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Sheeps in Tanks and Other Things


Latest Update: 1:52 P.M. August 31, 2003
More recent updates are at the bottom of the page.
-email me

1:53 PM. Thurs. Jan 30, 2003

If you've been paying any attention lately, you'll notice that there have been a few changes. Besides improvingsome glitches, I'm also adding a few things. I really don't know when I'll be done with this whole thing. Probably around the time I finish the Sheeps In Tanks Game. I suggest you check back here maybe like once a week to see what's up. I'll put up an update like this every other day or so.


12:33 PM. Sat. Feb 1,2003

If you noticed, I had said "improving some glitches". I didn't mean that. I meant "fixing". Anyway, that's been done, and thanks to the Sheeps In Tanks Crew, I've been able to broaden this website. So the main website is pretty much done, though I'd rather not reveal it yet, since the game isn't done, and I may add a few more things.

While I'm working, I'd like to ask a favor of you guys. Spread the word of this site! Well maybe not yet, but once its up and running again. I mean, I really don't think anyone besides the Sheeps In Tanks Crew, a few of their friends, a few of my friends, and a few of my relatives view this site. I mean, after it's back up, it won't be just skating. There'll be one other thing, I don't want to tell ya, but let's say it has to do with the school I go to and all the weird things that happen there.


7:29 PM. Sat. Feb 1, 2003

So it has come to my attention that this font (Mercurius Script MT Bold, if you don't have this font in your word processor, it defaulted to Times New Roman, and just vote the third choice) is not fully legible. But, I want everyone to make the decision. E-mail me or instant messange me: SparkyMark4242 to cast your vote. Votes are as follows:

Keep it, I like it: 2

Switch it to something still kinda cool, but readable: 1

It's readable, but something needs to still be changed, maybe the color, maybe the font...:2

I didn't vote, but I think the font's alright. But don't worry, I'll go by your decision. Votes will be counted and changes will be made/not made on the day before I open up the new site. But don't worry, I'll give a heads-up on when that is.


7:37 PM. Tues. Feb 4, 2003

I dunno, I kinda think this looks good, I mean, it's alright, and readable. Hopefully this font (Comic Sans MS + Italics) is common enough that your computer doesn't default it to Times New Roman. Actually, unless more than two of you yahoos tell me you don't want it, I think I'm gonna keep it. Lata.


8:49 PM. Tues. Feb 4, 2003

Ok, never mind that thanks to the SIT Crew. More like thanks for them not bing pissed at me cuz i messed up. But nevermind.

Although this has only been an hour of thought, I'm still likin this font.


6:55 AM. Fri. Feb 7, 2003

I just can't figure Angelfire out. They keep screwin up my site. Well, since it's a Friday, you're probably wondering why I'm not preparing for/in school.'s a SNOW DAY!!! YAY!!! Which means that I get to play in the snow! ...And work on the web site...maybe. I still like this font.


10:29 AM. Fri. Feb 7, 2003

Damn. Angelfire. I just don't get it. They keep on deleting a lot of my stuff. This is really pissing me off. don't expect the new web site up any time soon. Crap.

9:25 PM. Fri. Feb 7, 2003

So I've been working my ass of all day trying to find some other free web site providers and I didn't get far. The only one that worked (as far as uploading video) was GeoCities, but that has such a low bandwidth that you wouldn't even be able to get halfway through Steve's part of the Sheeps In Tanks Game.

So, I'm stckin with Angelfire and am going to just see what happens. I'm trying a test site now to try and see what my/their problem is. But if this doesn't work, it's most likely goodbye Sheeps In Tanks. That really sucks. (oh and I didn't put my e-mail on the last entry because I just...didn't...feel like it. Yeah.)


9:01 PM. Tues. Feb 11, 2003

Hey the stuff is actually working. Maybe because I changed the beginning of the account names, or just worked on 'em right away. But whatever it was, I'm going to keep doing everything this way.



6:13 PM. Thurs. Feb 20, 2003

Everything's going smoothly, about 1/3 of the way done with Steve's game. The new web stie will be a whole lot cooler. I think I've put up enough links to my e-mail, and besides, no one's e-mailing me, so I won't put the link there anymore. I probably won't put up anymore updates unless I finish something (like Steve's game), and I'll definitly notify you guys when the actual site will be opened. Check back in a month. Peace.

7:22 PM. Mon. Mar 3, 2003

Odd, Angelfire had deleted a few more of my sites. But they took longer. I dont get it.

4:34 PM. Sat. Mar 8, 2003

I just got an e-mail from Angelfire. They say I can only have one website (which completely takes video out, including the Sheeps In Tanks Game). So this really sucks. I'm looking for sites which are COMPLETLY FREE and let you have more than one site (unlimited would be good). So I'm asking all of you to pitch in and try to find something like that. I already know about Geocities, but do the let you have more than one site? Besides, their bandwidth sucks. PLEASE FIND SOMETHING FOR ME.


9:05 P.M. March 19, 2003

Very good, ive found someone, and i think its workin. cool.

6:03 P.M. April 27, 2003

Wanna see the new site in it's first stage? Click Here.

5:00 P.M. May 25, 2003

Ok guess what. The above entry is a preview, but it'll be shut down soon, because the freaking people hosting me decided to go from unlimited space to 10 megs. BUT, I have signed up at a new place, this one has me pay, but its unlimited and everything's fine, what's better is that it gives me a .com name. Now yes, this is another set back, but don't worry, I'm 100% sure this one will work. I'm betting it'll be up at the end of the summer, but check back for updates. Lata.

9:01 P.M. July 30, 2003

Haven't heard from me in a while have you? Well, I just want you guys to know that it won't be long until the site's up. It's lookin' really good. Hope ya like it. I'll post the address once it's up, but I'm sure you guys can take a guess.

8:38 P.M. August 19, 2003

Alright! The site ( opens up on Sunday, August 31 2003!!! Probably around noon. There may be a chat session then too. Contact me @ or online screen name SheepsInTanks.

1:52 P.M. August 31, 2003

It's up! This will be the last entry on this site.