Canadian\k&-'nA-dE-&n\adj: relating to Canada

pancake\'pan-"kAk\n: a flat cake made of thin batter and cooked (as on a griddle) on both sides

sockdolager\säk-'däl-i-j&r\n: a decisive blow or answer


Canadian Pancakes (Crêpes canadiennes, Las Tortitas canadienses, or Kanadisch Pancakes to our foreign friends) is a comedy website. It probably will contain material offensive and/or objectionable by your standards, including: mild swearing and/or vulgarity, satire, obscure references to bad movies, fictitious handicapped polar birds, foxtraps, and jokes about Ben Affleck and/or Mike Piazza.

By entering this site, you hereby agree to

1. Immediately leave if offended by any of the above. There is little censorship placed on the contributing writers, but Canadian Pancakes has no real negative intents toward anyone or anything. Except to ultimately enslave the world into watching Leave it to Beaver re-runs, but what's the harm in that?

2. Accept all material as a joke, and not actually factual opinions or beliefs of anyone, fictitious or real.

3. Canadian Pancakes do not hold themselves responsible for any objection to what is rightfully ours :freedom-of-speech.

4. Think for yourself; question authority.

5. More importantly, Have A Day.

Parrot discretion is advised. Proceed with caution, candle with hare.