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Xtacy Rose

O'Lady Liberty, How Could it Be?
We take this day to lower our heads
in silence.// Reflecting upon destructive acts of
violence.// Take this rhyme as a rembrance of the
thousands who lay dead.// While our country
of Freedom and Liberty hangs by a grim thread.//

Started with a 747 Aircraft taking a devistating
crash.// Who would have thought the World Trade Center
would crumble to nothing but ash.// If only
there was a way to undo the tragedy that has been
done.// On this infamous date September 11th, 2001.//

Tomorrow reigns bleak as our people prepare to settle
the score.// U.S. Soldiers and their allies destined to
conquer in another world war.// Citizens across
the nation uniting together in disgust.//
Seeking answers from a God in which we had once placed trust.//

"Lord Above" wont you now please take the time to
explain.// Why countless lives were taken in an act so
vain.// Palestinians proceed to proclaim praises
in your name.// Americans left searching for anyone in which to place the blame.//

Our Home Land thrown into a tragic state of riot.// quiet.// We stand here with our eyes tear stained
and glossed.// Wondering how we will ever
regain all that we have just lost.//

Written by: Xtacy Rose 2001

--Dedicated to those who have lost their loved ones, treasured friends, and to those who shall battle in the days to come.--