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Saint Ignatius Loyola
Hicksville, New York
Est. 1859

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December 25, 2011

Christmas Day, 2011

“And the Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us”. (John 1:14)

Christmas 2011 is my first Christmas as a Pastor. I could not think of a better way to celebrate this great Solemnity than with my parishioners of St. Ignatius Loyola. While we will sing our carols, open our presents, share stories with families and remember Christmases long past, may we remember the reason why we are here celebrating Christmas in the first place, that we have an awesome God who kept his Word (kept his promise) to His people in and through His Son Jesus Christ.

From the time God spoke to Adam & Eve, Abraham , Jacob , Isaac, Moses, King David and the prophets, He said that despite your sinfulness and your ignorance I will never forget you for you and your “house-descendents” will live forever. That promise has been kept through Jesus.

We now celebrate because God has made his dwelling with us and God is here to stay. May we recognize that this time reminds us as God became human through the incarnation, we too are born with God inside us. We now are able to share in the Divine. As Pope Alexander once said, “God became man so that man can become God.” What better way to celebrate this image than to see God first in our children.

Last week I had the opportunity to enjoy the Christmas pageant given by the young children of our school. They brought God to us through their love and their innocence. They remind us that God came as a vulnerable baby willing to let us love Him and be loved by Him. May we use our children’s example as a model to show them that their love can only continue to grow. That even though we are fragmented by the challenges of life, we are still God’s children and nothing, not even our sins, can ever rob us of this unless we allow it.

On behalf of Fr. Jose, Msgr. Bennett, Fr. Joe McCabe, our Sisters and our Staff, may I take this royal opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. My prayer is that the Divine Word that created us and enlightened us may now dwell powerfully within us. May it always speak and make itself known in our lives forever until we are with our God in Heaven.

God Bless you and Mary keep you. St Ignatius Pray for us.

Fr. Jim


December 18, 2011

The Revised Roman Missal (3rd ed.):
Same Mass Deeper Words: Part 10

The Concluding Rites

When Catholics are asked “what is the most important part of the Mass,” the answers may be the institution of the Eucharist, the Word or receiving Holy Communion. While their parts are central to thecelebration of Mass, the most important part of the Mass is the end or the concluding Rite. The word Mass means ‘to send” which comes from the Latin phrase “ite missa est.” Go now you are sent. This statement has been made for centuries reminding the whole Church that she has a duty to follow the Lord’s assertive words “As the Father has sent me so I send you.” (Jn 20:21; 17-18).

At the concluding rite, the priest gives after the final blessing followed by the dismissal given by the deacon or priest. The dismissal is now different from what we have heard over the last 40 years. Now the deacon or priest will say one of three phrases:
“Go forth the mass has ended.”
“Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.”
“Go in peace glorifying the Lord by your life.”
“Go in peace.”

This does not mean “it’s over, you can go home now.”
These dismissal statements mean that after we have received God’s Word and been fed with His Body and Blood, we are now able to become what we receive, Jesus the Christ. As the Son has come forth from the Father, we the assembly, come forth from the risen Lord sent out into the world to proclaim His name and point to His presence in word and deed.

This means that when we leave our church, we don’t cut anyone off in the parking lot or use foul language if we are cut off. It also means that we carry the Lord Jesus inside us to our homes, schools, and work. Wherever we go, God is present. To that we say “Thanks be to God.”

How fitting the sending forth is for the season of Advent where we focus on Jesus who not only will come or who came but is coming into our lives each and every day.


Our Lady of Guadalupe

A thank you to our Spanish community in celebrating Our Lady Of Guadalupe last Sunday. It was beautiful to see all the children in the native Mexican clothing. What a beautiful devotion to our Lady who is the patroness of the Americas.


St Ignatius Loyola School

Thank you to all of our children from Nursery and Pre-Kindergarten from St. Ignatius Loyola School who performed wonderfully in celebration of Jesus’ birth this past Wednesday. The prophet Isaiah  tells us “And Jesus said a little child shall lead them”. (Is 11:6)

Thank you to their teachers, our principals and to the parents in helping make the pageant very special.

I ask all of our parishioners to pray for our school and its families that God will guide them with his love and wisdom in doing what is right and good.

As we light the forth candle for the Fourth week of Advent in church and in our homes, we pray:
'O Lord in this season’s darkness, our advent wreath reminds us of the coming of Jesus Christ , Our Light.
As we light FOUR candles, we ask your help this day. That we may grow in goodness in every kind of way. Amen.'

May God bless you and Mary keep you and your families. St. Ignatius Pray for us.

Fr. Jim


December 11, 2011

The Closing of St. Ignatius Loyola School

My Dear Parishioners:

It is with great sadness that I write this column to inform you that Bishop Murphy and his Advisory Committee on Catholic Education have decided to close our school at the end of the academic year in June 2012. The closing of our school is part of strategic process that took approximately 18 months before any decision was made. Enclosed is a letter from Bishop Murphy about the school and the overall strategic plan for the health of Catholic education here on Long Island.

