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-: Susie :-

Thanks for visiting my webpage! I know it isn't really cute, but I'm working on it!! i love my friends, they're are the best thing to me and i can't live without you all!! I love you all more than life. >> joanna, you're my rock. i know that i could never live without you, and i PRAY that we never have to leave eachother. i love you always and forever!! >> tara, you're the funniest person ever!! squeaky shoes and FRIENDS!! Our Nathans dream better come true!!! we'll be little old ladies coming in EVERY weekend!! >> justine, we have so much fun together! i can't imagine my life if u hadnt introduced me into the world of parties and boys, lol. :) you def rock and we GOTTA go partying together!! hiya's and LOVE YOU'S!!!! <3 to... >> cupcake >> emo bri >> jenna >> joe >> spanky >> gene >> dan >> michele >> tami >> becca Love is a matter of chemistry, but sex is a matter of physics. I may never see tomorrow, there's no written guarantee. And things that happened yesterday belong to history. I cannot predict the future, and I cannot change the past. I have just the present moment; I must treat it as my last. I must use this moment wisely, for it soon will pass away, and be lost forever as part of yesterday. I must exercise compassion; help the fallen to their feet. Be a friend unto the friendless. Make an empty life complete. The unkind things I do today, may never be undone. And the friendships that I fail to win, may nevermore be won. I may not have another chance, on bended knee to pray, to thank my God with a humble heart, for giving me this day. Letting go is not about giving up, it's about accepting that there are things that just cannot be.

gO ViSiT!!!

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