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My daughter Kaitlyn just turned 8 on February 19th, 2003.

She has Mommys hair color and brown eyes too.

She is very precious to us. When I was pregnant with her, we had at least 3 

ultrasounds because they found out she was breech. Every time I had an 

ultrasound I asked what the sex was and they couldn't tell. When I was 

ready for labor they did another ultra sound to find that she was breech , 

butt down, but she had 1 leg up by her head. For fear they would hurt her 

they pulled me in for an emergency C-Section. It didn't take long for them

to numb me and to deliver her. Kaitlyn was a blessing to us for we already

had 2 boys and she would fill the missing piece. We really wanted a girl and 

we're blessed by her presence. When Kaitlyn was a baby she has a retractable

hernia which needed surgery. we were so scared for her. But she made it 

through beautifully. Then she needed tubes in her ears for she couldn't pick up

low pitched sounds. She still has the tubes to this day. She had some problems

with them recently where the wax built up right in front of the tubes.

After numerous days of placing peroxide in her ears and her crying cause it

hurt, the wax finally gave in and it came out. She sees her ear doctor once a

year now. Hopefully the tubes will come on on their own. They say at least 2

more years and if they are still present they will take them out. Its much easier

to remove them then to have them placed in. It can be done right in the office.

 She is now 8 years old and growing everyday.

She is a very beautiful girl. She is in 2nd grade and very advanced.

We just hope she continues being advanced. Well onto meeting our Kaitlyn.

She wears some of my clothes and we share make-up when I wear it. {LOL}

Its just weird that if I grow out of a piece of clothing I can hand it down to her.

She just had her 8 year check up and is doing awesome. She's 72 pounds and is 52 inches tall.

Pretty soon she'll be just as tall as her Mom {LOL}

Kaitlyn's 8th birthday.. The page I made for her

Kaitlyn's photo from school

Taken May 2003


Below are a few gifts I had made for Kaitlyn plus a few that were emailed to me

         These were sent to my from Dusty                


These were also sent to me from Dusty





1) Playing the computer

2) Watching movies   

3) Coloring and drawing

4) Watching Wrestling

5) Singing

6) Going to school

7) Gymnastics

8) Bike Riding

9) Using her scooter

10) Rollar Blading

11) Playing with her Barbies,

her baby dolls and make up



These are some of my favorite photos of Kaitlyn


                                 Taken last Summer 2002                           Taken March 2003





Please leave a message for Kaitlyn before you leave


Kaitlyn currently belong to Web Dreamers "Little Dreamers".

You can join too. If you have a little one under the age of 18 

and they have their own web page. Click the Little Dreamers

logo to see.