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Welcome to Noah's Ark. Come on in, sit down, get a cool drink and get ready for some good tips and kitty gift baskets too!

INKY DINK is now online! You can buy a great gift for your kitty now! Just click to go to INKY DINK KITTY GIFT BASKETS All one of a kind gift baskets are filled with toy's, treats, accessories and even a special gift for you! All baskets are reusable. Order one or more now. Baskets are $45.00 including S & H! You and your companion kitty will love them!

the cat lady

Here you will find many things pertaining to animals. I hope you can learn from this site, help your animals from it and most of all enjoy it!

Stainedglass kitty

kitty depressed

Depression in Cats

NEW! 1/26/05-As a lover of cats,I don't personally feel there is a bad cat.All animals have reasons why they act the way they do. Here are some reasons why a cat may act sad or upset.

As a staff member at an SPCA, I see a lot of cats that enter the shelter in very sad states. Sometimes we are fortunate to have a background on the animal, but strays aren't as fortunate. We can only guess what type of situation the poor cat was subjected to.

A major change in a household such as a death, new children or new environment can cause your cat depression. If left untreated, feline depression can lead to a very serious medical problem.

How do you spot depression? Pay attention to your cats 'normal' behavior. Any major change in your cats daily routine may be the beginning of a depressive state.

Boarding kennels are extremely depressing for cats. Separation from families and uncomfortable surroundings can be very traumatic.

Here are a few signs of depression you may see: Loss of appetite following weight loss, lack of grooming, agression, excessive sleeping and not using the litter box.

John Wright, PHD, a certified behaviorist and psychology professor at Mercer University, says "depression in cats is a real phenomenon." Some animals hide or distance themselves from owners while other cats use excessive vocalizing. Even a change in your work schedule can cause dismay. Always make sure a vet checks your cat for any physical problems and if you get a clean bill of health and feel this is truly a case of depression, then a plan of action should begin.

Provide as much love as possible. Toy rotation for variety may help. Petting, grooming and talking softly may be soothing .Try a new and enticing flavor for a treat. Catnip is always nice. Try to interact as much as possible. Let your cat sit on your lap while you read or watch television for a half hour is very beneficial and should help. If depression persists, consult a certified animal behaviorist or veterinarian who can recommend the appropiate kind of anti-depressant. Depression doesn't stop itself. Seek help immediately. My love to all our wonderful pets that we love so very much!

Herbal Medicines.

Herbal medicines started in the orient as an organized system.

The owner who eases her mother dogs's labor by using an infusion of raspberry leaves in a tea is using herbal medicine, as is the owner who takes the sting out of a cut by treating it with the juice from a freshly broken aloe vera leaf or gives his cat greens to help pass hair balls.

Other herbal preparations that have been proven include:comfrey, for healing bones, glycoflex, a product containing green lipped mussels,is good for arthritis, mullen for reproductive problems, pepperment,for gastro-intestinal problems, especially gas.spirulina and chlorella for anemia. Valerian root, for sedation and echinacea an immune stimulant.

There are drawbacks. A working knowledge is required to perscribe the proper combination of herbs for a given problem. A herbalist is a fine friend to have, either in human or book form.

Much lore can be gleaned from people who have remained close to their roots! Your pets can be healthier and happier too, if you gather herbal lore.

Need some resources? Try American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association,2214Old Emmorton Rd. Bel Air MD 21014

Feed the kitty naturally, Joan Harper #3 Richland Center,WI 53581

National Center for Homeopathy 1500 Massachusetts ave. NW, Suite 42 Washington,D.C. 20005

Scrollwork Kitty

Cat Scratch Fever

Now on to cat scratch fever About 20% of healthy cats,living in the United States,are infected carriers of these dangerous Bartonella bacteria.

Healthy cats can carry five members of the Bartonella bacteria family in their blood. Bartonella henselae, Bartonella elizabethae and Bartonella weissii, which are transmitted between cats by fleas and ticks.

The bacteria can be spread to people via cat scratches and bites, contact with fur and probably rarely by infected peopled do not become ill, rarely, they may become very ill.

Infected people may develope cat scratch disease and may require hospilitation, skin disease,eye inflammation or other diseases.

