
I'm the woman.  The wo man 
with a w hole lot to see. 
The teacher always told me in school 
the Root of woman is man, 
and I said, no no you are wrong. 
The root of man is womb, one m 
is all it takes, one w 
and the o.b. with the g and the y and the n, well that 
was simply added later. 
So what is all this talk about man 
and woman and roots? 
Last night I saw two young women 
kissing and one touched the others 
neck and kissed her stomach 
as though it was velvet and they 
held each other's arms 
and kissed each other's legs, 
neither one knowing what the velvet really was,   
and it made me think of those two 
warm soft empty rooms, waiting to be loved. 

I saw two girls kissing 
I saw one tell the other 
that nothing else mattered and even though I knew 
that was not really true, 
that the m and the w and obg 
were all part of the inevitable scheme of things 
  just seeing those two 
  warm loving wombs 
Live without question 
wrapped in a blanket 
Asleep and asleep 
gave me so much reason to believe 
it wasn't impossible to be innocent again, 
and again, and again. And 
be born again and again 
inside one's sleeping self 
and love without question 
without all the needless wording 
and the w's and m's.