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Everything and Nothing All At Once...

''Girls Gone Wild'' Drag 101

St. John Fisher College's FIRST ANNUAL DRAG SHOW

So this is almost where we left off, all, or most of us from S-Creek doing what we always do, at whoever's house, you know it never really mattered.. here's to hoping we can all find eachother again this summer...

''Here's to the nights we felt alive, here's to the tears we almost cried, here's to goodbye, tomorrow's going to come too soon...'' -Eve 6

So with everything and everything and everything, especially in personal websites comes the obligatory pictures of the creator, thus, me...

Ok, yeah, so you can definutely tell that I posed for the one on top, what can I say though? it was the first picture I took of myself with my new digital camera... I even went so far as to put it up (upon the urging of a certain friend of mine) on, upon which I scored, poorly.. thanks.. hahaha thanks...

hehehehehehehe... so...?

OOOOOOOOOO Fun with mirrors.....

ok, so im addicted to two things, my digital camera, and Adobe Photoshop.... with these two powers combined.... granted i am not captin planet, but i CAN make my eyes green... :)

Bozley, my baby...

here at college I don't get homesick often and when I do, the only reason I want to go home is to see Boz... he is the sweetest cat in the world, and I place him in a level of value above almost every person I have ever met... :)

and Lilie and Pua... my new little cuties

Now, for my kids

When I say this, I mean my family... my absolute, without a doubt more-than-friend, I could never live without you people, and honestly I hope I never have to.... aren't I sweet.. ?

In no order of importance at all, I promise, this is Evan, we're at school together now, not that I ''followed'' him, but he just seemed so damn enthusiastic about it, that it put it high up in my list.. I think i've known him since 7th grade, and he's just always been one of those people who I couldn't imagine not knowing. World-renound for his AIM profiles/away messages... yeah you are ;) he is currently an RA, and a great one at that.. but the fucker gets his own room.. damn him :)

AWWWWW.. Evan and Natalie around christmas time this year (that's house in the background :P) It was such a nice christmas being able to be around everyone after a semester of not seeing anyone.

Ok, so Natalie, out of our group, i've known her for the shortest amount of time, but that's still since.. my junior year of highscool i think.. anyways, she used to be the sweetest, shyest thing in the world, (sounds a little like how i used to be..) and i SWEAR we corrupted her... after all, the world is a Natalie movie, and so we have to keep a strong plot going... :) i do remember though that one day i didnt know her, and then the next we were like best friends, it's wierd when that happens, but it's also a really cool transition..

Can you tell that these pics were taken on New Year's Eve?? Whereupon my ass was SOBER!! That's right... :P This, the blonde.. with the unflattering pose (mouth open--sorry kid) well, we go WAY back.. she was the first friend i made from the group, it was a little odd most because her older brother and my older sister were best friends for forever, and i guess thats how we came together. i love this girl to death, i definutely consider her my sister, hell, even my parents to.. she isn't allowed to knock on our door, we MAKE her come in. Sadly, along with Nat, she goes to college in PA, which is far from Rochocha.. so i only get to see both of them on breaks where we're both home.... my first job was because of her, and although the job sucked ass!!! it was definutely worth working with her... but thank GOD i quite that job... hahaha

yes jennypoo, you ARE a pretty pretty princess...

Tina in the blue and Di in the white, two more of my favorite people...all together two of the most excited and fun and hormonal people i know.. and when i say ''hormonal'' i mean it in a good way... :P they can both be so excited and the so pissed off the next second, it's really great to watch, but seriously, i love them, both wonderful kids whom i can't wait to see again, especially since i spend almost the entire summer at tina's house.. it's a second home.. a fun second home.. ;P

oooooooohh i miss Jodi!! she's all the way in West Virginia.. swimming her little heart out... :P we had some great times in senior year, epspecially at lunch and in physics.. and dont forget AP english... ''come to the, come to the, GOD, come to the...'' remember??? yeah you do... :P can't wait to see you again!!!

