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TitleFight 2001 Archive Project

Currently a comprehensive, long-term TitleFight 2001 archive add-on project is in it's initial stages. I am working on the middleweight's and am pretty much adding any fighter who has ever faced a fighter that came originally with TitleFight 2001. I have found that this project will take quite a while but in the long run will be the ultimate add-on to our TitleFight game. I will be releasing the add-on in pieces and have decided, after some hinting from others, to do this letter by letter. This means there will be 26 phases to each weight class. The majority of my research takes place at and then I do quite a bit of play-testing with each individual fighter...even the bad ones. I have decided not to worry much about the race of the individuals and am assuming everybody is right-handed unless the information available tells me otherwise. I'm also making available here add-on archives created by other TitleFight 2001 enthusiasts. If anybody sees an error or would like to be a part of the creation process for this archive please contact me. Thank you to everybody who participates in the add-on archive process and to everybody who enjoys using the archives.

The Ultimate Titlefight Add-on Archive!

Middleweight Archive
Super-Middleweight Archive
Junior-Welterweight Archive
Cruiserweight Archive
Various other archives
