The Plum Tree

Spring came early this year, 
So early.  There was no transition. 
Not like there's supposed to be.  Spring just broke 
the cold's back in two and sprung 
up through the ground and out of the 
trees with all its multicolored leaves, 
but most especially the Plum Tree. 

I was in class assembly when they told us a girl and her mother had died. They died in their sleep, died in the car they told us. The mother had fallen asleep at the wheel, It was quick, painless, and then it was over, they were gone, and spring had come.

Spring came early this year, she was rambunctious, she demanded so much of winter, that winter broke down and cried. She demanded sacrifice, not ugly or gruesome, just simple painless sacrifice to make the little Saplings grow.

At first I couldn't understand and I was mad, mad at the Spring for taking my friends away from me. I didn't cry, not like the rest of them. It took me a while to really feel it, to get angry at the trees and the grass. But then I walked outside and pressed my furious feet down onto the soil and I looked up across the walkway at the pink Plum Tree. How beautiful, I thought, and then I just let myself go, let the tree envelope me and inhaled the beautiful pink leaves, and in that moment the Plum Tree smiled graciously and thanked me for understanding, For knowing that Spring had given back what she had taken and in that instant Spring kissed my eyes and when I opened them another tree had bloomed.