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Your Listening To: Miracles - Jefferson Starship
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<BGSOUND SRC="MiraclesJS.wav" LOOP=False>

WelCome To WaVnShack

Seirra707 - Owner & Founder of The WaVnShack Fullsong Wavs

And the Angel said to them, "Fear Not,
for EVERYONE who searches Finds. Your Life is a Sacred Journey.
Appreciate the Moment. Discover the Magic.
Rest in Love. Listen with your Heart.
Take an Inner Voyage of Harmony and Balance.
May PEACE be to ALL who enter HERE."

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View Seirra's WavnShack Guestbook

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Tell me what you think.

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by clicking on the Words Of WISDOM link below


Some Said I Couldn't Do It.
Some Shook Their Heads In Doubt.
Some Rolled Their Eyes And Sighed.
"You Can Never Work It Out."

You Said I Could Do It:
The Task You Gave To Me.
I Worked From Dawn Through Dusk,
With Help That Came From Thee.

And Now That It's Complete,
New Goals You Place Ahead.
I'm Glad I Showed You Honor,
And Heard Your Voice Instead.

~ Authur unknown ~

Sundays Page

Mondays Page

Wednesdays Page

Thursdays Page

Fridays Page

Seirra's Lyrics (Still Under Construction)

Shout Out Loud - Christian Page

War Against America (America's Tragedy)

Seirra's HomePage For All Other Links


ALL songs are for evaluation and/or educational purposes ONLY.
No financial gains are made by this Website.
All copyright holders still retain their perspective copyrights.
Remember... This is for evaluation purpose ONLY!
We recommend that you DELETE the song within 24 hours and
support the artists by buying their CDs.
These songs have been compressed
with the Mpeg to minimize their size.

I take NO Credit for the Music or Graphics Found On any of WaVnShack pages.
This Website was created on October 16th, 1999 & last - February 5th,2002