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Prayers for Those Lost
For Those Grieving

In memory of those lost for this unjust cause. We pray for those souls and in silence we pause. To the families of the ones that were lost, just know the attackers will pay the ultimate cost, and in the end when the bell of freedom rings, it will be America who jumps for joy and sings

~~ A small prayer~~
To the families of those who we lost,
We pray for thee, for we too feel your pain.
To the people who were lost in this tragedy,
We pray for thee, and know you are in a better place.
To the medical workers who are working around the clock,
We pray for thee, and may god give you the strength to carry on.
To all those who mourn this event,
We pray for thee, and understand what you are going through.
To any one who is scared and saddened by this event,
We pray for thee, and know your feelings of sadness are felt around America.
To those who have attacked us,
and tried to destroy what you thought was our 'twin towers of evil',
We pray for thee, for when justice is done for this event,
all we can say is may God have mercy on your soul!

Written By:Laura Fischer