says that the other cop couldn't do anything to us. However, we were told to keep it down so that they do not get called again. WMX gets off the phone and says since when has the EWA been low? The E in EWA stands for Extreme. WMX then challenges X-Loco to a tea-drinking match.

7/8/07- Today was EWA 106 "Violence has Arrived" Natas appeared live via satellite to dedicate the show to Chris Benoit. Evil Alice and Face open the show at the EWA Arena. Alice announces the first match will be Disruptor vs. X-loco in a 2 out of three fall match. Face leaves and then WMX comes out. WMX asks Alice what did he ever do to her for her to spit blood in his face? She said that she betrayed her own husband to get what she wants, so what makes him think she won't do the same thing to him (WMX)? WMX becomes enraged because it was she who cost him his 10th EWA World Title. He begins to choke her, but then X-Loco and Disruptor come out to make the save. They beat the Hell out of WMX. Alice then chokes WMX out with a belt. The first match begins...X-Loco vs. Disruptor. X-Loco won the first fall following a short armed forearm clothesline. Diss won the second fall after a DDT onto a chair and cookie sheet. The third fall ended with a draw after both men collided into each other and were counted out for the 10 count. The second match was a triangle match. Gorebelly vs WMX vs. Disruptor, WMX threw Diss onto Gorebelly and then WMX won with a pin on GB. WMX announced that he would face ther winner of the second triangle match. The winner of that match would get a World title shot and the loser get an IC shot. So the triangle match was Hack McNasty vs Ninja vs X-Loco. Hack won the match after he made Ninja tap to the Crippler Crossface. Now it was time for the #1 Contenders match. Hack vs WMX, WMX won after about 3 minutes with a full nelson pin. Next was the IC title shot. Partners X-Loco vs Hack, Face came out and headbutted both men. Hack then rolled on top of X-Loco to win the match and the IC belt. After the match Face continued his onslaught. The main event was WMX vs Face for the EWA World Title. Right when the match started, Evil Alice kicked WMX in the balls twice, and then counted a fast three count for Face, thus giving him his first successful title defense. WMX then says he will seek revenge "Straight Edge Style"

6/24/07- Today was EWA 105 "Wrestlecraze 2007" Natas opened the show Live Via Satellite. Natas announces a blood bath match for the main event and the world title. The only guy that doesan't bleed will be the winner. Since Suicide and Ninja suck so bad they will be numbers 1 and 2. For the rest of the roster there will be time trials against those 2 in 1 on 1 matches. The fastest time will be last in the blood bath and the slowest time will be number 3. WMX then comes out to the EWA Arena with Drixon, Evil; Alice, and "Coulter" already on the picnic table. WMX complains about Natas' ruling of pinning with the legs. He calls Natas a fucking piece of shit. WMX says since when is it a rule that you can't pin with the legs? WMX calls Natas a Jackass and says, that he has Blitzkrieged and used his foot on the chest his entire career. WMX even beat Natas that way. What about pinning with a figure four? WMX says that Natas is jealous of him. Because WMX one-uped him and took his career at EWA 100. Natas can't sleep at night without thinking about WMX. Natas can't fuck a girl without thinking that WMX is better and that the girl would rather be with him. WMX then announces that he guarentees he won't bleed, and if he does he will get down on his knees and tell Natas that he is better than WMX is. Disruptor then comes out and rips on WMX calling him "Hogan" for all of his whining. WMX says its not whining its truth telling. Disruptor says that WMX is upset because he's not World Champ. WMX says, No I'm upset because I beat you last show, and I got screwed by the Commissioner." WMX then says how he will make Diss bleed, but then Diss says Suicide will be the one to make WMX bleed. WMX says that since Diss has been champ he has run the rest of the roster away...like Keven, Vince, and Kitty. WMX then said at EWA 75 when he was on top he had 25 people there supporting him. First qualifying match is Ninja vs. X-Loco. X-Loco wins with a shoulder tackle in 6.90 seconds. The second match was Suicide vs Face. Suicide bounced off Face to give Face the victory in 18.90 seconds. The third match was Ninja vs. Gorebelly. Gorebelly won with a Belly to Belly Suplex in 1 min 27.07 seconds. The fourth match was Suicide vs. WMX. After Suicide locking WMX out of the house and his own Mustang...WMX finally won after an ankle lock in 2 min 44.68 seconds. The last match was Ninja vs. Disruptor. Diss won after a Knee to the face in 49.48 seconds. Ninja then announces the order of entry.

