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6/26/02-The first peice of news I have is that the sloth army has a set of trails to call their own. The boys of the sloth army have been puting in time at a seceret location (which most of you know about)diging trails. We have one line done and it is pretty cool. Every one helped out (even Ryan AkA. rattail,Teaco,Dj Robota,Ryno,Fosteino,Cobra)much of the work was done by the leader him self Jared. Now that you know that we have trails you are thinking hey cool, a place to ride. Not so fast JR. ask your self this. Did I help dig? am I down with the SLOTH ARMY? Do I enjoy to ware visors upside down and backward? Do I dye my hair (and I a Male)? If you answard these questions like this(yes,yes,no,no)you are set; but if you didn't your probably going to have an angry naked Italian boy chasing you off of his proporty with a shovel.

6/26/02-Ok school is out and I now have some time to work on the site. Im going to try and put a bunch of new stuff up in the next couple of weeks and then try to keep every thing updated.

6/12/02- OK here's the Deal I have been slacing off on the web site. When school gets over ill pick up where I left off and add alot of new stuff. Ill keep the site going as long as people check it out so sign the guest book and let me know what the deal is.

4/12/02- I am a little late to report this news but these things happen. Matt Scag was representing the Sloth Army at the Frozen Ocean season opener April 7th. Flash took a 3rd in moto#1 and a 8th in moto#2 for a 6th over all out of 47other riders. This was a good showing for Flash and exspect some more great finishes this year.

3/20/02- 30 Whatts Shorts has released their new CD, it is awsome these guys are good. So if you havent already got a copy of their cd get one. They are only $5 you cant get a better deal. To get your self a copy contact one of the band memembers and they will hook you up .

3/6/02- Ok I finished the new home page. It is a slightly differet set up, I have gotten rid of the news section and will have the news on this page now. I will also post webpage updates. If you havn't already noticed I have also added an interveiw section there isn't any interveiws in there now but I will try to get some very soon.

3/6/02- One big article of news that hasn't been reported on is that Ryan(rattail) got his dirt bike a couple of weeks ago. He got a a 2000 CR125 and has rode it a couple of times due to the nice weather for this time of year.