While our school principals Sr. Mary Ann Noonan and Sr. Mary O’Donnell, the faculty, staff and parents did their best to support and strengthen school, there were a number of factors that proved to be too costly for us to continue. This includes our enrollment of 164 children from K thru 8, the changing demographics of Hicksville, the parish’s $2.5 million debt and the close proximity of two other Catholic schools in our area.

Many of you either went to St. Ignatius or knew someone who attended the school. The news of its closing has a negative impact on all of us. However, as Catholics we believe that with every death new life abounds. Therefore, I invite each parishioner, especially those with children in our school, to renew your commitment to the parish. May this be a time when the Holy Spirit inspires us to work more closely, build community and use our space more creatively in bringing the Good News to all people, especially our families and youth.

I personally want to thank our devoted principals Sr. Mary Ann and Sr. Mary for the years of service and their commitment in providing good quality Catholic education. I also thank the teachers, the staff, the school board and our parents association for all they have done in helping to make our school the best it can be. I have been blessed to work with you.

Please pray for our teachers and school staff as they will soon be looking for employment. Please pray for our parents and their children so they will do what is best for each child’s education and that they will remain connected to our parish. Please pray for the St. Ignatius Parish staff, the priests, and myself as we embark on new ground in making decisions for a vibrant faith formation program for all walks of life. While there will be difficult days ahead, may we remember that we are here to serve not a building but a person, Jesus Christ, in whom we place our trust. Jesus tells us “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:1-4. May God bless you and Mary keep you and your families. St. Ignatius, pray for us.

Fr. Jim


November 13, 2011

The Revised Roman Missal: Same Mass Deeper Words: Part 7
The Eucharistic Prayer

The Preface Dialogue - After we finish our response to the Priest’s invitation to prayer over the preparation of the gifts, we now move into the Eucharistic Prayer. Many of us may think that the Eucharistic Prayer begins after the Holy Holy, Holy. Actually, it begins with the Preface Dialogue (the Lord Be With You) and is completed with the Doxology or the Great Amen. In the new translation the changes in the preface are in bold.

Priest: The Lord Be With You. - People: And With Your Spirit
Priest: Lift up your hearts. - People: We lift them up to the Lord.
Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. -
People: It is right and just.

The priest prays the preface in response to the dialogue. The words of the preface give joyful thanks for all God has done through Christ in the works of salvation. There are many prefaces in the Roman Missal, and many celebrations have particular prefaces assigned. This is because the texts of the Preface often point to the particular mysteries celebrated at Mass. The words “lift up your hearts” reminds us of a prayer in Lamentations “Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven” (Lam 3:41). To lift one’s heart means to offer one’s entire self to God. It is a wakeup call for us to set aside all of our worries and concerns and focus on God alone in the Eucharist.

The words right and just are much closer to the original Latin. Right and just came from civic agreements used in ancient Greece to verify what was happening. These words express our communal consent to what is occurring in this prayer. We are grateful and thankful for the mystery that is about to happen before us.

Holy Holy Holy:
Holy Holy Lord God of Hosts

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes
In the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the Highest.

The major change in the Holy Holy, is that we are now going to be saying Lord God of Hosts instead of Lord God of power and might. The word hosts does not mean we have a God of communion hosts. It means we have a God who has power over all things visible and invisible including the angels and archangels. The hosts refers to the army of angels. This means that God has power of all things visible and invisible.

This statement comes from the Book of the prophet Isaiah 6:3 where the prophet receives a vision of the Heavenly King in a Divine throne room surrounded by an Angelic court praising and adoring Him. Isaiah sees the Seraphim singing the Holy Holy acclaiming God as the one God above all other gods. When we sing or say this prayer, we are like Isaiah surrounded by the Angels in a jubilant hymn of praise. At this part of the Eucharistic prayer, we are entering into the Heavenly throne room, the same one Isaiah saw in his earth-shaking vision that filled the Temple with smoke as the angels sang. In the second half of the Holy, Holy we say Hosanna which literally means “Save us” These words come from the words of the crowd when Jesus came into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. They are adapted from Psalm 118. So, we are here to welcome Jesus into our churches and on our altars.


The Convent Roof - When I arrived here at St. Ignatius Loyola in June, one of the major concerns to address was the convent roof. For several months now, there has been a major water leak coming from the roof onto the third floor where two of our sisters live. The leak also affects CYO and our Human Services department. After having the Convent roof inspected, it turns out that we need a new roof.

Currently we have four Sisters of St. Dominic living in our convent. They have been a nice spiritual presence for our parish. Not too many parishes these days have sisters living in their convents. In addition, the Dominican Order helps to support the Parish by paying rent for the sisters. We also receive some income from the Nassau/Suffolk CYO. Presently, I am waiting for the Diocese to make some crucial decisions to help us out. Since we are struggling from our previous debt, I have asked for a grant from the Diocese. The cost of the new roof is approximately $80,000. Please pray that all will go well for our convent. It would be sad if we had to lose our wonderful tenants all because we just could not afford to pay for a new roof.

