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Have you ever wondered why some people become huge successes, while others who have fabulous skills, talents, and natural abilities fail to reach the same level of success?  To be successful you've got to have a dream, a vision, a burning passion, a magnificent obsession.  You've got to want something, and you've got to want it B-A-D.  This dream, goal, obsession has to become your prime motivator.  It takes enthusiasm, commitment, pride, a willingness to work hard, a willingness to go the extra mile, a willingness to do whatever has to be done in order to get the job done.  To get the things you want in life you need motivation, drive, and energy.  The deeper your passion, the deeper your commitment, the greater the likelihood you'll become the success you dream of becoming.  And when you have this deep passion and commitment, you're no longer working.  You no longer have a job.  You're doing something that you love, and surprisingly someone's willing to pay you to do it.  You're having fun.  Fix firmly in your mind what it is you want to do; then go out and do it.

The challenge comes in finding the thing in life that is your burning passion, your burning desire.  What is your burning passion?  What is your burning desire?  What do you dream of doing?  What do you dream of accomplishing?  What were you born to do?  If you don't yet know what your burning passion is, it's OK.  Just keep thinking, and dreaming.  And don't be in a hurry.  It's unlikely you'll make this discovery overnight.  And once you do, it may take several years, or even a lifetime, for you to fulfill your dream.  And that's the thrill of life.  It is the search to discover what it is you were born to do that makes living so meaningful, interesting, and challenging.  Become a dreamer.  Dream about the things you want to do.  The things you want to accomplish.  The things you want to have.  The bigger your dreams the bigger your successes.

First, you've got to dream it.  Then, you've got to work your butt off to make your dream come true.  Share your dreams with your friends, your family, your coworkers and colleagues.  Search for people who can provide you with support, advice, and encouragement.  People who will help you turn your dream into reality.  People who are as excited about your dreams as you are.  Get rid of the naysayers.  You can't allow yourself to be surrounded by people who aren't supportive and enthusiastic.  These people will do nothing but pull you down, sap you of your energy and enthusiasm, and force you to spend lots of time convincing them that you can do the things you dream of doing.

Strive for excellence and greatness in everything you do.  In order to make your dream come true you must first create a plan of action - a master plan - then you must execute the plan.  Whatever you do in life, you've got to have fun doing it.  You've got to enjoy what you're doing.  You've got to enjoy spending time with the people with whom you're working.  You've got to like the people who are your customers and/or suppliers.  The people with whom you interact every day . If for some reason you aren't having fun, you aren't happy, you aren't achieving the pleasure, satisfaction, and/or enjoyment you feel you should have, then it's time to start planning your next career move.  That's what I find great about life.  Everything's done by the process of elimination.  Give yourself the opportunity to do, try, and experience many different things.  Discover the things you don't like to do, and then try something else.  When things feel good, and you're getting whatever it is you need and want, then you should stay put.  When strains, pressures, and/or tensions, begin to develop, these are the warning signals that something's wrong.  If they persist, then maybe it's time to make a change.  Remember, it's not a disaster to take a job, and discover that you don't like it.  It only becomes a disaster when you choose to stay.

When you don't enjoy your work, or the environment in which you're working, it's impossible to be successful.  Always keep these two powerful thoughts in your mind: make your work play, and your play work and find a job you love to do, and you'll never work another day in your life.  Think about what you just read for a few moments.  Read these thoughts a second and a third time.  These are simple, but very important, concepts.  People rarely succeed at anything unless they have fun doing it.  You must receive a feeling of satisfaction from your work.  It must be rewarding for you.  If it's not, all you've got is a job that you must go to every day.  Your challenge is to go out and find someone who would like to hire, and pay you, to do something you would gladly do for free.  Or, maybe you should be in business for yourself.

Date:  Saturday, July 12, 2003
Time: 12:00 PM
Place: Home of the Rothchild's

  We fade to the home of the Rothchild's as the Methodical Icon comes walking into the kitchen room with an arrogant smirk on his face.  The camera shifts over to Roadkill who seems a bit confused.

|.roadkill.|  What are you so happy about?

|.jason.rothchild.|  Well, I'm moving on to the second round of the Reign of Power tournament.

|.roadkill.|  Really?

|.jason.rothchild.|  Yep!

|.roadkill.|  That's freaking awesome, bro.

|.jason.rothchild.|  Isn't it?

  Short pause.

|.roadkill.|  By the way, what's a Reign of Power?

  With that said, the scene fades to black.