Bartonella are difficult to isolate from the blood of infected cats. However,there is a simple blood test,the FeBartR test developed by The National Veterinary Laboratory to determine if your cat has been infected. Antibiotics will be given to eliminate the infection.

The bacteria Bartonella are members of a family of recently discovered bacteria which infect various species of animals including cats, dogs, cattle, mice, rabbits and many wild animals.

In infected animals, the bacteria are found in various tissues, plasma, which is fluid part of the blood and inside red blood cells where they can be ingested by blood sucking insects, such as fleas,ticks, flies and lice and transmitted to uninfected animals.

Bartonella are most often transmitted from cat to cat by fleas,and ticks, but occasional direct catto cat transmission via bites or scratches, may be possible.

The incidence of Bartonella infected cats varies in different geographic areas and depends on the average temperature and rainfall. About 20% of healthy cats in the US are infected carriers.The highest infection rates occur in hot humid climates, conditions favorable for fleas. Southwest 54%, Hawaii 47%. costal California 40%, south central plains 37%, pacific northwest34%, Northeast and New England 27%, Southwest15%, Midwest 7%,Alaska 5% and the Rocky mountains Great plains 40%.

Bartonella Diseases: Bartonella cause chronic insidious diseases such as inflammation of the eyes,inflammation of the gums and oral cavity,enlarged lymph nodes, fevers, kidney disease, upper respiratory disease,and vague neurological signs in some carriers and go unnoticed by their owners. Humans can get 22 diseases from Bartonella infected cats.Cat scratch disease, bacillary angiomatosis, bacillary peliosis,febrile bacteremia,heart diseases-endocarditis, vegetative valvular disease, eye diseases-uveitis, neuroretinitis, disciform keratitis and aids encephalitis,and many more transmitted diseases.

Cat scratch disease developes in people a few weeks after transmission of Bartonella from cats.More than 40,000 cases each year, many more than Lyme disease,of which more than 2000 people require hospitalization. Lymph nodes that drain the injury site become inflamed,enlarged,tender and painful and may develope an abscess, which may burst and drain. Severe cases may rarely progress to neurologial complications and coma. Antibiotics can shorten the clinical course,which usually lasts 6 to 8 weeks.

Should healthy cats be tested! Yes. Strays,from shelters or animal rescue organizations, and those that have had flea infestions, should be tested for Bartonella infection.

For more information, contact the National Veterinary Laboratory P.O.Box 239,I Tice Road Franklin Lakes,NJ 07417

Pirate Kitty


National Animal Poison Control Center

It is tricky in the extreme to diagnose poisoning in a pet, but concerned owners should be aware of some signs that may indicate poisoning so they'll know when immediate medical help must be enlisted.

Some poisons kill in a matter of minutes, others take hours to cause death, and still others take days even to cause symptoms. Added to the difficulty in diagnosing a case of poisoning is the fact that one needs to know both what poison is the culprit, how much, as well as the condition of the pet prior to the poisoning incident.

One of the most useful things the pet owner can provide is a complete history of what happened. What kinds of poisons were available to the pet?

These include Rodent poisons, insecticides, paints, fertilizers, poisonous plants, petroleum products, cleaning products, spoiled food/garbage and poisoned carcasses.

The more exact you can be in reporting what was available, the better the chances of quick, correct diagnosis and effective treatment.

Signs of poisoning are vomiting, excessive salivation, diarrhea, hypothermia, low temperature, lying around lisstlessly, nervousness, restlessness, convulsions, abdominal pain, unexplained trembling, bloody fluid in mouth, nostrils, incontinence of bowels or urine. Anorexia altered disposition, especially irritability, bloody bowels, urine.

Several of these signs are contradictory. In some kind of poisonings, the animal can go through a series of apparently contradictory signs, which is one of the things that makes diagnosis so difficult. And there are emotional signs, like the altered disposition or depression that are highly subjective, even further complicating matters. The confounding nub of diagnosing poisoning is that there aren't one or two conclusive signs that will tell a person,'Ah!Poisoning. However, the more attuned one is to the animals normal functioning and behavior will make it somewhat easier to say with some certainty, "There are signs here that make me very much suspect that my pet has been poisoned.

