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When I stand up for myself and my beliefs,
They call me a bitch.

When I stand up for those I love,
They call me a bitch.

When I speak my mind,
Think my own thoughts or do
Things my own way, they call me a bitch.

Being a bitch means
I won't compromise what's in my heart.
It means I live my life MY way.
It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.

When I refuse to tolerate injustice
And speak against it,
I am defined as a bitch.

The same thing happens when
I take time for
Myself instead of being everyone's maid.

It means I have the courage and strength
To allow myself to be who
I truly am and won't
Become anyone else's idea of what
They think I "should" be.

I am outspoken, opinionated and determined.
I want what I want and there is
Nothing wrong with that!

So try to stomp on me,
Try to douse my inner flame,
Try to squash every ounce of
Beauty I hold within me.
You won't succeed.
And if that makes me a bitch,
So be it.

I embrace the title and am proud to bear it !!!!

Well I decided to finally make a page about Bitches especially since everyone says I am one, so if this page is what a Bitch is...Well yep thats Me!!! Respect all that are here or leave no one wants to put up with bullchyt...Enjoy the page,.... -T.ain.ted-S.oul-

BTW!!! When you come into obs come in the room We dont like Pervin unless its us doing it so either come in and say Hiya or Go Away!!! Thank You...Laffin

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