1. Ninja

2. Suicide

3. WMX

4. Gorebelly

5. Disruptor

6. Face

7. X-Loco

The match starts with Suicide putting strawberry syrup onto Ninja's hand. Ninja shows Evil Alice who is ref. She rules it as blood and Ninja's gone already. WMX is hiding behind the 15 ft structure. He starts to destroy Suicide. He was getting revenge for the facade of a match earlier. After about 4-5 minutes of one-sided ass-kicking Gorebelly comes out. They doubleteam Suicide a little bit, but then WMX beats on both of them. Gorebelly bites Suicide in the head to draw blood. WMX then smashes Gorebelly with the bat in the head to draw blood. Disruptor comes out next. He and WMX fight back and forth a little bit. WMX has Diss in a side headlock, but then Evil Alice SPITS blood on him. She then eliminates WMX. WMX pleads to Natas the Commissioner. But he said he made a mistake earlier by overturning the refs decision, because HE even pinned with his legs with the Natas double leg drop. So therefore the refs decision is final...WMX is eliminated. Face and then X-Loco come out. Face eliminates X-loco after a bit with a chairshot to the face and neck region. That leaves Diss and Face to battle over the EWA World Title. After Face hit Diss with a flying headbutt off the table into Diss's forehead...Face drew blood and became the NEW EWA WORLD CHAMPION. After the match he kissed Evil Alice and they became a unit.

Order of Elimination

1. Ninja by Suicide

2. Suicide by Gorebelly

3. Gorebelly by WMX

4. WMX by Evil Alice

5. X-Loco by Face

6. Disruptor by Face to win the EWA World Title. We then had a surprise last match. Drixon vs Coulter in a TKO shoot fight. Drixon won 3 to 1.

6/10/07- Today was EWA 104 "Hell of a Roster" The Disruptor opens the show pretending to be WMX. (Didn't he do that at EWA 50?) Well WMX then comes out dressed as The Disruptor...with cigarette, Kendo Stick, and beer. WMX hits himself in the head with the beer and falls down. WMX of course was picking on Diss's Sandman routine. WMX then starts choking on the beer and unlit cigarette as another rib. WMX then says that tonites main event with he and The Disruptor will be one on one because Drixon retired and The New Reich turned on Diss. Even if Natas did make another 4 on 1, 5 on 1 or 6 on 1, it wouldn't matter for those above mentioned reasons. All of a sudden The Ninja comes out and WMX says, "After nine years I don't know why no one never did this..." WMX JUST DEMASKED THE NINJA. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER WE ALL GOT TO SEE WHO THE NINJA REALLY IS. THE NINJA IS NORWICH TOWNIE GREG BRUSTOWITZ. Well Greg -er The Ninja got pissed and threw WMX's bat at him and said "You ruined it for me pal" and then called him a fucking asshole. WMX then says "sorry." Ninja says, "its ok, my identity was going to be revealed someday, and thanks to you it is." WMX then calls Disruptor back out, and says since he knew his stuff was missing he thought back to EWA 50 and knew it had to be the Disruptor, so WMX stole Disruptor's beer, cigarette, Kendo Stick, wooden sword thing, and camouflage bandana. WMX talks about how much the Disruptor wants to be like him. WMX and Disruptor then go back and forth about Shortcakes, Frankie, and Bobbi X 666. WMX then talks about how his first born son is going to be raised in a household that his father does not live in. WMX then asks if The Disruptor wants to walk a mile in his shoes. WMX then says if he walked a mile in his shoes he couldn't have taken it and would of blew the back of his head off with a shot gun. However WMX dealt with it all without medication, without counseling, and without therapy. "You wanna why?" "WHY? "You wanna know how?" "HOW?" "Because I am Wolfman Mother Fucking X!!!!" WMX thenb discusses his latest EWA title history. At EWA 50 Disruptor was the Bounty and WMX pinned him for his 7th EWA world title. At EWA 75 WMX last eliminated Disruptor in the Extreme battle royal...to later beat Face for his 8th World Title. At EWA 95 WMX pinned Disruptor in the main event of the Extreme Gauntlet for his 9th EWA World Title. "And tonite I will beat you for my 10th EWA World Title." Natas then comes on the screen. He announces that his latest purchase for the EWA is a live satellite feed so he is coming to you Live Via Satellite, and NOT pre-recorded. The first match is WMX vs. The Ninja (masked). The Ninja obviously pissed off at being unmasked earlier had some offensive moves against WMX like: biting and titty twisters. But it was WMX who dropped a bowling ball onto the chair that was on Ninja's head for the pin. The next match was X-loco vs. Suicide with The unmasked Ninja in his corner. The cousins did some posing together, and Ninja fell down like a retard. X-Loco pinned Suicide following The Olympic Slam. The third match was a handicap match. X-loco vs. Face and Disruptor. Face and Diss were double teaming X-Loco the entire match until Face attacked Diss with his own Kendo stick which allowed X-Loco to get the pin. Face then posed over Diss with the World title in his hands. So now it was time for the main event. WMX vs. Disruptor. Diss was still laying out there when WMX went for 2 quick pins. Diss kicked out both times. Then the match went back and forth until the end. WMX superkicked Diss, but the force of the kick knocked WMX's sternum into the chair he was leaning on and his legs fell on top of Disruptor. Diss had his arm draped across WMX's ankle. Cool Jen counted to three and awarded WMX his 10th EWA World Title!!!! BUT then Nat5as returns vis satellite and says, "Since when is it a rule you can pin someone with your legs?" Therefore Natas overruled WMX's pin and said he saw Disruptor pin WMX with that hand over the ankle and awarded him the match and successful title defense. Disruptor then gave WMX a Stunner to end the show.

