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A Witness to the Music


part one
part two
part three
part four
part five

Within the pages of this site, you will find my most recent and ongoing piece of work. It's what others have come to call a rock'n'roll romance. What started out as a one-page short story has grown severely. Even my husband has joined in, making this a joint effort. And we are having a blast!! This in now way, shape, or form is in any means based on reality. There is no hidden agenda about this being a fantasy of mine about some honest-to-goodness band - past or present. I am just in love with music, and at times, the music talks to me. Some of the songs that talk to me the most will make their appearances throughout the story. When they do, I will give credit where credit is due. Other than that, this is pure fiction. I hope you enjoy reading this even half as much as I enjoy writing it. And come back's a work in progress!!