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Each Music Video has been assigned an Barcode, this really means nothing, as it is just a little something to make the site look more decorative... if you're wondering what the numbers in the Barcode means (yep, there is a purpose for them), they are used for this reason:

2 = 'B' (for Bosco)
6 = 'F' (for Faith)
02 = The present year
768? = Well, that's just for serialization ;)

Please choose from the list of available clips below:

Alternatively, you can Right-click on the Barcodes, and choose 'Save Target As...' to save the file to your computer hard drive.


Song is 'Singing for the Lonely' by Robbie Williams
Images were taken from various episodes, done by myself and others are images collected off the internet. Clip was made for my next TW fic, 'Falling Down'.
Song is 'The Web' by The Feelers
Images are from 'Sex, Lies & Videotape' and were taken by Angie.
The Web - v2
(same video, processed with different codec)
Song is 'The Web' by The Feelers
Images are from 'Sex, Lies & Videotape' and were taken by Angie.
Song is 'Let Me Dream' by Fiona McDonald. Images are from various websites and collections. ;) Credit to ALL who captured the pics.. Angie, Myself, and if you know who did the other pics, drop me a line? Thanks ;)
Song is 'Forest' by The Feelers. Images are from various websites and collections. ;) Credit to ALL who captured the pics.. Angie, Myself, and if you know who did the other pics, drop me a line? Thanks ;)

My first FULL MOTION Music Video to Jennifer Paige's song, Crush. The first of, what I hope, to be many to come. (that is, as soon as I get more episodes)

The second FULL MOTION Music Video, this time to Sophie-Ellis Baxter's 'Murder on the Dance Floor'... please note, it is a crossover music video with Third Watch, and my favourite EVER movie, Twelfth Night.

Send some feedback! get this gear!

(if you'd like to have your site listed here, please drop me a line)

Only Time
Lin's Web
Karen's Life Savers
Third Watch on Call
The Third Watch Madness
The First UnOfficial Third Watch Site

If you'd like to link to me, please feel more than free to do so, by either a text link, or if you prefer you can use one of the banners below: :)

third watch music videos
third watch music videos

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site design demelza watt 2002