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U.S. Name: WHIRL   Jap. Name: SAME 

Cartoon First Appearance: NONE

Marvel Comic First Appearance: (UK) The Transformers #82, Oct. 11, 1986, 30 lb

Dreamwave Comic First Appearance: Second Mini Series, Transformers #3, Jun/ 2003, $2.95

Toy Catalog Number: N/A


A quick comment:      Back to G-1: Review A-VI    Teletran-1

This is my first Whirl.  I bought it on Oct. I, Mmiv and it cost me $CLII from Ebay.  I guess what inspired me to get Whirl because his chance of getting reissued by Takara is so slim because they don't own his mold anymore.  Also, Whirl was parted of the Wrecker team in Marvel comic.


R-0 Original Whirl's motto and tech specifications:  

Affiliate: autobots | Subgroup: wreckers | Function: aerial assault | Alt. Mode: helicopter|

| STR 8 | INTL 8 | SPD 8 | ENDN 8 | RNK 6 | CRG 9 | FRPW 8 | SKL 8 |

Original G1 Whirl Motto:

"It used logically, madness makes a great weapon. "


Original G1 Whirl Bio:

Loves his job...careens across the sky spinning and weaving wild, crazy patterns .  Believes enemies are more terrified of him if he acts wild during an attack.  Flies at 400 mph, range 1600 miles.  Amazing maneuverability...can fly at almost any angle.  Carries four incendiary-shell cannons, hi-energy photon beam rifle.  Great strength as a robot...has null-ray module on hand, paralyzo box on leg.  Reckless...prone to rotor blade damage..


These images were all photographed and scanned by me.  If you're a Transformers fan, this will definitely bring back some reminiscences.  

NOTE: Images are clearer when viewed with Internet Explorer browser.

- Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale -

[Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight]

R-1 Whirl in its Original condition:

whirlorig.jpg (72359 bytes)1 - Whirl in its brand new condition from the box.  

2 - The back of the box shows the 1985 Battle Scene box art.

3 - Here's how the content looks once the box was removed revealing Whirl sealed on card, all the paper works was taped on one bag, and accessory on another sealed bag.


whirlcontent.jpg (72730 bytes)Besides "1" Whirl helicoptor, these are the Papers and Accessories that were part of the package:

"1" null-ray module, "1" paralyzo-box, "1"photon beam rifle, "1"shell cannon, "1" instruction sheet, "1" sticker sheet, "1" red decoder sheet, "1"  Reinforcement from Cybertron catalog, and "1" 1985 toy catalog poster (Autobots side and Decepticons side).


R-2 Pre-Applied Decals/ Stickers: 

DecalWhirl.jpg (66874 bytes)There is only one Pre-Applied sticker that had been applied onto Whirl.  That one pre-applied sticker is the Autobot Rub Sign logo located on Whirl lower right arm. 

Sticker Sheet:

I must say it is very time consuming when applied decals of Whirl, Roadbuster, and even Jetfire.  It took me almost 2 hours to complete it.  The reason is that Whirl stickers are made from a clear thin film sticker sheet, the precut weren't cut well, and most of them are so tiny.  My advice when applying Whirl stickers are to have the following items ready: scissor, thumb tack or small narrow object, good light, and make sure you are in a good mode.  Otherwise, you are going to have a headache and ended up ripping the stickers.


Anyhow, there are 43 registered numbering of stickers on the sticker sheet.  But in reality it's actually 65 stickers since some of the decals/ stickers are grouped or paired together and labeled it as one.  These registering numbering do not include the Pre-applied stickers.  These registering numbers do not include the Pre-applied stickers.  


R-3 Whirl in Vehicle Mode:

whirlveh1.jpg (39560 bytes)Whirl was originally produced by Takatoku as the Oberon Gazette for the Armored Trooper Dorvack toy line/ show before imported into the Transformers line.  Whirl, Roadbuster, and Jetfire share a lot of similarity from transformation to sticker type.  This make sense since all three figures were made by the same company Takatoku and later was sold to Bandai company.  Since this mold was not made or own by either Takara or Hasbro, it is very unlikely that we will see Whirl get reissued again.


In Vehicle mode, Whirl measured approximately 10 1/4 x 3 10/16 x 3 6/16 (LxWxD in inch) and is most beautiful in this mode.  Both the main rotor and the tail rotor are all rotate-able.  If the main rotor cannot be rotated due to conflict with the tail rotor, that mean you didn't pull or extend the helicopter tail far out enough.   Whirl is very stable and most secure in this mode.


R-4 Detail Images:

whirlveh2.jpg (36350 bytes)Whirl cockpit canopy can be opened and stayed open until you closed it down.  Moreover, the seat is also adjustable too.  I thought that was cool.  In R-3, you saw the left side view of the helicopter, well now you are viewing the right side which revealed the Autobot Rub Sign logo as well as a more visible tail rotor connection.  And last but not least is the bottom view of the helicopter.  As you can see, the bottom view of Whirl design is simple but still look good.  The blue with red dot in the center is actually Whirl head.