Fr. Jim

November 6, 2011

The Revised Roman Missal: Same Mass Deeper Words: Part 6

When the revised 3rd edition of the Roman Missal is implemented on Sunday Nov. 27, 2011 the Church gives us the option of either praying the Nicene Creed or the Apostles Creed at Mass right after the homily. Currently we can only pray the Nicene Creed unless it is a Mass with children. Incidentally, for those who pray the rosary, it is important to read the revised Apostles Creed so one can pray the rosary with the correct language beginning on November 27, 2011. Look for the prayer in future bulletin articles.

After the Creed and the General Intercessions, we enter into the second half of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist. After the gifts are brought to the altar and the priest says the prayers of thanksgiving over the bread and wine (known as Berakha) he then says the following:

Priest: Pray, brethren (brothers & sisters) that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God, the Almighty Father.

People: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy church.

Notice the priest’s part when he says my sacrifice and yours. Currently the priest says “our sacrifice”. When he uses the words my sacrifice and yours, he is referring to more than one sacrifice being offered. On the one hand the Mass is a single sacrifice offered by all present. On the other hand each baptized person in the assembly is offering a sacrifice. Both the priest and the people participate in the one sacrifice of Christ. The “my” part of the sacrifice points to Christ’s sacrifice, which will be made present through the priest who acts in the person of Christ (In Persona Christi). The “ your” part of the sacrifice refers to the entire Church and the people’s sacrifice, offering itself in union with Christ in the Mass. When we come to Mass we bring all that we have and all that we are. Everyone’s sacrifice is then joined to the one eternal sacrifice of Christ. This my sacrifice and yours describes this concept.

The people’s response to the priest’s invitation prayer shows how both sacrifices Christ’s and their own are united through the hands of the priest. Notice how the people conclude with the words “holy” church. The reason why the Lord accepts the sacrifice of the priest and the people has to do with the holiness of the Church.


Confirmation Nov. 12, 2011

This Saturday November 12, 2011 the parish of St. Ignatius will be celebrating Confirmation for approximately 90 students. Bishop John Dunn is our Celebrant. Please keep all of our Confirmation Candidates in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Holy Spirit in a special way. This Sunday Nov. 6th is Robe Sunday for all of our candidates.

There are red prayer cards found in the front of the church and on sides with the names of our confirmation candidates. Pick one up and take it home. Place the red flame on your refrigerator and pray for that particular candidate. This is a great way to foster a spiritual union between the parish and our youth.


Congratulations Ms. Alicia Reilly-Faculty Member of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish School

This past Monday, the principles and teachers from our parish school joined other catholic schools from around our area at an educational forum on Catholic education. During this time a Mass was celebrated. At the conclusion of the Mass the Diocese of Rockville Centre recognized teachers who served 25 years and higher in Catholic education. Here at St. Ignatius we are lucky to have Ms. Alicia Reilly who has served as a Catholic School teacher for 40 Years. Who’s counting?

Congratulations Ms. Reilly and our prayers are with you.


Youth Holy Hour/Dodgeball

Each month, our Diocesan Seminary has been holding a holy hour/ dodgeball game for youth.  The next event is on Friday November 11, 2011 at 7:30pm. Any teenager from 9th grade thu 12th grade who is interested in traveling to the Seminary in Huntington, please contact the rectory at 931-0056. Ask to speak with Rosemary. I am looking for youth as well as adults who are willing to drive and chaperone. This can be a fun and spiritual time for all. (See flyer in bulletin)

May God bless you and Mary keep you and your families. St. Ignatius Pray for Us!

Fr. Jim

October 30, 2011

Thank you to our Martha's Guild for the beautiful Altar decorations for the Fall. Thank you to Terri Meyer Farms for the decoration donations. You help us to enter more prayerfully as we embark into this season of color.


The Revised Roman Missal - Same Mass Deeper Words, Part 5
The Nicene Creed

In the revised Roman Missal at Mass, the Nicene Creed is as follows:

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through Him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation He came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, He suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

In this Creed, notice how the We believe will now be I believe. The I believe unites us with the rest of the Catholic world in using the singular. English was the only Western language that translated the opening Latin word to the Creed with the plural We. The I makes the Creed more personal and challenges us as individuals to interiorize the faith. Each individual has to answer for him or herself in making an Act of Faith in response to what we heard in the readings and what we are challenged to in the homily of the priest. Another change to notice is that One in being with the Father will now be consubstantial with the Father. The word consubstantial comes from the Greek word homoousios meaning of the same substance or of the same stuff. The word consubstantial was used in the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. to prove that the Son of God (Jesus) was not created by the Father but is a distinct Divine Person who has existed from all eternity, sharing in the same Divine Nature with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

A third change is the phrase “was born of the Virgin Mary” will now be changed to “was incarnate of the Virgin Mary.”The word incarnate is based on the Gospel of Jn:14 when we hear the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. To be incarnate means to put on flesh. This is to emphasize more accurately that the Son of God was not just born of the Virgin Mary but actually took on human flesh. By His very nature, the Son of God is divine and human too.

May God bless you and Mary keep you and your family. St. Ignatius pray for us.

Fr. Jim

October 23, 2011

One of the treasures we can be proud of here at St. Ignatius is our heritage. We are a parish that started from its German roots and have expanded to include the Irish, Italian and Polish communities, etc. Today, we can include our Hispanic brothers and sisters who come to us from many countries in Central and South America. This past weekend our Hispanic community celebrated two events 1) Senor de los Milagros which means the Lord of the Miracles and 2) Día de la Raza or Day of the Races.

