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The page is currently underconstruction, any oddities that are not normally there, that's why

Hello Boys and girls. This is a web site about a whale. NO!!!! This is a website about being happy. I don't think your happy enough, I'LL TEACH YOU TO BE HAPPY. I'LL TEACH YOUR GRANDMOTHER TO SUCK EGGS. Ifin you aint the granddaddy of all LIARS. The little critters of nature they don't know that they're ugly. That's verry funny a fly marrying a bumble-bee. I TOLD YOU I'D SHOOT BUT YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE ME WHY DIDN'T YOU BELIEVE ME?!?!?!?!?!

Due to legal complications my old site had to be shut down but now it's back up and it's legal WOOHOO. I had planned on putting up all the old pics., but I can't find them. I would've loved to still ahve the Fight Club pics, but what ya gonna do?

ACE Camp
Posted 8/04/02
The Good Life
Posted 8/04/02
Cliff Notes
Posted 10/27/03

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