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.September 11, 2001 - New York City Under Attack
















I was in New York City, after my office building was evacuated, a few blocks from the attack, watching as the 2nd plane hit the the Towers.  Standing, crying, scared and with an odd calm, we all stood and watched as our Towers and our City was being changed forever.

Unlike thousands of others, I was able to get to my car and escape before the Brooklyn Bridge had closed.  I will never forget that feeling, driving on the Bridge, hoping it would not be attacked before I crossed over it, trying frantically to call my mother to let her know I was alive.  Driving, staring back at the Towers as they were burning and falling, praying outloud in my car, God please protect me, as I watched others in their cars doing the same.

God Bless and Give Peace to all of the People killed in New York City, Washington and Pennsylvania. People I know or know of, are gone today. So many of my friends have lost family and friends.

God Bless the Families and Friends left behind - Our Hearts And Prayers Are With You All Forever.

God Bless all of our friends and loved ones in all Military Forces who will soon be fighting to retaliate for the horrific attack upon us.  A war like never before. They are leaving scared and unsure of the outcome. May they go with our blessings, prayers and love.. and may each and everyone of them Come Home Safe (please).

God Bless the hundreds of people, my friends included, who have jumped in to help the red cross and all of the rescue missions.  God Bless The New York City Police Department, who have lost so many and are exhausted, working with no days off and giving all that they have inside of themselves. God Bless our wonderful Fire Fighters, countless lost, as they fight through blazes and horrible wreckage.  Please Pray for Everyone in New York City and Please Pray for America.

May all who were lost on September 11, 2001, Rest In Peace With God.

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