Senor de los Milagros is a Peruvian event that celebrates a centuries-old painting on the wall of a relatively obscure church in central Lima. According to tradition, in 1651 a slave who had converted to Catholicism painted the depiction of Christ on the cross on the wall of a building in the outskirts of Lima where new devotees to the faith gathered to pray.  When a devastating earthquake struck the city four years later, the entire building collapsed except for the wall adorned with the painting. Over the next several decades, the image became associated with miraculous incidents. More and more people, particularly the descendents of slaves, began to worship at the site. The Senor de los Milagros known as the “Black Christ” is celebrated by Peruvians around the world today.

Dia de la Raza is a celebration of the Hispanic heritage of Latin America that brings together all the ethnic and cultural influences of the different peoples from the different Latino countries. It is also a day that marks the time that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. Our Spanish community celebrated the day with different foods and dances. Even our Fr. Jose got in on the act in dancing. We are so blessed to have people from different cultures to share their gifts in helping to make St. Ignatius a vibrant parish.


30th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Question

In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us about the two most important commandments that sum up all 10: Love of God and Love of Neighbor. In today’s world, as we mark Mission Sunday, who is my neighbor and what am I doing to take care of him/her?

May God bless you and Mary keep you and your families always. St. Ignatius pray for us!

Fr. Jim

October 16, 2011

The New Roman Missal: Same Mass Deeper Words: Part 4

The Introductory Rites Continued
The Gloria and the Opening Collect (Prayer)

The greatest change of words that we will s`ee beginning on the First Sunday of Advent November 27th 2011(26th-5PM Mass), is found in the Gloria or The Glory to God. This is said right after the Penitential Act. (Refer to Part 3 two weeks ago)

The Gloria recalls the Christmas story when Jesus was born and the Angels brought the good news to the shepherds— the first to hear about the Incarnation of the Word become flesh, God made man. It was a message of peace and hope. The Gloria comes from Luke ch. 2.

The Gloria is as follows:( The changes of wording are in bold.)

Glory to God in the highest. and on earth peace to people of good will.
    We praise you,
    We bless you ,
    We adore you,
    We give you thanks for your great glory,
    Lord God, heavenly King,
   O God, almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High Jesus Christ, With the Holy Spirit, In the glory of God the Father. Amen .

Notice that instead of saying peace to his people on earth, we will not be saying on earth, instead we will say peace to people of good will. The guiding principle for all translations, is to let the English express more literally the sentiments of the Latin original. The Gloria that uses peace to his people on earth”, describes to whom the people belong. In the new Gloria we will say on earth peace to people of good will, which describes their quality. This better connects with the Scripture from Luke 2:13.

Another change comes in the phrase: We praise you, We bless you, We adore you, We glorify you, We give you thanks for your great glory. These 5 descriptions in the Gloria are addressed to God. They describe 5 ways of God’s movement in us and 5 ways we come to know and address God in our prayer. They also refer to what we do in the Eucharistic prayer. These are all descriptions of God that have been restored. This exemplifies that trying to describe God is so awesome that one word cannot describe God. It is an overwhelming event.

    Only Begotten Son
   The word Begotten replaces only Son of the Father. The word begotten stresses in a more direct way that Jesus is the only Son of God. It describes how Jesus is uniquely God’s Son, sharing in the divine nature of the Father.

    The Collect-The Opening Prayer
    When the priest says Let Us Pray, he is there as the “President of the Assembly” to help gather all of our prayers into one. This allows people to pray for whatever they want in the silence of their hearts. The prayers are always addressed to God. God is called upon through the 2nd person, then we have a petition where we ask God to hear our plea, our cause. Finally, when we conclude with Amen to these prayers, we are solemnly affirming our belief in God and the unity of the prayers of everyone present. Then we are seated and we get ready to hear and receive the Word of God in the Scriptures. The collects are more wordy than we are use to. However, they are also more Scripture based.


Christmas Raffle

You will be receiving our Christmas raffle this week in the mail. This is a great fundraiser to help our parish function in serving all in God’s Kingdom here in Hicksville. Please be as generous as you can and share this with your friends.

Thank you for your generosity!

May God Bless you and Mary keep you and your families. St. Ignatius Loyola pray for us!

Fr. Jim

October 9, 2011

“This is the Day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad.” (Psalm 118)
That is what came to my mind as we, as a parish, celebrated my installation as the 11
th pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola this past Sunday October 2, 2011. My deepest gratitude to all who have prepared and participated in the liturgy and the reception that followed. I would like to thank especially the choirs of St. Ignatius, the English speaking adult and children and the Spanish speaking. ˇGracias a Dios a todos al gente!

I also thank Michele DiSanto, Peggy Gill and the entire Activities Committee. You did outstanding work to make this day special for my family and me. Thank you also to the Knights of Columbus and the honor guards, the ushers, William, our Altar Server and Fr. McCabe, who helped direct our priests.

