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The Truth Hurts

One is perfected through suffering.

And this Truth will set you (your mind) free.



I am an Apostle of Christ Jesus.

I am a son of God.

Love is the only Law


NOTE: Links with an asterisk [*] are intended for catholic readers



[ Reality Check ]


[ Marriage, an interesting 'spin' on the definition also --- Includes advice for The Sons of God ]

[ Parables are riddles, here is the key to decipher them! ]

[ Want to go to heaven today? HINT: You DO NOT have to die first. (This way -->) ]

[A 'glimpse' of God]

[Divisions in our Christian Church]

[ Abortion --- Includes advice for The Daughters of God]

[Who will be saved? Jew? or Gentile?]

[Watch out for Buddhists!]

[The Roman Catholic Church is a trap * ]

[How the teaching of Purgatory secretly kills your faith * ]

[Idols and False Images * ]

[ Mediators between God and Man * ]

[Communion * ]

[Confession * ]

[Vows * ]

[ The wealth of the church in Rome * ]

[The NATURE of Woman]

[Words for Children of The King]

[An Example of Divine Justice]

[You are Gifted]

[What is 'Real'? How do you define 'Real'?]

[Have The Time Of Your Life]

[Good and Evil]

[The number of the Beast --- ALSO includes some words on The Abomination that causes desolation]


[The Art of War ----- Your very own SPIRITUAL COMBAT MANUAL]

Books that contain PRECIOUS KNOWLEDGE that have been EDITED OUT of your bible.

[ The Second Book of Enoch ]

[ The Testament of Job ]

[ The Revelation of Elijah ]

[write me here ] or [here ]