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Name: Lexus Seboris

Sex: Male

Species: Human

Age: 22

Height: 6'

Weight: 198 Lbs

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Scars/Tattoos: Scar Towards The Bottom Of His Face.

Possessions: A Very Large And Heavy Sword; Owns The Wild Fire Tavern

Abillities: Shape Shifter

Marital Status: Single

Distinguishing Features: Long Sword; Scar On His Face; Large Golden cape w/ Gold Shoulder Shields; Armor On His Left Arm And Leg And An Armored Vest.

Occupation: Hunter

Commonly Visits: All Creatures Tavern; Wild Fire Tavern

((writes in a teal font color))


Not much about Lexus is known. His birth place is unknown, but what is known is that he was raised by two very intelligent fairies. These fairies taught Lexus how to become a shapshifter, and as time went on he had mastered and was extreamly skilled at his newly gained ability.

At the age of about 16, he left the fairies to go out on his own and forefill his destiny, whatever that may be. Before he left, they gave him the long golden cape with gold shoulder gaurds, which he wears now, and they also gave him his great sword. Along with the sword, he gained the ability to manipulate this size of his sword, as well as a few other attributes.

Lexus has now settled down in a small cabin, deep in a forest. He makes a living by hunting, and selling the furs of his catch, as well as using the meat for food (also has an obssesion to vodka). He also owns The Wild Fire Tavern