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lighthouse.jpg (22768 bytes)HUNTINGTON HARBORS GIRL SCOUTS


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At what age can girls join Girl Scouts?

Can I become a Girl Scout Leader?

How can parents help with the Troop?

How will my daughter be placed in a Troop?

My daughter is on a waiting list, why hasn't she been placed in a troop?

Who will be my daughter's leader?

What will my daughter and her troop be doing?

Where are Girl Scout Meetings held?

When will the troop meetings be held?

Are there any famous Girl Scouts?

Q: At what age can girls join Girl Scouts?

A: Girls can join Girl Scouts when they are in Kindergarten.  The girls progress through different levels as they get older.

Daisy Girl Scouts: Grades K-1 or Ages 5-6

Brownie Girl Scouts: Grades 1-3 or Ages 6-8

Junior Girl Scouts: Grades 3-6 or Ages 8-11

Cadette Girl Scouts: Grades 6-9 or Ages 11-14

Senior Girl Scouts: Grades 9-12 or Ages 14-17

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Q: Can I become a Girl Scout Leader?

A: Anyone can become a Girl Scout Leader, all you need are a few hours a week and an interest in helping girls achieve their potential. 

The rewards are great, you will be learning new things and meeting new people. There is nothing better than knowing that you are helping girls to improve their self-esteem, and to better their decision making and leadership skills. 

Your local Service Unit and Girl Scout Council will be on hand for help and support. They will provide you with leader training and workshops. They will also mail you newsletters and magazines on a regular basis.

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Q: How can parents help with the Troop?

A: There are many ways that parents can help. Just how involved you want to be, depends on you. Parents can volunteer to help with the cookie, nut or magazine sales.

Perhaps you could help keep the troop records, or be available to do photocopying. You could volunteer to provide refreshments for troop meetings, or baby-sit the leaders' other children.

You could also help with transportation for field trips or share your special ability or skill with the troop.

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Q: How will my daughter be placed in a Troop?

A: If there are places in existing troops, your daughter will be placed in on of these troops, providing that there are no waiting lists. If there are no troop placements available, your daughter will be placed on a waiting list.

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Q: My daughter is on a waiting list, why hasn't she been placed in a troop?

A: There are no places available in existing troops. Your daughter will be placed as soon as an opening occurs.

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Q: Who will be my daughter's leader?

A: Most of our leaders are the parents of Girl Scouts.

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Q: What will my daughter and her troop be doing?

A: It depends on the interests of your daughter, the other girls in the troop, the troop leaders, and other active parents.

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Q: Where are Girl Scout Meetings held?

A: The Meetings are often held at your daughter's school, immediately after school. Some leaders prefer to meet in their home. It is up to each leader to decide where the meetings will be.

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Q: When will the troop meetings be held?

A: Again, it is up to the leader. Leaders pick a day that is most convenient for them. Some troops meet weekly, others meet every week, and still others on a monthly basis.

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Q: Are there any famous Girl Scouts?

A: Yes, there are many famous Girl Scouts. Here is a list of some of them:

Ali, Tatyana - actess

Arias, Anna Maria - Associate Editor, Hispanic Magazine

Arnold, Barbara - State Representative, New Hampshire

Berry, Linda - FBI Agent

Betanzos, Amalia B. - President/CEO, Wildcat Servcie Corp

Black, Claudia - Psychologist/Author

Bloodworth-Thomason, Linda - Writer'Producer

Bombeck, Erma - Humorist

Byrne, Emma N.  - Director, NJ Division of Consumer Affairs

Brown, Mary Anne Symons 0 President, Symons Brown, Inc

Bunyan, Maureen - TV News Anchor

Chafee, Susy - Entertainer

Chen, Connie - President, Chen Planning Consultants

Collins, Brenda - Child Psychologist

Couric, Katherine - Co-Anchor of Today Show

Curless, Ann - Pop Singer

Davis, N. Jan - NASA Astronaut

Delbarco, Mandelittle - News Broadcaster, National Public Radio

Diaz Dennis, Patricia - VP Govt Affairs, Sprint, Former FCC Commissioner

Dove, Rita - Poet Laureate

Edwards, Teresa - Basketball Player

Engeleiter, Susan - Former Chief Administrator, Small Bus. Admin

Evans, Janet - Olympic Swimmer

Feeny Durham, Sharn - Architect

Flemming, Peggy - Figure Skater

Fisher, Anna L. - Astronaut

Fulford, Mille Hughes - Former Astronaut, Head of Research Lab

Futter, Ellen - President, Barnard College

Gist, Carole - Beauty Queen

Godfrey, Joline - President, An Income of Her Own

Griffith-Joyner, Florence - Track and Field Olympic Gold Medalist

Hager, Susan - President, Hagar Sharp Communications

Hagedorn, Jessica - Writer of "Dog Eaters"

Han, Maggie - Actress/Model

Hass, Penny - Judge

Heiser, Stacy - 1994 Miss Michigan

Hinojosa, Maria - Radio News Broadcaster

Hill, Lynn - Rock Climber

Jernigan, Tamara - Astronaut

Joyner-Kersee, Jacqueline - Olympic Gold Medalist

Kaufman, Monica - Anchorwoman, Atlanta

Kemp, Emma - Musician

Klimova, Rita - Ambassador Of The Czech/Slovak Fed. Republic To The US

Landman, Dr. Bette - President, Beaver College

Lee, Yoonsun - Owner, Graphics And Design Firm

Lopez, Nancy - Golfer

Lucci, Susan - Actress

Mikulski, Barbara - US Senator

Mink, Patsy - Congresswoman

Moriarty, Erin - TV Reporter, CBS  48 Hours

Moseley-Braun, Carol - US Senator

Moore, Ann - Publisher, People Magazine

Norman, Jessye - Opera Singer

Norville, Deborah - TV News Anchor

Rivera, Chita - Actress

Rodin, Judith - President, University Of Pennsylvaria

Rydberg, Marsha - President, Hilbsborough Bar Association

Savage, Terry - Columnist And TV Talk Show Host

Seddon, Margaret R. - Nasa Astronaut

Sharp, Marcia - Chairman, Hagar Sharp Communications

SteinemI, Gloria - Feminist Writer

Taira, Linda - CBS News Anchorwoman

 Tavris, Carol - Psychologist / Author

Tomita, Tamlyn - Actress

Vernon, Lillian - Mail Order Entrepreneur

Viorst, Judith - Author

Walls, Juanita - FBI Agent

Watson, Elizabeth - Houston Police Chief

Watts, Rolanda - Reporter, Television Show Host

Williams, Venus - Tennis Pro

Williamson, Gen Myrna - Retired Army General

Wolf, Wendy - Senior Editor, Harper Collins

Woodruff, Judy - Co-Anchor, CNN's World News Tonight

Yanehiro, Jan - Television Reporter/Co-Host



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