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Saint Ignatius Loyola
Hicksville, New York
Est. 1859

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Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish Takes
‘Christ Jesus to the Streets’ of Hicksville

On Sunday, June 14, 2009, the Feast of Corpus Christi, the parishioners of Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish paid homage to the Most Holy Body and Blood of our Lord, Christ Jesus during three fundamental acts: Being together, walking together, and adoring together.  As a people of God, we gathered together around the Altar of the Lord during the 12:30 PM Mass to be in His presence.  Father Brian Barr, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Rockville Centre, was the principal celebrant.  

After the Mass, Monsignor Donald Bennett, assisted by Deacon George Mais, exposed the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance and then ‘took Christ Jesus to the street’ by leading the clergy, the choir, and more than 100 members of the congregation in a procession out of the church, down Broadway to East Cherry Street, through the church parking lot, and then around the church grounds.  Along the way, the procession stopped at the shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary and again at the shrine of Saint Joseph at which parishioners knelt in communal adoration in front of Christ Jesus, praying and singing hymns.  The procession culminated inside the church with the final Eucharistic Benediction during which all in attendance prostrated themselves before Him Who gave His life for us.

Those who are interested in spending more time in His Presence should consider joining the Nocturnal Adoration Society.  The Nocturnal Adoration Society, which has grown in membership at Saint Ignatius Loyola over the past few years, is an association of Catholics dedicated to prayer before the Eucharist for the praise of God and for the needs of the world.  Members are required to spend one hour during the evening of the First Saturday of each month, in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar in our church.  There are no dues and no prescribed social activities other than prayer.  For more information about the Nocturnal Adoration Society please call the Rectory.

Below is the slideshow of the Corpus Christi pictures.   If the slideshow does not appear,  click here...









date last changed: 12/09/2010
© Copyright 2009 Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish, Hicksville, New York.  All rights reserved.