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White Pride Kids

My Crew is the-- 4th Reich WHITE KNIGHTS-- . We are an organization that is based on defending our race!!! WE DO NOT DO ANY TYPE OF DRUGS!!! AND DO NOT TOLERATE ANY MEMBERS ON THEM!!! We are skinheads fed up with the state of our movement and the lack of true leadership. We have stood idly by and watched as our government has taken our rights, raped us of our freedom, and concentrated every effort on destroying our Aryan culture and heritage. Many of us have been the lone voice of reason for over a decade, as we warned others of what was to come. Very few chose to listen.---The number one enemy of the White race is the jew. The jew has capabilities of taking over major Governments & corperations along with their money to use against the development of the White race. The use of media to make us feel sorry for them in the middle east, leading us to believe they are weak against the palestinians and terrorists who use barbaric weapons of mass destruction against them, When in all truth most of the news papers, television media, and other jew owned and operated businesses don't tell you about how Israel is full of anti Americans, how they use their own wives as shields during palestinian attacks, how they sell women and children for slavery, how they own more weapons then any other country in the world, America is a tool for the jew. We give them money, they give us more corruption. Our country gives them over $10,000,000,000 a year for "their suffering" and their "small military". The jew media tell you about how we give them this money because it's the christian thing to do. its really to just to to pull the wool over your eyes, so you are blind to their real motivation. To destroy us, But do they mention that Israelis hate christians? "NO" Read between the lines on the jew media lies about Israel. But even here in America the jew strikes at us hard too. With hidden kosher taxes, drugs, corruption in the congresional & judicial system, The jew is our main enemy, You must understand the jew's own most of the television stations, movie productions, and the music industry as well to corrupt our children through television, movies, & music. They use these outlets to make our children believe that race mixing, drugs, & treating women like whores is allright & that being a subhuman is just part of growing up in america today The jew is out to destroy our race and will use Z.O.G.'s influence's to get the job done, you must understand that the jew is the one that funds these politicians, drug dealers, & race traitors along with minorities to hurt our people politically and physically. If we can over power Z.O.G. and it's tentacles then we can have control of our aryan destinies again. Cut off the head and the body WILL die. If your not a part of the solution, then your a part of the problem. You must learn to think for yourselves & not to believe everything your told by your government. How much more can you take? Are you willing to sit and watch as our blood line is slowly being erased by these Zionists? Are you willing to tell your children and grandchildren that you remember a time when it was not a crime to be proud of who you are and your heritage?! Are you happy sending your kids to school, that is infested with Negroes, illegal's and Jews? Will you be happy when they come pounding on your door, trying to take what you have worked for? Maybe you will be happy living next door to these intolerable thugs, as they infest your neighborhood with crime, drugs and rape?!!! You all need to remember, for every one of their children that is born, that is one more link in the chain that binds our freedom and one less hope for our future. These people seek nothing more than to destroy our culture and replace it with theirs, plain and simple!!! Are you comfortable watching the end of our race?!!! We are not!_________________________________________ (1). We must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children -David Lane (2). We must keep our race together by uniting all white racialist groups so that we may fight together rather then apart. (3). We must expose the jew and their lies to all whites. Racial awareness is the key factor to the survival of our race. (4). We must stress that our American rights are given back to the race that built the laws, the country, and the constitution inwhich we, and the government it's self, are suppose to live by. (5). We must show our government that the White race is the only race that has earned special rights and that other races no matter how big of sob story they have to tell have not deserved any special rights but a plane ticket back to where they came from. (6). We must be proud of our European Herritage. (7). We must fight against drug distribution and usage. We as Whites Knights have self-respect. (8). We must wave our flags high to show the world that we are proud of our race, our families, our country, and our honor! My name is Chris and i am a Ayran Warrior My Crew: Me:Chris,John-Paul, Greg,Anthony,David,Mike,Heather,Amie,Jay,Kristina,Spencer,joe Im me for recruitment purposes at
