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Me and Adam on the floor- no, lol we're not drunk!

Love is the greatest gift we can ever hope to give or receive. Love is the one thing that can overcome so many of the difficult times that we are faced with in life. Love is so powerful - it can turn frowns into smiles. It can help mend the most broken heart. It can even turn all of the ugliness in the world into the most beautiful portrait we could ever have the pleasure to behold.

Such a monumental task - of course... it could be. But only if we try to do it alone. Instead, if each of us, in our own small way contributed just a little - together, the task can become the reality we're reaching for.

As potent as what love can be, it can only work it's magic if we choose to allow it to. For that to come to pass we must let go of the other emotions that can get in love's way.

Take the time to know each other's heart - when you do you will be more understanding and less apt to misunderstand another's intentions, which probably were never meant to hurt or upset you to begin with.

Me and Adam drinking champagne in the limo after prom

Smile more often - it may cause a few wrinkles, at the very least, but then so does frowning. You choose what kind you'd rather have. And as you ponder that choice, keep in mind that they can both be contagious. Wouldn't you rather be greeted by smiles than frowns?

Love causes less stress, less heartache, less misunderstandings, less of just about everything negative. Love does reap rewards - happiness, health, joy, peace, and so much more that's positive. Isn't that what we want most for this world of ours? Isn't this a much prettier picture? Remember the portrait? It's not impossible and we can all help to paint it.

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John Schmidt
          I Do