Title of the page.  Naive expression of love.  Reluctance to admit that you are gone.
pointless image to the index to my info page to my compositions to my blog to my livejournal to my friends page  to my quotes page to my *more* random page pointless image

Pictures from SUNY Fredonia

A cute picture of Cara and Beth, from when Beth visited for her spring break. We were having an Irish music fest for St. Patrick's Day.

A picture from Halloween 2000 featuring Liz, Greg, Ali, Dan, and Mark.

Picture from Liz's (other Liz) recital, with Andrew, Cara and some other people I don't know that well. Oh, and Liz. In the dress, duh.

From our last pizza party. Anna, Liz, Suz, Mordion, myself, and Katie in the front.

Aww, it's Susan!

A picture of Essena dressed for her recital, plus Ali and Tony in the background...and some person I'm not at all familiar with.

McGinnies Hall People!

This is Ali, a Long Islander and former dormmate, being awesome.

Dan, Dan, our RA man. First year at McGinnies. Best. RA. EVER! ...I feel dirty now.

Daves are always cool. This one is no exception. Another great guy from the McGinnies crew.

Gina G! Gina is one of the best people around. I'm going to miss her incredibly much.

Here's Greg. Good times with Greg, Julia and Andrew. *sigh*

Joel and Anne were two more fabulous folks. This past year I had Joel for Web Design, too. Fun on a stick.

Julia! My roommate from sophomore year. She's the bomb. I miss her.

Karen lived across the hall from me for two years. She's so damned social.

Ryan and Susanna. Two of the nicest people I've ever met.

Suz is awesome, as is Steve.

Jamie and Marielle have lived next door to me for two years. Tim there is Jamie's bf, and all three are great fun to be around.

A fun picture from Marielle's birthday. Andrew and Rich are in the background, with Marielle, Jamie and Tim in the foreground.

Sam and Lauren are always cheery and talkative. And they rescued me from Buffalo with Karen. *grin*

Gregory Hall Gang

This is my freshman year.

Here's a picture of Essena, though not the best.

This is from the end of freshman year when all of the Gregory folks had an enormous party. This is almost everyone, and blammed if I'm going down the list.

Jeff! One of the most fun guys ever. EVER.

It's Andy Bodemer. Who doesn't love Andy? Awesome guy from Gregory Hall days.

Barbara G. Wilkie