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Lyn Magnuson Collection: Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Gallery 3 Gallery 4 Gallery 5 Gallery 6 Marc Cassius Collection David Samuel Collection

Peggy Riemer Collection: Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Riccardi & Guy Holman Collections Weinstein Collection Miscellaneous Collection 2011 San Francisco Street Artists History

San Francisco Street Artists Memories & Lore

Dennis Dooley Collection

If you have pictures of San Francisco Street Artists and would like to donate scanned copies to this site, please e-mail them to Bruce Tackett. Please feel free to also include comments, anecdotes, or stories about various individuals, which will be posted below designated photos and attributed to the sender. So, please look through your albums and shoe boxes and see what you can find, ok? Thank you.

Names and captions for the pics are provided when known. If you recognize people and can provide names, it would be greatly appreciated. Again, please feel free to also include comments, anecdotes, or stories about various individuals, which will be posted below designated photos and attributed to the sender. When emailing me, Bruce Tackett, be sure to include the number of the picture you are referring to. Thank you.

You can also share information by going to The San Francisco Street Artists' Forum

517. Goshi Kogure

518. Dennis Dooley

519. Goshi

520. Eileen

521. Manuel Orantes

522. Rosalyn

523. Manuel and Rosalyn

524. Dennis, Rosalyn, Manuel

525. Rick Rochlin, Goshi, Eileen

526. Eileen

527. Julia, Eileen's mother, Eileen

528. Rick, Goshi, Eileen, Dennis

529. Manuel

530. Bill Ryan, Tom Usher

531. May, Tom, Goshi, __________

532. Rock 'n' Roll Dave a.k.a. Crazy Dave

533. Billy & Sandy O'Brien

534. Goshi, Joanne Scott, Tom Usher

535. Paul Irwin & Goshi

536. Barbara Bent & Barbara "Twilight"

537. Barbara & Yeshi

538. Two Barbaras

539. Rick Rochlin, Sucho

540. Linda Pederson

541. Manuel & Damion Dooley


543. Twilight & Don

544. Bill Kaufman

545. Mary Irwin

546. Paul Irwin

547. Mike Helm and Wayne

548. Bruce Tackett, Damion Dooley, ____________

549. Gene Spicer

550. ___________, ___________, Corky

551. Shelley, Bill


553. Dennis Miller, Damion Dooley







560. ___________, Yeshi


562. Bo Swenson



565. Uncle Ray



568. Bruce Tackett

569. Bruce Tackett

570. Tom, Goshi, Harvey

571. ___________, Craig

572. Reiko

573. Dolores

574. Shura & son

575. ___________, Damion Dooley

576. Brenda Bouchard

577. Pablo Picasso

578. Eric (center), David Samuel, Sarah, Stoney, Dennis, ___________



581. Dennis Dooley (center), Goshi, Tom, Pamela Robinson, John Robinson

582. Chris & Kathy

583. Cannery Politics: far left; ___________, Lynn Magnuson, Table; Michael Smith, Nina Smith, Goshi (back) Michael Tugeman (standing), ___________,
Tom Usher, Mark Kielty (standing), ___________(speaking), ___________, Sandy O'Brien (reading), Nick (far right)

584. Aki

585. Bud Oldermann

586. Aki, ___________

587. Ari Rector & Gene Spicer

588. ___________, Patrick Wheeler

589. Grimes Poznikov

590. Magic

591. Barbara Bent & Dennis Dooley


593. Kenny McGough & daughter

594. Goshi Kogure

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Gallery 2

Riccardi & Guy Holman Collections

Weinstein Collection

Miscellaneous Collection


San Francisco Street Artists History