A folktale from Poland



On the night when the Christ-child was born, an old woman sat alone in her little cottage, gazing into the flames that danced on her hearth. The old woman was glad that she had a fire, that she could sleep warm in her snug little bed, that she did not have to go out into the cold.

Suddenly came a rap on her door, and when she had opened it, three stately old men entered her cottage. They had flowing white beards, and wore kingly robes. "We have traveled far, Babouscka," they said, "and we stop to tell you of the Baby Prince who has been born this night in Bethlehem. He comes to rule the world and to teach all men and women to be loving and true. We carry Him gifts. Come with us, Babouscka!"

But she shrank back as she heard the storm beating mercilessly upon her little cottage. So the old men journeyed on alone through the snow and the wind and the cold. Babouscka could not sleep that night for thinking of the wonderful opportunity they had offered her to see the Prince. At last she decided that, when the dawn came, she would set out alone to find the Babe herself. In the morning she put on her heavy cloak, took up her staff, filled a basket with wooden toys, and set out to find the Christ-child.

Up and down the roads she hurried, through woods and fields and towns, saying to all whom she met; "I go to find the Christ-child. 'Where does he lie? But no one could tell her the way. Each one shook his head and said, "Farther on, Babouscka, farther on!"

So she traveled for years and years, and never found the child. In Poland they say that she is still traveling, and that, on Christmas Eve, when children are fast asleep, she comes softly through snowy fields and towns, wrapped in a cloak and carrying a basket. Steadily she enters each house and holds a candle close to the little children's faces. "Is he here?" she whispers. Then she shakes her head and turns away sorrowfully, sighing, "Farther on, Babouscka, farther on!" But she leaves a toy from her basket for each sleeping little one -- "For His sake," she whispers, and hurries on through the night. And next morning, on Christmas day, when the children find toys in their beds, they are told that Babouscka must have been there while they slept.



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