----- BECOMING PT. 1 -----
Season 2, Episode 21

The Past: *skips in merrilly in it's cute little italicized font and waves*

Whistler: I'd like to take this moment to appologize for what you're about to see. We took David to a dialect coach and all for an accent, but well----
Angel: Aye, tis a terrrrrrrible curse ta be prancin' about in this 'errrrrre strrrreet..
Whistler: As you see, it didn't really, oh what's the world... It failed to... It didn't quite... It sucks.

Darla: Grrragh!
Angel: My but ye 'ave bonnie long teeth--
Whistler: IRISH, not SCOTTISH!
Angel: Whoopsie daisy.
Darla: Hungry now. *CHOMP*

Buffy: Thanks for the help...
Xander: Hey now! I faint well! And recieve consistently high marks in getting conked over the head with any handy object!

Scientist Dude: Gee, lookie what we found!
Giles: *GASP* This could bring about the end of the world!
Acathla: Hi there.
Giles: There's only one thing to be done, then!
Scientists: Piddle around with it until Angelus comes by to conveniently steal it and thereby give us enough plot to justify a two-parter?
Giles: Exactly.

Snyder: Whine, whine, bitch, bitch... school's not an orgy...
Cordy: He running out of things to say?
Xander: Seems so.

Drusilla: Father, I have sinned! Save my soul from the devil!
Angelus: Meesa t'inkin' yousa child o'darkness, mooey, mooey!
Whistler: IRISH! Not... well, whatever the hell THAT was.
Drusilla: Father?
Angel: Oi! Meesa forgettin'---- *CHOMP*
Whistler: That's it. I quit.

Buffy: Not that you aren't a great teacher, Willow, but I can't learn without... uhm... my pencil! And since it just fell--
Willow: Never mind that we aren't writing anything at the moment.
Buffy: Well, I---
Willow: Staller. You know what? I think this is just one big act. You don't want to pass the final! You want---
Buffy: Ooo! Soul-restore-ey disk! Ha!
Willow: You really like to smite me repeatedly, huh?
Joss: Obvious plot devices, away!

Angelus: Crikey! Oi'm in trubble now! Oi---
*ZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAP goes the Gypsy curse*
Angel: Yeeeeouch! That really smarts! GAH! Here comes the horrible soul-wrenching pain I'm so famous for!
Whistler: This would probably be a bad time to rip you apart for the accent thing, huh?
Angel: Brood, brood, brood, brood, brood....

Xander: You suck, Buffy! And Angel sucks! And love sucks, and Giles sucks, and---
Willow: Mood Swing Boy.
Xander: Been looking for something to do besides falling over stuff. Figured this works.

Kendra: Hallo. I have return-ed to be of much assistance to thee.
Buffy: Random guest appearance. (to Joss) Should I just paint a big ol' bullseye on her back right now?

Angelus: Look what I found!
Acathla: *waves*

Xander: --- and allergies suck, and those jokes on the popsicle sticks suck, and mosquitos suck ---

Angel: Yo, homey! Word up!
Whistler: I'm thinking you should stick to American, here.
Angel: But we're chillin' in the Big Apple, boyo!
Whistler: They should be paying me more for this....

Merrick: Buffy Summers. You have a sacred birthright to protect the world from--
Buffy: Is this the part where we rewrite the movie to Joss' liking?
Merrick: Hey! You're not Kristy Swanson!
Buffy: And I don't see Rutger Hower anywhere around here either, but I'M dealing.

Angel: I wanna be someone again. I want to be a part of a hit series! i wanna have a hit spinoff a year down the road... Ooo! And my own trailer... and... some pretty staff girls...

Buffy: Gotta leave you all vulnerable now. Seeya!
Kendra: Watch yer back, sistah!
Buffy: Watch your neck!
Kendra: Huh----?
Xander: (pulls away with cans of red and white paint)
Kendra: What were you paintin' on mah---

Willow: (tosses a fistfull of soul-restoring dice) Ooo! Yahtzee!

Vamps: AMBUSH!!!!
Drusilla: Oi call the girl with the paint job!

Vamps: *SNARL, HISS*
Xander: He broke my arm!
Willow: He broke my spell! *THUNK* Ooo... pretty stars...
Giles: He broke my glasses!
Kendra: She broke my--- *SNAP*
Drusilla: -- neck.
Cordelia: They broke my---
Vamps: *SNARL*
Cordelia: --- will to stay... Gotta run!

Buffy: Noooo! I should have never left! Time to crouch over the broken bodies of my friends and---
Snyder: You're under arrest.
Buffy: Oh crap.

(The little Grr! Argh! demon is driven across the screen in a Paddy Wagon, clutching the bars..)

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