R-5 Whirl in Robot Mode:

whirlrob1.jpg (46362 bytes)Although Whirl robot mode doesn't look as hot as his helicopter mode since he's a little bit slim and tall,  he's actually a lot better than some of the other G1 Transformers.  Moreover, he got some nice articulation to boost his action figure playing value.  And before I forgot, the antenna or laser on Whirl head can be adjust for more firepower imagination.  Whirl head remind me a lot of the Robotech/ Macross VF-1A due to the one eye and a laser/ antenna feature.  The transformation is also similar as well.  Anyhow, Whirl does have two minor weaknesses in robot mode and they are the shoulders ball joints and the claw hand.  The shoulder ball joint connection problem only occur when Whirl had to hold his weapon which gradually bring his arm back down.  As for the claw hand, well, he can't hold anything.  Otherwise, I think Whirl does look exceptional.


R-6 Whirl in Battle Mode:

whirlrob2.jpg (48477 bytes)Whirl came with 4 weapons as his firepower weapons.  The null-ray module and paralyzo-box weapons are used for robot mode while the photon beam rifle and shell cannon are used in helicopter mode.  In an exception to the paralyzo-box which is clamped onto Whirl hand or shall I say "Claw", the other three weapons are interchangeable since it all connect or slide onto the helicopter tail fin.  The Paralyzo-box weapon connected best onto the left leg flap (the  leg opposite the Autobot rubsign logo) side because you can slide the connection tab all the way in.  My image had it on the right leg side which made the connection a little bit unsecure.


R-7 Rémy's Whirl toy review:

Manufacturer - Hasbro/ Bandai.

Line, Series/ Wave: Generation 1 Line, Series 2.

Year Issue: [1985]  

Made: [Japan]  

Scale: [N/A]

Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD]  - Approximately 11 1/8 X 5 1/2 (with flap 8 1/8) X 4 1/2 - Box.

Packaging Method: Mint In Seal Box.  Contents were packed with the following procedure:

Sealed on a card within the box: "1" helicopter.

Underneath the card board, a taped down bag which contained: "1" null-ray module, "1" paralyzo-box, "1"photon beam rifle, "1"shell cannon.

On the back of the card board, but on another sealed bag: "1" instruction sheet, "1" sticker sheet, "1" red decoder sheet, "1" Reinforcement from Cybertron catalog, and "1" 1985 toy catalog poster (Autobots side and Decepticons side).

Box Special Note: Front Box Appearance: Whirl art.  Back Box Appearance: 1985 battle scene with Whirl Tech & Spec beneath that.

Box Point or Robot Point: [3]  - This number can be found on the back of the box next to the Tech & Spec. 

Approximately Toy Dimension In Inches: - Height Up To The Head 7 15/16  Maximum Height: 8 7/16 (up to head antenna)  Width from shoulder to shoulder: 3 1/8  Maximum Width: 3 1/8  Dept: 4 1/4


Toy Stamp/ Fine Print Location: - Can be found on Whirl inner side helicopter landing (yellow plastic).  Left landing has ©ASHI PRODUCTION 1984, while the right landing has ©(BANDAI LOGO) BANDAI, MADE IN JAPAN.

Transformation Of Difficulty: [Easy]  

Material Durability: [A] - Average

Toy Materials: Die Cast Metal:  Thigh.  Chrome Metal: None.  Rubber: N/A  Plastic: Main material.  Clear Plastic Window: Window cockpit.

Stability: [-A] - Robot mode can stand on any flat surface...very stable.

Fun Toy: [A] - Definitely fun thanks to many accessories.

Negative Drawback - No major negative drawback other than the minor one that I mentioned in R-5.

Articulations:  Head: Can only be tilted 90 degree upward.  Shoulder:  Can be swung at a 360 degree forward as well as a 90 degree toward the chest and back. Arm/ Elbow: Cannot be bent.  Wrist/ Hand: Can be bent.  Hand can be hidden by sliding back to socket.   Hip/ Waist: Cannot be rotated.  Leg: Can be bent at a 180 degree forward up to the chest.  Knee: Cannot be bent.  Ankle/Feet: Can be bent 90 degree forward and a 45 degree backward.

Rub Sign Logo: [Yes] - The Autobot's rub sign located on the side of Whirl right arm.

Robot's Cartoon looks alike: [N/A]  

Vehicle's Cartoon looks alike: [N/A]   

Special Notes: Here are "3" Special Notes that I think you should know:

1 - Due to the heavy weight on the upper body and the style of transformation, Whirl will suffer the compression leg syndrome over the long run.  In other word, Whirl leg will shrink down and bury into his feet which will make him look shorter.  If you want to avoid the problem, then leave Whirl in vehicle mode. 

2 - Since there's no back stopper in Whirl ankle articulation in the front or back, over the long run, this could prevent him from standing up straight once the material wear off.

3 - The Paralyzo-box weapon connected best onto the left leg flap (the leg opposite the Autobot rubsign logo) side because you can slide the connection tab all the way in.

Overall Grade: [A] - I just couldn't resist Whirl beautiful helicopter mode so I'm going to give him this grade.  He also got some nice articulation for a G1 line.  Robot mode, I thought it was okay.

3.5x5 1/16sticker sheet size

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