Thank you to our photographers for the wonderful pictures that will help to capture the moment.  Thank you my parishioners for your prayers, gifts , cards and support!


Save the Date

Our parish school of St. Ignatius will be sponsoring a Carnival beginning Thursday June 21st and concluding Sunday June 24th. This is our big fundraiser to help support our school. We have not had a carnival in 25 years! I ask all of our parishioners to save the date and look for upcoming announcements in our bulletin for volunteers to help work at this great event. This can only be a success by the number of volunteers willing to help, both from our parish school and from the parish itself. This is a carnival for all.

There is a kickoff celebration on Sunday January 15th in the parish upper school auditorium after the 12:30pm Mass. We are having this party as a way to help all of us get excited to help our parish school and the parish as a whole.


Diocesan Annual Appeal

As you know, every year our diocese sponsors its annual appeal to help support all the programs that happen all over Rockville Centre. Each parish is given a goal of which to strive toward. If we make 100% of our goal, then we get 20% back, anything over 100%,we get 80% back. This is a win win! I know that the economy is unhealthy right now ,but I ask all of our parishioners to do their best in contributing to this fund because, in the long run, it will help St. Ignatius. Currently we are at 54% of our goal of approximately $110, 889. There is still time left to give. I’ll be sending in my gift this week.

Thank you for your generosity.

May God Bless you and Mary keep you and your families! St. Ignatius Loyola, Pray for us.

Fr. Jim

October 2, 2011

The New Roman Missal: Same Mass Deeper Words: Part 3

Introductory Rites - Penitential Act

The Penitential Act, currently called the Penitential Rite, where the priest invites us to acknowledge our sinfulness, follows the Greeting. This part, along with the Gloria, helps us to prepare us, the faithful, to listen to the Word of God and celebrate the Eucharist in a worthy manner (GIRM 46). The Penitential Act brings out different aspects of reconciliation. They are our personal wrongdoing against God and others, God’s forgiveness, and how sin affects the community.

This part of the Mass should not be confused with the Sacrament of Penance or the examination of conscience within the rite. The Penitential Act acknowledges that even though we are sinners, God’s love and mercy is never ending.

There are 3 forms that one can choose: The Confiteor (I Confess…), the “Have Mercy on us O Lord”, or the series of invocations with “Lord Have Mercy” or “Kyrie, eleison.”

In the Confiteor, there are a few changes in wording. They are as follows:
I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have
greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, And, striking their breast, they say: through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; Then they continue: therefore, I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

The absolution by the Priest follows:
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.
The people reply: Amen.

It may seem that after saying the phrase “I have greatly sinned”, striking our breast while saying “through my fault” twice and then adding “through my most grievous fault” that we are more sinful now than ever. This is no critique on us. This is a closer translation of the Latin that expresses more grandly the seriousness of our sin and the sincerity of our contrition. It offers a more humble way to collect ourselves before stepping any further into prayer.

The second option, which has not been used very much, but can be used is the following:
Priest: Have mercy on us, O Lord.
People: For we have sinned against you.
Priest: Show us, O Lord, your mercy.
And grant us your salvation

The first phrase come from Baruch 3:2, the second comes from Psalm 85:8. These verses are to be followed by the “Lord , have mercy” or “Kyrie, eleison.” This is the sinner’s offense against God and the request for healing. The word Salvation means “Health”. Forgiveness by Christ Jesus brings us healing and restores our health, both spiritually and, at times, physically. The third option, one that we are familiar with, is a litany where the priest says “Lord have Mercy. Christ have Mercy. Lord have Mercy” and we respond back with the same words. Or it can be introduced with an acclamation that emphasizes Christ’s power to forgive sins. The litany is always to be directed to

Christ, and the verses emphasize our belief in the Christ who is greater than death, darkness and sin. It is a litany of

praise where Christ comes to heal and restore sinners - inviting them into his heavenly banquet.

“Stay tuned for more next week”


Religious Education: This week is the start of St. Ignatius Religious Education. Please pray for our Coordinator, Colleen Tuzzolo, her staff, the different level coordinators and all of our catechists as they serve the Lord by helping to form our children in the Catholic faith. May the Holy Spirit inspire them to help build a stronger relationship between the children and Jesus. Please pray for all of our parents so that they recognize their role as the primary educators of the faith of their children and how crucial it is to be involved in St. Ignatius Religious Education formation.

The theme for this catechetical year is “Do this in Memory of Me.” This comes from the words of the Last Supper where the Lord gave us the mandate to participate in the Mass as well as in the sacraments of the Church. May God bless you and Mary keep you and your families! St. Ignatius Pray for Us!

Fr. Jim

September 25, 2011

I would like to write a series of bulletin articles on the New Roman Missal and the Mass. I thought we would begin again with an article that was printed back on August 14th. This will refresh our memory:

The New Roman Missal - Same Mass Deeper Words: Part 2

The Greeting (Introductory Rite)

At the beginning of the Mass after Sign of the Cross, the priest will extend one of 3 liturgical greetings to the people. The one that is used often and that will not change is the greeting of “The Lord Be With You.” Beginning on November 27, 2011, instead of saying “And Also with you,” we will be saying “And with your Spirit.” This new response will be used 4 other times during a dialogue in the Mass: At the Gospel reading, the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer , during the sign of peace (the priest says the peace of the Lord be with you always), and at the conclusion of the Mass.

