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S t .   I g n a t i u s  L o y o l a  P a r i s h  
A Roman Catholic Community 

Music Ministry

Dr. Thomas Tirino, Director


Who Makes the Music at St. Ignatius?

You, Our Parishioners!

The congregation gathered at each Mass and service of the Church has a significant impact and vital part to play in the music of the Church. Quiet, gentle voices, strong and rich voices, even “a joyful noise” voices - you are a big part of the music ministry by singing the Psalm responses, the hymns of the day and the liturgical responses.  You participate in our music also when you come to listen.  The choral anthems and instrumental music of organ, flute, guitar and trumpet are performed to support you in your times of prayer, praise and meditation.  If you are interested, you are welcome to find out about singing in choir with us.

Our Cantors and Song Leaders

Joseph Demarest is our principal Cantor for most Masses throughout the Liturgical year. He was born in Hicksville, a member of Holy Family parish.  He made his professional operatic debut in New England with the Connecticut Opera.  Joe is a graduate of Boston University’s Opera Institute with a Professional Certificate in Opera and more recently completed certification in Music Education from Brooklyn College. Since returning to the area in 2004, he has been a soloist and substitute at churches on Long Island, including St. Ignatius where he is a parishioner.  Joe has been teaching privately for the past 8 years.  Although his area of expertise lies in classical voice, he is also an avid pianist/keyboardist with experience in classical, theater and jazz music.   He even finds time for outdoor activities like hiking and jogging. 

   Karen Massaro, a school district music teacher and life long member of St. Ignatius parish, sings at the 9:30AM Mass.  Debbie Meyer sings at our 6PM Mass. Other talented people regularly provide musical support.  You often see Sister Marilyn Pfriender and Jim Sheehan at the organ for 9:30 AM and 6 PM Masses.

St. Ignatius Adult Choir

We welcome new members! The Adult Choir has been in existence over 60 years and currently has about a dozen members spread out among the soprano, alto, tenor and bass sections. 


St. Ignatius Adult Choir serves a dual function:
bullet To support the congregational song of the parish.
bullet and to inspire the liturgical prayer of the parish through the beauty of sacred music.


St. Ignatius Adult Choir is a mixed chorus, men and women of high school age and older, which sings at the 11:00 Mass weekly from October through June.

The Choir may additionally sing at the following:

    • Advent Service of Lessons and Carols
    • Christmas Midnight Mass
    • The Liturgies of the Easter Triduum
    • Seasonal Concerts

The Choir rehearses twice weekly, September through June. Thursday evenings from 8 to 9:30PM and Sunday mornings 10:15 to 11:00 AM.

The current repertoire of the St. Ignatius Choir consists of about 150 chants, carols, anthems and motets. It spans five centuries and many countries - a virtual survey of the history of sacred music. The musical styles range from Gregorian chant, anthems and motets from the high Renaissance, the polyphonic music of Palestrina and Victoria to twentieth Century music by Vaughn Williams, Haugen, Rutter and Howells. Many of the works are sung a cappella; others are with organ accompaniment.

Members of the choir have some music reading skills and a good singing voice. Some training in basic vocal techniques, reading of music and musical notation, and a cappella choral singing is provided during rehearsals. New members are always welcome. They need to contact director Thomas Tirino through the rectory for an audition for voice placement. 

date last changed: 09/24/2008