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Entropic Decay1/16/03

Hey, this page sucks. I'm making a new one soon, so be on the lookout. Peace.

I'm waiting for the go ahead, but I will be making a new page soon, most likely a band page. Don't worry, I'll still try to have a page where I can rant and rave to no end, not that too many of you guys care, lol... Anyway, the band is really the only thing I have going right now, but it moving really slow. To explain how bad it is, the four of us have only met once, and that was months ago when we're auditioning a singer. This slow pace is killing me. We haven't even completed ONE song yet and its been close to two months! Hopefully, we'll all mae it next monday, so we can really get some work done. I really like what Paul, our lead guitarist, has been putting in, so maybe we'll go with his GARVEYARD sound, as he calls it, lol. Personally though, I really like it and I'd love to take that kind of direction, but I thin there might be a conflict between John's sound and Paul's. I guess all I can do is wait and see. BTW, my vote for a name is either GRAVEYARD SYMPHONY or TROG DOR (the burninator, lol). 'till later, Andrew, The Killer Virus.

What I'm listening to this update:

Moment of silence

It's too god damn late at night to playing music, unless your a mindless hoodie that decided to blast your shitty music out of your "Pimp fly ass shit mobile", of course playing "pimp fly ass shit music of the backstreet boys". How that makes one "pimp fly ass" i'm not sure.

The rest of the sites shit:

Photos New pix soon

Andrew's Bio

Nick's Bio (No Longer Available)


Art work


Special Stuff:

Full Metal Jacket Clips!!

Clerks sound clips!