What does the priest mean when he says “The Lord be with you”?

By greeting the people with the words “The Lord be with you,” the priest expresses his desire that the dynamic activity of God’s spirit be given to the people of God, enabling them to do the work of transforming the world that God has entrusted to them.

What do the people mean when they respond “And with your spirit”?

“And with your spirit”, is the proper translation of the expression et cum spiritu tuo. This Latin expression is only addressed to an ordained minister. When we respond with “And with your Spirit, it is not like we are hanging out at the LIRR talking to each other casually. Scholars have suggested that the word spiritu refers to the gift of the spirit the Priest has received at ordination. In their response, the people assure the priest of the same divine assistance of God’s spirit and, more specifically, help for the priest to use the charismatic gifts given to him in ordination and in so doing, to fulfill his prophetic function in the Church. Please go to our website www. to see all the changes in the Mass.


Thank you to our Activities Committee for a “job well done” in celebrating Msgr. Bennett’s retirement Mass and reception. Msgr. was proud to have many of you celebrate his special day with him.


Bishop Peter A. Libasci
This past Monday, the Diocese of Rockville Centre announced that Bishop Peter A. Libasci, one of our Auxiliary Bishops, was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as the 10th Bishop of Manchester, New Hampshire. While we are proud and happy for Bishop Libasci on this new appointment, we are sad to see him leave our Diocese. Our loss is New Hampshire’s gain.

When a Bishop is made the head of the Diocese, he chooses a motto that helps to describe his ministry as Bishop of a Diocese. Bishop Libasci’s motto is “Arise & Walk” taken from Acts:3:6. Please join me in praying for and congratulating Bishop Libasci on becoming the new Diocesan Bishop of Manchester.

May God continue the good work He has begun in him.


If you are free, you are invited to my installation Mass on Sunday, October 2nd at 12:30pm with a reception to follow in the Parish School Auditorium. If you are unable to make the Mass, stop by at least to say hello. This is a celebration of the parish more than for me.

May God Bless You and Mary keep you and your families! St. Ignatius Pray for Us.

Fr. Jim, Pastor

September 18, 2011

One of my favorite lines in Scripture is when Jesus says “where two or three are gathered in My name there am I in their midst”. This line tells us that when we are with people other than ourselves, the same Lord Jesus who walked the earth and gave His life for us is with us again. This cannot be more true than when we participate in the Mass every Sunday or Saturday night.

It is also true outside of Mass, especially when we gather for parish functions. This past Saturday, September 10, 2011, our parish held its annual picnic as a thank you to you, our parishioners, for all the hard work and efforts you make to help St. Ignatius remain a vibrant community. I want to personally thank our Activities Committee for all the hard work and planning they did for this day. They did a great job! I also want to thank our Pastor Emeritus, Msgr. Donald Bennett, for coming up with this creative idea. What helped the evening become very special was your hospitality and welcome toward my parents Stanley & Tozia Stachacz and my good friend, Msgr. Alexander Kulik. They remarked about the warm presence and Spirit of our parish.


This Sunday is another special day for St. Ignatius. We are celebrating the many years of service that Msgr. Bennett gave to the Church and,  most especially, to our parish. Msgr. Bennett was ordained on May 27, 1967. That was about 44 years ago. He has served the Church of Rockville Centre and the universal Church as a faithful and loyal servant. We are grateful for his service to St. Joseph’s, Garden City as an Associate Pastor, Secretary and Master of Ceremonies for Bishop Vincent J. Baldwin, Associate Pastor of St. Agnes Cathedral, professor of Theology and English at St. Pius X Preparatory Seminary , Administrator of St. Raphael’s East Meadow , Associate Pastor of St. Anthony’s East Northport, Pastor of St. Joseph’s, Garden City, and finally for 12 years of service at St. Ignatius here in Hicksville. May God Bless Msgr. Bennett with His grace, peace and good health for the rest of his life.


We also want to congratulate Mary Ann Lang who received the St. Agnes Medal of Service Award at St. Agnes Cathedral this past Friday, September 16, 2011. The St. Agnes Medal was established by Bishop William Murphy back in 2007 in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese. The St. Agnes Medal is given each year to an outstanding volunteer who has given of their time and talent in serving a parish. God bless you, Mary Ann, and all who have received this special award.

Fr. Jim

September 4, 2011

Greetings to you all!

I just arrived from Spain with Pope Benedict and 2 million people from World Youth Day in time for Hurricane Irene. Like many of you, the Rectory and the Church have been without power for at least four days.

Having a storm like Hurricane Irene really puts things into perspective. It helps one to appreciate the amenities of life we take for granted: lights, hot water, refrigeration, telephone, television, radio, cell phone, computers, the ipad and ipod. Yet, not having these items, especially the "noise makers", helps to bring families back together. In Wednesday’s Newsday, there is a beautiful picture showing a family playing scrabble together. What struck me was a woman who could not deal with the quietude! It is part of our Catholic tradition for silence to pray and listen for God. My hope is that this time will teach all of us a lesson of focusing on the real priorities of life, faith, family, patience, charity and country.

