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In Rememberance...

of Those Now Gone From Us.

May Justice Come swiftly

So the Many Lost

May Rest In Peace.

From the Heart

Poems of Remeberance
Works by Xtacy Rose
Prayers From America to America
Dedicated to the Angels Among Us
The Memorial

Thank you Karen for your beautiful WTC graphics.
Please click above and vist Kiwis Graphics to help
show Karen how much we appreciate her
lovely work she's letting us use freely.

Thank you for visiting my page of Rememberance.
This idea was spawned from the Tragedy of Sept.11.2001.

I dedicate this page in loving Memory of those we lost
in the 4 highjacked planes, the World Trade
Center, the Pentagon, and all of those who
unselfishly lost their lives in the rescue efforts
of the victims of these disasterous tragedies.
Especially our Military Forces who will bring Justice
to this senseless act against America.

Please come back and visit again!

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