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U were taken 2 soon... Up to heaven shining brightly like tha moon I kno u're happy in heaven with u're grandmother... But u're missed here on earth as a friend but mostly as a brother U left this world... In a way that could not be foretold U went out that night to have fun... Whoeva thought u're precious life would be taken by some fool with a gun I wish I coulda known u betta... Given u somethin more outta this life than all dat chedda U were taken 2 soon... N now I wait till that day when I join u on that bright shining moon... *Dedicated to Emanuel Boyer.... R.I.P.EJ* {3-21-01}
Late night calls... Sweaty ass balls ring ring... The only thing u have to offer me is a big ass ding-a-ling Lying ass... No class "No, he's not here"... Some stupid bitch prolly whispering in ya ear U make me cry... Sometimes I wish u'd just die Otha niggas would *Love* to hit this... But u don't care, nigga one day u gonna miss this U make me feel like shit... Sucking on some otha chicks tit Late night calls... Nigga keep fuckin' around n u gonna find yoself wit no balls... {6-7-01}
Aaliyah a star who shined so bright... Her music is my guiding light A woman so strong... Died so young, it'z wrong I will not cry... For I know when I die I will see you and your grandmother too... I LOVE YOU! R.I.P. *~*Dedicated to Aaliyah Dana Haughton*~* 8-25-01 By: Becca Mortellaro
I've shed so many tears You've been gone for so many years But the wound is still fresh All I can do is pray u're soul is at rest Life for me will go on But it'z all wrong "Thug till I die" I try It'z hard to maintain tho Gotta deal wit all these hatin hoes I still find comfort in u're music I wish u were still here But I have no fears I kno I'll see u again, some day But right now, u seem so far away... {Dedicated 2 TuPac Shakur 1971-1996} 10-10-01
Dedicated to my sista Arriel,... I'ma miss ya girl!! Hey girl! U kno I'ma miss u too!! I wish tha fact that u're moving wasn't true, and just as much as u love me, I love u too! :) I'm happy to kno how much I've influenced u're life, This whole situation still has me in shock, n I'm scared b/c I kno when the pain sets in it'z gonna come quik piercing thur my heart like a knife But no matta wha happens or where u're at, know that, I'm always here for u I kno we'll see eachother again one day, but right now, u seem so far away :( it'z weird not seeing you n laughing with u erryday I wish you could stay here in B-Lo but I kno, u gotta go :( N don't let this seperation mess up u're mind, in time, the pain u feel will heal N even tho u're not round tha way I'll still be here to try n help u deal N if anyone in North Carolina causes u drama, Just call on dis lil mama N I'll be there, b/c I care But for now be good and be safe, Keep in touch n run dat place b/c remember we'll always be B-Lo's Finest, Royalty to da fullest!!! Much Love From Me Tha QueenBee "AKA" U're Sista Fo Life, Becca Mortellaro 2-7-02
The sky is oh so very high,... why o why can't I,... reach the sky? I don't deny that I wish I could fly To be so free... Fly to the top of the tallest tree Or maybe into the fluffy clouds... Howeva high I'm allowed Into the blue, where everything is peaceful and true... Where I can once angain be with you! *~*Dedicated to my Aunt Antionette*~* *!*Much Love Auntie! R.I.P. {April 28th, 2002}
I don’t know... Why you had to go You went away... N now I don’t know what to say It’z a shame, so sad 2 see... It seems like all the good people die young, the only consolation any of us have is that at least now you’re in heaven where your soul can be free It’z gonna be hard not seeing you everyday... Even when I was in the worst mood you’d say somethin’ funny and make my frown go away N now I’m seeing you had that affect on everybody, not just me... Having to say good-bye is not going to be easy As I sit here with tears flowing from my eyes... The question still remains the same, run’n thur my brain...why? Why does everything good get taken away? Why did you have to die the otha day? Like a beautiful flower that only lives for so long... All good things die quick, it’z so wrong I know you’ll neva really be gone Your memory will live on in me... The rest of your friends and your family But this wound will not heal until my life comes to an end... When I’ll finally see you again. *~*In Loving Memory of William Woods*~* You will be greatly missed. Dedicated 2 Billy Woods {6-10-02} W/ Much Love from Becca Mortellaro
Wha do u do Chris? But fuck lil girls from gamma rho, or should I say gamma hoe? I came to let u kno that whether u male or female I don’t roll wit no hoe So I’m done wit the F.I.R.M. b/c I see ya’ll niggas ain’t neva gonna be shit Continue to call unproductful meetings put’n up a fit Bitch n complain No imagination in ya brain Except to try n con u mess’d wit the wrong chick, n now it’z on O & Duane I ain’t left u out w/o a doubt I swear u gay So don’t bitch 2 me bout how unprofessional dem F.I.R.M. ppl is Just go somewhere wit u’re lil boyfriend n have a happy day Can’t forget Marcus aka Sylkk Nigga u just a dirty dick I thought u was kool But now I’m seeing u’re just a fool Dis be da illest chick Neva sweatin’ ya dick So Marcus, don’t think u’re tha shit 2 some of the F.I.R.M. members who treat’d me well, don’t worry I ain’t forget But this chick had to quit Before I bust’d one of dem fools heads wide open put’n em in a coffin but 2 all ya’ll good ppl stay real don’t be dirty n steal... {1-28-02}
queen bitch supreme bitch bow down to dis royal crown i ain't fuckin round wit corny bitches leave u're body 6ft deep in ditches thought u could imitate but please beleive can't none duplicate this try n i promise you will get dissed so like i said before bow down n kiss this royal ass think'n u're somethin u're not, please it takes class to be a bitch like me wit a pampered ass it is what it is and will forever be thug princess n queenbee so holla at these thug misses
Dumb Dike Drea Diggin in some dirt Tryina look so damn raw, makin her face hurt Fell Down da stairs n cracked her back Now she knows she truly wack {Sometime in July of 2001}