Because of the storm, our collections were very low.  So we are going to have a second collection this weekend for our "disaster relief." Also if you did not make it to Mass because of the weather, please remember to bring in your envelopes from last Sunday. It is not a sin for anyone who missed Mass last week due to the storm because we had no control over it. In closing, please remember these dates:
September 10th—Our Picnic
September 18th at 12:30—Msgr. Bennett’s Retirement Mass and
September 22nd—Class on the New Roman Missal at 7:30PM in the Church

May God bless you and Mary keep you and your families! St Ignatius pray for us!

God Bless All Our Students!

Fr. Jim

August 28, 2011

Dear Friends,

Once again I ask you to participate in our Special Friends Campaign. With the support of the people of our parish and many other generous and kind friends like yourselves, this annual SPECIAL FRIENDS campaign has become a major source of revenue for our school. The funds raised by this campaign will be used exclusively for the benefit of our school children.

Since 1907, the administration and faculty of St. Ignatius Loyola School have provided students with a Christ-centered atmosphere where children grow academically and spiritually. The Catholic faith and values taught at home are reinforced in the classroom. Students are encouraged to make the most of their God-given talents and to reach out in service to others. 

Parents who choose a Catholic education for their children are often making great sacrifices in order to pay their tuition. The money raised through this campaign helps to keep our costs as low as possible so that families can afford to choose a Catholic education at St. Ignatius Loyola School.

The drawing will be held at the annual Parish Picnic on Saturday, September 10, 2011 (immediately following 5 o’clock mass) with five (5) cash prizes awarded that day: $3,000, $2,000, $1,000 and two (2) $250. 

Winners need not be present to win and will be notified.  We encourage you to ask relatives, friends and business associates to support this endeavor. 

Thank you and God bless you for your ongoing support of our parish and school.

Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. James T. Stachacz


August 14, 2011

While the Summer is fleeting and our minds may be set on a vacation, preparing for school and other extracurricular activities, here are some exciting events to keep in mind.

Please Save the Date. You are invited!

*Saturday, September 10th: Our Annual Parish Picnic Opening with the 5pm Mass.

*Sunday, September 18th at 12:30pm: A Mass of Thanksgiving for Msgr. Donald Bennett to celebrate his 12 years here as Pastor of St. Ignatius and his retirement from active service.

*Sunday, October 2nd, 12:30pm: Mass of Installation of the new Pastor, Fr. Jim Stachacz


The New Roman Missal - Same Mass Deeper Words: Part 2

The Greeting (Introductory Rite)

At the beginning of the Mass after the Sign of the Cross, the priest will extend one of 3 liturgical greetings to the people. The one that is used often and that will not change is the greeting of “The Lord Be With You.” Beginning on November 27, 2011 instead of saying “And Also with you.”  We will be saying “And with your Spirit.” This new response will be used 4 other times during a dialogue in the Mass: At the Gospel reading, the beginning of the Eucharistic Prayer , during the sign of peace (the priest says the peace of the Lord be with you always), and at the conclusion of the Mass.

What does the priest mean when he says “The Lord be with you”?

By greeting the people with the words “The Lord be with you,” the priest expresses his desire that the dynamic activity of God’s spirit be given to the people of God, enabling them to do the work of transforming the world that God has entrusted to them.

What do the people mean when they respond “And with your spirit”?

“And with your spirit”, is the proper translation of the expression et  cum spiritu tuo.  This Latin expression is only addressed to an ordained minister. Some scholars have suggested that spiritu refers to the gift of the spirit he received at ordination.  In their response, the people assure the priest of the same divine assistance of God’s Spirit and, more specifically, help for the priest to use the charismatic gifts given to him in ordination and in so doing to fulfill his prophetic function in the Church.


Join us on Thursday, September 22nd in the evening at church for a talk on the new Roman Missal.

Please go to our website www. to see all the changes.


Please pray for me and 195 other people who are traveling to Spain this weekend to be with Pope Benedict XVI and millions of other Catholics from around the world for World Youth Day.  What a great expression of our Catholic Faith!

May God Bless you and Mary Keep you and your families Always!

Fr. Jim

August 7, 2011

Same Mass, Deeper Words –Belong More Deeply

On November 27, 2011, the Church will be changing some of the Words we use at Mass.  This came from the direction of Pope John Paul II who issued what is called the third edition of the Missale Romanum (the Latin text of the Roman Missal) during the Jubilee Year in 2000.

Currently, the Church uses the Sacramentary for Mass, which is the English translation of the Latin Misalle Romanum.  The Roman Missal, like every liturgical book used in the Catholic Church, is first published entirely in Latin.  For centuries, Latin was the language not only of the Church but in science, scholarship, politics and philosophy. The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) maintained the Church’s preference for Latin, but also allowed for a more extended use of the mother tongue of each country to be used at Mass (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 54).  The use of the vernacular, the common language of the people , has helped us to pray with more understanding and to deepen spiritual connections between the Liturgy and every day life. 

