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S t .   I g n a t i u s  L o y o l a  P a r i s h  
A Roman Catholic Community 


Website Committee


The Web Site Committee assists and supports the parish staff's efforts to present and journal the many activities, ministries and history of our spiritual community.

We hope this web site gives the visitor a sense of the rich heritage and ongoing dynamic life of our Roman Catholic parish community.


Tom Burt is the primary web designer and photographer for the St. Ignatius parish web site. You can reach Tom via Email at

Bruce Schweinfest is an avid web design hobbyist having written many pages for organizations such as the Knights of Columbus as well as the prototype St. Ignatius web site. You can learn more about Bruce by visiting his web site.


Special thanks to the following contributors to this web site:
Arthur Schreiber
Koreen Cassiero
Deborah Lein

Web Site Ministry

Most of the information in this site originates from our hard working parish staff. 

The website is updated periodically. More people are invited to get involved. Your ideas are important!  Please contact us or a parish staff ministry director. Watch for new developments every month.

We especially need contributors to help our parish staff keep their pages updated. If you have free day-time hours during the week to talk to the staff, have access to an Email account and can write well enough for publication, then you can be a  web site contributor!

We especially invite members of our Spanish-speaking community to help provide content in the Spanish language.

Advanced computer skills such as electronics graphics design, photo scanning, html editing, and web design are not essential but could be very helpful!


Many of the photographs were taken inside the parish grounds, especially within the church itself. 
Do you recognize many of the close-up objects?


date last changed: 09/06/2004