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This is where you will chose your verses for your wedding set! PLEASE click the links below to also select ink and font choices! HAVE FUUUN!


Traditional & Contemporary Verses for Wedding Invitations

If selecting a numbered verse, indicate the verse number on your email form. Also please fill in your information where there are blanks:) 


               When you are ready to select your other verses and font, please click on the name!



Verse W1

A life of sharing, caring
A love of endless giving together
_______ (Brides Parents)
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
on ____________(Date)
_______, ______(City, State)

Verse W2

With joyful hearts
we ask you to be present
at the ceremony uniting
_________ (Bride)
_________ (Groom)
on ________ (Date)
at _________(Time)
________ (Location)
_____, _____ (City, State)
_____________(Bride’s Parents)

Verse W4

__________ (Bride)
together with their parents
_______(Bride’s Parents)
_______ Groom’s Parents
invite you to share in the joy
when they exchange marriage vows
and begin their new life together
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W14

____________ (Groom)
have chosen the first day
of their new life together
as ______________(Date)
You are invited to share in their joy
as they exchange marriage vows
at ___________(Time)
________, ______(City, State)

Verse W18

_____(Bride) and ______(Groom)
the children that God has entrusted to us
have together with the Lord
reached a decision to unite their lives
as one with Him
and to place their love and future
in His hands
We invite you to worship with us
and witness their vows
on ______________(Date)
at ___________(Time)
________, ______(City, State)

_____________(Bride's Parents)
____________(Groom's Parents)

Verse W23

For everything there is a season
a time and a purpose
Because you have shared in their lives
through your friendship and love
we now invite you to share an experience
a joyous occasion
the marriage of our daughter
_______ (Bride)
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W24

Happily we two
__________ (Bride)
have chosen the first day
of our new life together
as ___________(Date)
You are invited to share in our joy
as we exchange marriage vows
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W25

How beautiful is the day
that is touched by love
________________(Bride's Parents)
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
_______ (Bride)
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)
Verse W34

_________________(Bride's Parents)
have the honour of announcing
the marriage of their daughter
_______ (Bride)
on ___________(Date)
_____, _______ (City, State)

Verse W36

_____________(Bride's Parents)
request the honour of our presence
at the marriage of their daughter __________ (Bride)
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W41

The miracle of love is
that love is given to us
to give to one another...
_________ (Bride)
invite you to share
a day of happiness
as they begin a life of love
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W117

__________ (Bride)
together with their children
invite you to share with them
a celebration of love
Their marriage ceremony will take place
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W134

Love fills a lifetime
and a lifetime begins this hour
when the two of us
__________ (Bride)
begin a new life together
We invite you to share
this day of happiness
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W190

God has led two lives
to take one path
__________ (Bride)
together with their parents
invite you to witness their vows
as they begin their joyful journey
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W230

Please celebrate with us
the freshness of new life
and new love as we
__________ (Bride)
exchange wedding vows
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W237

Blessed be the tie that binds
our hearts in Christian love
The fellowship of kindred mind
is like to that above
We, __________ (Bride)
joyously invite you to witness
the uniting of our lives into one
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse W246

It is our moment to celebrate
the love that unites us
Together with our parents, we
___________ (Bride)
invite you to share with us
this joyous celebration of love
at our marriage
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)

Verse A29

Because you have shared in their lives
by your friendship and love
the honour of your presence is requested
at the reaffirmation of
the wedding vows of
on ___________(Date)
at _____________(Time)
______, _______ (City, State)