The prayers used in our current Sacramentary, were translated from the original Latin to English.  The first edition was published in 1974.  The Church realized, however, that translation is an art.  The meaning of and the ways words are used changes over time. Some words we use today, even though they may be the same words, carry different meanings.  It is the same with the language used by the Church.  Under the direction of Pope John Paul II, the Church decided to develop a clearer translation from the original Latin we used back in 1962.  The Sacramentary will now be called the Roman Missal.  The issuance of the 3rd edition of the Roman Missal reflects a new understanding of translation principles known as formal equivalency. The desire is to provide a more beautiful and more exact language of prayer. The goal is that the prayer be “to the greater glory of God.”

This new translation will employ the best of what we have learned about translation and liturgical language in two generations of celebrating the Liturgy in the vernacular.  It will provide an opportunity to reflect ever more deeply on the Eucharistic celebration that lies at the heart of the Church’s life.

The changes for you, the assembly, will be subtle - at the most 4 pages.  Please go to our website and check out the new changes in words we will use at Mass.  It will state what we use currently and the new words we will use beginning on November 27th, 2011, the First Sunday of Advent..  My goal in these bulletin articles is to help all gain a better understanding of the new words that we will pray so that in Bishop Murphy’s words, “ we can belong more deeply.“


I want to thank Fr. Jose and the Spanish Community on the wonderful picnic that took place this past Sunday, July 31st, the feast of St. Ignatius Loyola.  We had a beautiful day in Cantiague Park. It was a great celebration and expression of the Latino Culture in our  parish. Grácias a Dios!

May God Bless and Mary Keep You and Your Families Always!

Fr. Jim


July 24, 2011

On Wednesday, July 13, 2011, St. Ignatius buried Agnes Shannon,  one of the cornerstones of our parish.  Agnes' son, Fr. Michael Shannon of the Legonaires of Christ, presided at her funeral Mass along with seven other priests.  We give thanks to Almighty God for the life of Agnes and for her tireless work for the priests, staff and lay people of our parish.  May Agnes now hear the words of Jesus who says "Come, you are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom that has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world" - Mt. 25:34

You are all invited to the 11 AM Mass for the Feast of St. Ignatius Sunday, July 31, 2011.

Fr. Jim

July 17, 2011

The Weeds and the Wheat (Mt 13:24-42)

When I was a child, the worst job I had to do was to pull out weeds in our yard.  I remember one day we had weeds that were interwoven with our pachysandra in the back yard.  My mom told me not to pull out the pachysandra with the weeds otherwise I would tear out something very good.  The purpose of the pachysandra was to prevent more weeds from coming forth because of its awesome coverage.  So I had to be very careful with pulling out the weeds.

In today’s parable from the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus was a genius when he spoke about allowing the weeds and the wheat to grow together.  He was speaking about our human condition.  The weeds  represent our struggles, our challenges, our weaknesses and yes, our addictions.  To overcome them, we need to work through them not to repress them or think it will all go away.  It is in the struggle in facing our weaknesses that good comes forth and we are able to grow.  If we are patient with ourselves, in the end God takes care of all.

What are the weaknesses that I need to deal with?  Do I repress them or do I give them to God and allow them to help me be a better person.


Thank you to all of our Gardeners who make our grounds look beautiful especially, without the weeds.  Great job and God bless you.


Come to the Mass with your families on Sunday, July 31,2011. Though it is the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time, it is also the Feast of  St. Ignatius Loyola, our patron.  Pray for our parish that we continue to strive to grow in love in building God’s Kingdom here in Hicksville.

Fr. Jim


July 10, 2011

To All of our Parishioners of St. Ignatius Loyola:

Thank you for your gracious welcome since I arrived at St. Ignatius Loyola. It is hard to believe, but it is already almost three weeks that I am your new Pastor. I am thankful to almighty God for allowing me to serve you as your Pastor. I am grateful to Bishop William Murphy for giving me the opportunity as well to become a Pastor.

I would like to thank Msgr. Donald Bennett for his faithful and committed role as Pastor over these past 12 years. He has done much to build this parish. I hope to continue where he left off. I also want to express my heartfelt thanks to Msgr. Jack Alesandro who was our administrator over these last two months. Msgr. Alesandro has helped guide our parish well during the transition. Even though he is now serving at St. Thomas the Apostle in West Hempstead, he always has a home here.

My hope is that we will work together as the Body of Christ for the Body of Christ here in Hicksville. Please remember, when you see me to introduce yourself to me. You may have to do it several times since there is only one of me and many of you. Also, I am one of your newest parishioners, so I hope to learn from you.

During this Summer of ’11 take time out for prayer with God. There is no vacation from prayer and particularly the Mass. Since this is a time where we do not follow our usual hectic schedules, take some quiet time and allow the Lord to speak to you. You will be amazed because God has much to say. Here are some words to reflect on from St. Ignatius Loyola, our patron:

“Our only desire and our one choice should be this: I want and I choose what better leads to the deepening of God's life in me.”

May this choice begin with prayer ...

May God Bless you, and Mary keep you and your families always.

Fr. Jim Stachacz


date last changed: 01/15/2012
© Copyright 2009 Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish, Hicksville, New York.  All rights reserved.