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Football Circles

Place your arms to the side of you and lift them at a right angle.

Hold them there for three seconds, extended and stretched

Then began the draw small circles with your had taking your whole arm with it but still keeping it straight and stretched.

Do this 30 times and then reverse directions and repeat.



This exercise it the simplest but most quick passed.

Pull your fists into your chest.

Punch out one arm twice and then punch out the other twice.

Now do alternating punches quickly 100 times but make sure that the arm becomes fully extended at the end of the punch.


Light Weights

This is a weight lifting maneuver done without any weights so as not to bulk up your arms.

Stand with your legs parallel to your hips.

Bend over as if to pick up weights, clench your fists and slowly roll up your arms with your back.

Your arms should be straight, or with only one bend at the elbow through the whole process.