Jenn is the cutest person that i know, for real for real... she is so artistic, and talented and sweet.. its almost too much, of course she doesnt think any of this about her self, so :P she was with me all through independent art in senior year of highschool, and although she thinks i would have been fine all alone, i was so happy to have her there, even with all her drama... plus, shes one of the only people who i believe when it comes to telling me im worth something.. :P :) love you jen. With her is Nick, a quasi-friend of mine, altogether sweet guy, and good to jen, so he's good in my book.

My VERY FIRST Trip to Meadeville PA....

and no meg, they don't make the notebooks there... :P


So I came to school here not knowing whether or not it was the right choice, and to be honest, i'm still not sure... despite my doubts, right away I made the most amazing group of friends who I owe so much to...they helped me survive my first semester, and DEFINUTELY gave me a lot to laugh about...

awwww, i LOVE this pic... :P :)

Matt... truEly something else... :P he was my first Fisher friend, and somehow we became such good friends so quickly, which after about a week of being here, branched off into the rest of the fockers.. he is energetic and opinionated and passionate, so much so it scares me sometimes, but he's one of those people that have made a simple but profound impact on my life.. too bad he's transfering next year.. hopefully i'll still be able to see him over the summer and next year.. :P

''You're Done..'' -Matt

Wow Meghan... WOW... hehehe ok, so she was the second, it was actually really cool how we met, she just happened to pass my room and asked if i wanted to watch Conan, which OF COURSE i did :P so i took matt down to her room with me and we seriously spent 3 hours talking and at the end of the night we were like best friends.. of course also at the end of the ngiht we were accausted by drunken people for whom we needed to call security....Meg is the funniest person i have EVER met.... anything she says just makes you laugh, even if it's not intentionally funny :P

wow meg... WOW.. i think youve got a problem..

KATIE!!!!! hehehehehe, for real for real... you're so cute.. ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME... heehhehe, lots of drama, but also lots of smiles, and how can you not love that??

''I want to meet Micheal Jackson...I want to climb his giving tree...'' -Meg

awww Dani girl... didnt know her much first semester, but thankfully i know her a lot more now.. happy to see the source of jail mail has gotten out of jail... but no more rubbing alcohol and bread though, ok??

AAAAAWWWW... JEFF!!!! hehehe.. met him sometime in the middle of the first semester, sooooooooooo glad i met him.. he's so cute :P funny, and smart, and who else would sit with me through out 3 hour long Star Wars class?? hehehe He's the BEST...

the new face is Kevin.. he's such a cool kid, granted a little wierd ;P but hey, who among us isn't????? he adds some fun into the group..

**OH, the preg test.... haha all in good fun... we were hoping we could get a false positive so we could take a picture... but sadly *sniff* i am not a father.. even though i won that DAMN coloring contests...**

Milty is the coolest.. definutely the all-time champion of the shoe-a-thon.... hehehe you def. kicked meg's ass..

awww ashley.. hehehe.. that's all ive got to say.. :P you're cool but you spend too much time working... yeah you do... however, you introduced me to SkipBo, for which i will be forever greatful..

COLORING CONTEST!!!!!!! (i won..)

Happy Halloween!!!!

Fun in Toronto....

so sure the car ride was cramped and all, but hey, we took advantage of some bonding time...

....see how we've bonded...?

and we matt dyed his hair... again...

now that's what i call ''close friends''

sure, technically he was asked to dance on the bar at the Hard Rock Cafe... but we maintain that he's really chasing this poor girl...

and so, when it all comes down to it... we'll raise our cups and move forward from there...

and then we'll pass out from the effort...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILTY!!!!! March 20, 2003

Meg and MaryLu RULED the LAX game.. they're the best time keepers... EVER! :P :P


good times.... ;)

for thos of you who only see Em outside the room, well this is how she REALLY is.. a loud-mouth, disrespecting, rule-breaking LUSH!!!! ;P love u Em...

I think my camera must have had something ;P spilled on it.. all the pics are a little blurry... happy, but blurry...


I dont know what happened.. i seriously lucked out with Emily (left) and Chastity (right)... they are the best two people to live with, i mean.. theyre sooooooo neat and clean... i mean, theyre both fun when theyre under the influence of something... ;P kidding... theyre fun anways... it's going to be hard not to have them over the summer... :(

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