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English Review


- stressed individualism and self-reliance
-no ministers are needed
-know God directly through nature
-major writers:
~Ralph Waldo Emerson-father of transcendentalism
~Henry David Thoreau
-“Insist on yourself, never imitate”
-“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind”

-belief in sanctity of individual and distrust of institution
-People must imitate no one but trust in their abilities
-society demands conformity
-to be great, people must be self-reliant, nonconformists, and not afraid to be misunderstood
“integrity of one’s own mind”
“whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist”
“The civilized man has built a coach but has lost the use of his feet”

-Thoreau-“walked to the beat of a different drummer - Harvard Grad – influenced by Emerson
-stayed in Walden for 26 months
-lived in a cabin on Emerson’s land
-spent 8$ for 2 years
“I did not wish to live what is not life”
“our life is frittered away by detail”
“simplicity, simplicity, simplicity”
“simplify, simplify, simplify”
“why should we be in such desperate hast to succeed?”
“I went into the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not when I came to die discover that I had not lived.”
Analogy-Extended metaphor that has several similar points

“Civil Disobedience”
-Government should be limited
-Gov’t never accomplishes anything by itself
-Principles are more important than the power of the majority
-People indirectly support the wrong of the gov’t
-The source of problems is the form of gov’t and the constitution
-Gov’t can’t touch the intelligence or spiritual part of a person

“I Hear America Singing”~Walt Whitman
-Celebrates America’s Diversity
-Stresses Individualism
Free Verse- no fixed pattern of meter or rhyme
Alliteration- a constant sound is repeated

“Letter To His Family” ~ Lee
-conflicted over the state of the union
-does not agree with secession but acknowledges that the south has been “aggrieved by the acts of the north”
-Father was a commander during American Revolution
-written just prior to civil war
-Loyalty to the union must be second to loyalty to your own family and native state
-tone is formal and almost impersonal
-diction-clarity of pronunciation or writing
-self-conflict-conflict or problem with oneself

“The Gettysburg Address” ~ Lincoln
-Written in 1863 at dedication of the 20,000 soldiers killed at Gettysburg
-Keynote speaker spoke for 2 hours and Lincoln spoke for 2 minutes
-Tone is somber, dignified, and formal
-Tone-feeling or attitude the writer conveys
-parallelism-a similarity to something else
-contrast- the difference between (Gettysburg and letters to..)

“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” ~ Bierce
-example of a flashback
-part 1-present reality- peyton farquhar being hung
-part 2 – flashback – explains why farquhar is being hung
~tried to burn down Owl Creek Bridge
~southern loyalist victom of a trap set by a
federal spy
-part 3- dream- happeneing in the few seconds of death
~heightened senses, vivid descriptions
-chrolological order = 2-1-3
-flashback-interpretation in the action of a story to portray incidents that happened earlier

“Richard Cory” ~ Robinson
-richer than a king in a time when people could hardly afford bread
-killed himself on a calm summer evening
-irony of a situation- portrayed of one thing and ends with the opposite

Metaphor-implied comparison between 2 different things
Point of view-the position of which one looks at something

“The Great Gatsby” ~ Fitzgerald

-Nick Carraway
~comes from a well-to-do family
~attended Yale with Tom
~Goes to NYC for bond business
~lives in west egg
~Cousin is Daisy
~reserves judgment of other(fathers advice)

-Tom Buchanan
~one of most powerful ends in football at Yale
~Arrogant(“I have a nice place hear”)
~Lots of $ but no Substance
~recognizes the Nordic race as supreme race

-Daisy Buchanan
~has an inner emptiness
~no ability to set or achieve goals
~watches for the longest day of the year then misses it
~wants her daughter to be a beautiful fool
~spent a year in France for no reason and moves wherever the people play polo

-Jordan Baker
~lack of honesty and integrity

-Myrtle Wilson
~Haughty attitude
~hopes to deceive those around her into thinking she is a fine woman
~judges men by outward appearances
*george-borrowed suit and didn’t return it
*his dress suit and leather shoes hid a brutal personality
^irony-complains about lower class, but she’s in that class
-Valley of Ashes-poor and lower class live here spiritless
T.J Eckleburg- identified with God

~Looking out at a green light first time nick sees him
~Real name is James Gatz from a midwestern family
~Was in love with Daisy before the war
~Deliberately lives on other side of bay from daisy
~went to oxford
*killed a man
*German spy
*Gets money from bootlegging
~does business with meyer wolfsheim who fixed the world series in 1919
~offers Nick more opportunities to make money
~doesn’t drink because of cody
-Nick passes judgment about everyone to Gatsby “There a rotten crowd, your worth the whole damn bunch of them”
-Gatsby dies and 3 people go to his funeral
~Owl eyes

~”Outward appearances can be deceptive”
~”Attainment of a dream may be less satisfying than the pursuit of that dream”
~”wealth breeds carelessness”
~Blind pursuit of an ideal is destructive”
~”The American dream is corrupted by the desire for wealth”

Vocab units 6-10
Pronoun/antecedent agreement
Using pronouns correctly
Using verbs correctly using modifiers correctly
2 reading comprehension passages

Possible Essays:
Great Gatsby
Transcendentalism Quotes
Literary terms

**I am not responsible for any wrong answers, Email me and i will fix them**

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