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Have a perfect female Aussie that you would be interested in breeding, yet don't have a good enough stud for her? Well, thanks to SCK, you can breed your dog to one of my best male Aussies.

The Form:
Name of stud you want your dog bred to:
Your dog'z breed:
Name you want the puppy to have:
Your e-mail address:

So just copy this form and paste it into an e-mail, and attach your dog with it. Please send .pet files only. Send it to me at

  • That your dog is an adult (duh)
  • That she a purebred Aussie, as I am not currently offering my studs for breeding mixes, sorry.
  • Only true Aussies are accepted, meaning no dalmation overwrites, as these do not breed true and the puppy will often look like the mother was a normal dalmation.
  • Unfortunately, I can only breed other other Aussies to my studs if your Aussie is from the APKC breed file, as the other Aussie breed file causes problems on my petz game.

    This is Johnny. He is currently one of my best studs and will breed to just about any dog you put him with (quite the player he is, hehe). He usually produces very nice puppiez that are good for showing, breeding, frisbee catching or agility, or just pets. I can (almost) promise you that you'l be satisfied with one of his offspring!

    Meet Kaydo, another one of my best dogz. This lovable Aussie will get along with most females he is put with. His puppiez are usually very sweet dogz and would be good for frisbee or agility, breeding, and possibly showing although Kaydo himself hasnt had much experience with that. He usually produces blue or red merles, depending on what color your dog is.

    This is Jade. As one of Johnny's sons, he would sire pupz that would be good for showing, frisbee/agility, or breeding. He hasn't bred that many times yet, but he is very friendly and the puppiez he has had so far have shown great promise. I think he would have a very good career as a stud. Give him a chance, I promise you won't regret it!

    This handsome dog above's name is Swallow. He is a very sweet, friendly dog and I feel he would make a great stud. Unfortunatley, I haven't been able to breed him since he is realated to any of my female Aussies that are worth breeding (I do not directly inbreed). Give him a chance if you want, I'm sure you'd be satisfied with the pup!

    And this is Rednal. Still being fairly young, he has had a few puppiez who have been nothing extremely amazing but are still good quality puppiez. He has shown some promise with his show posing so perhaps his offspring would be good show dogz.