5/20/07- Today was EWA 103 "House Show 2007" Natas is sitting on the picnic Table complaining about how he hates The Disruptor, and then all of a sudden The DOX come out. WMX calls Natas a prick for a mother fucker, because he put WMX in that 4 on 1 handicap match. WMX then explains what a house show is again. No music and a lack of apparal, because the EWA cd is packed in a banana box by someone else. (WMX was moving out of his and Kailene's place.) Then Drixon announces his retirement due to medical reasons. Natas still sitting on the table talks about Vince demented and his personal problems. Since Natas is doing contract renegotiations and Vince didn't show up, nor even trying, Natas fires him. Natas then announces Drixon as his secretary (possible joke). Natas talks about how there is a limited roster today...Vince fired, Drixon retiring, max not showing up...sets up a 4 way tourney for an IC title shot. The first match is Suicide vs. Gorebelly. WMX tells some EWA history about Gorebelly and Suicide...Up to this point GB has only beaten The Ninja and Suicide's wins have only included Mr. Splooge. Anyways Gorebelly totally destroyed Suicide for the win after an olympic slam. The second match of the tournament was face vs. ninja. Even though Face didn't need it he won after some Drixon interference and the Face headbutt. The third and final match of the tourney was Face vs. Gorebelly. Face won with a headbutt off a table. The next match was a tag team match...WMX and Kamilian vs X-Loco and Disruptor. Since X-Loco is the IC champ and Disruptor is the World champion, if they get pinned in this match, Natas ruled that the person doing the pinning gets that title shot. It was WMX pinning Disruptor after Diss caught a big boot into the chair he was running after WMX with for a world title shot at the next show. The 5th match is for the IC belt. Face vs. X-Loco was ruled a no-contest because Hack Mcnasty came out to attack Face. The main event is for the World belt Hack McNasty vs. Disruptor. This match also ended in a no contest because X-Loco came out and attacked the Disruptor and he and Hack double teamed The Disruptor thus kicking him out of the New Reich.

EWA Info Past and Present

EWA Roster
Top 5 WMX matches each year
Non WMX Favorite matches
EWA History
EWA Shows
EWA Pictures
EWA Title History
Words from WMX

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