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#1 Goot. I was gonna make him #2 because he was doin it J-dag style, under the shirt, over the bra, but its all good. Goot is tied with the most wins with 9. He's a very productive player, always wins at least 1 game a day, I think. He's gotten a 5-card blackjack about 3 times, and that's just ridiculous. Even though, he lost to me in whiffle, he's still #1. Good Job Kid! Yay!

#2 Hughes. Hughes came back in the last day to tie goot with 9 wins. This was not an easy decision, but I decided, since Hughes tries to get with 20-year-old teddy bear low life jewbags. (No offense to any Jews, Hughes in general.)

#3 Jack- He has wins.

#4 Kumb-ya my lord. He's a meaty player, and has many wins, doesn't really live up to expectations. I'm biased, he's my brother, were dons..Not like it means anything much, but he has many wins I think 6 or 7. He's kumba, he gets a higher rating for his name too.

#5 SABOO! I mean this kid is one of those kids you love. He's hilarious, and everyone loves him. He might say gross shit, like your moms pussy is a loose a hot-dog down a huge hallway. Or my carpet was green, now it's white. That's just gross. But it's a close race between you and goot to who's funnier. I mean, Saboo might not have the most wins, I think 6 or 7, but he's a great kid, and he took some nasty hits today.

#6 Teddy- He might have many many wins, like 5..But he hasn't won in like 20 days..Honestly, he won't 5 in a row, and then hasn't won since. He's gone nothing but down.. Down…DOWN hill.

#7 Dusty and Me. I'm a decent player now, I have 5 wins..Or was it 6? Whatever it was, I'm on fire. Scotty's on fire. Dusty, he's always been good, kind of quiet, laughs kind of funny, but we love him, cause he's in a "gang" Oh yeah, a gang, maybe he's in a gang-bang, with his mother that gets around =O! Just playin, don't get DTP on me, oh no! lol. Dusty has more wins I think..But I don't care.

#8 Mikeo! He's an awful player, might not be that smart, but makes it decently far, but never can win, its sad that he got his first win before I did.

#9 Kara-BOO- She's awful. Rofl. Sorry boo, you're like a sis, but you just don't live up to your expectations, even Mikeo has more wins then you!

#10 Curt and Bowers- bowers might have 1 or 2 more wins then curt, but BOWERS NEEDS TO PLAY. DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND! DO I SPEAK WELL ENGRISH? Curt's pwning you!

Last Update: May 14, 2003

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