May all of your pets stay happy and healthy.They rely on your wisdom to keep them fron harms way. If you feel your pet has been poisoned,call your vet immediately. The quicker the action,the faster the cure.

give a second chance adopt an older cat

Enhancing the home environment for older animals.

Often no modifications to the home are needed as pets grow older. Many dogs and cats curtail their own activities, ignoring the high perches that used to be their favorites when they were agile and active,or avoiding stairs they used to bound up with ease. But just as you perhaps look for easier ways to do some of your routine tasks, you may also consider making life easier for your older pet.

Stairs are problems. Stairs are easy to barricade if you have an old dog that shouldn't try them anymore. We've never known a cat yet that regarded any kind of gate as anything more than a minor inconvenience to be jumped over or slithered through. But since stairs seldom pose problems for old cats we don't have to worry about that. Cats are notorious lovers of high places.

Young cats seem able to endure tumbles endlessly as they learn their limits. But it is painful to watch your old cat fall from perches it used to leap from with ease. There are ways in which you can help.

Decks, windowsills above the ground floor,and high ledges are all places from which an aging cat may need to be barred. To discourage your cat from roosting in places where it may fall, use the old mousetrap trick. Set mousetraps along whatever ledge or perch is no longer safe. When the cat lands on them, the mousetraps will go off,startling it. After several nasty surprises, a smart cat will abandon the roost for a place that doesn't go "snap". And no, mousetraps won't hurt your cat. They pack remarkably little punch. If your cat is very canny,you may have to hide the mousetraps under some newspaper and arrangement that also will discourage sudden leaps. By using mousetraps, you've taken yourself out of the situation as far as tha cat is concerned. Now the place itself strikes back. And no, you don't have to mousetrap all the trees in the neighborhood. I've never yet seen and old cat that didn't give up high branches after a couple of ungreatful spills.

Leashing cats. For outdoor spaces like decks, your older cat can learn to be restrained by a cat harness and leash. Many city cats, especially, are taken outside only if they're safely controlled by a harness and leash, and this kind of restraint will allow an older cat freedom to be outside with you without endangering its life.

The scoop on crates

Kittens need and appreciate the safety of their own crate, though the cat crate needs to be more private than the dog crate.

If you take your kittens on car trips with you, being accustomed to a crate makes the whole matter much more feasible and less stressful for the cat. The same approach that one uses on pups works with kittens.

Put the pet in the crate, keeping the door open for a while. Pet the kitten and reassure it, then work up to closing the door. Kittens, being ever so curious about small, enclosed places, will check out a crate thoroughly and accept it without too much urging from you.

If you have visitors, especially small children, who pester your pup or kitten, the crate becomes your pets place of escape. Until you've lived with a crate, you may tend to view it as unwarranted restriction. Later, you'll wonder,"How did I ever live without crates before?"

On show trips, many kittens or cats prefer their crates to riding loose in the vehicle. Because they're away from home for long times, their crate is their home-away-from-home. Not Punishment.

One final word, Don't use the crate as punishment, or you'll cause your pet to dislike it.

It's Play time!

Every young being likes to play. Indeed, nothing can cheer you up, after the pain of watching a pet get old and die, like a silly puppy or a zany kitten dashing around with its toys.

However, just as people don't give human babies dangerous toys, so we must be sure our pets' toys won't hurt them.

Kittens can be started early playing with their own scratching post. This toy will enable them to exercise their natural instincts and will save your furniture. The combination and scratching-post-jungle-gym apparatuses keep kittens busy for hours.

Toys that roll and make noise are safe for kittens, as they don't chomp their toys the way puppies do. And kittens, with the exception of clawing the furniture, tend to find things to play with and chase that are non-destructive, unlike puppies. An empty paper bag and a ball of aluminum foil will keep a kitten busy for hours.

Spay and Neuter your pets

Spaying and Neutering

During your first year with your new pet, you need to decide whether you're going to spay or neuter it. The arguments in favor far outweigh the arguments against, unless you're seriously breeding pure-bread cats or dogs.

The neutered male, cat or dog, stays home, doesn't fight and isn't bothered by the tempting aromas of a female in heat five miles away. The spayed female isn't vulnerable to being bred by every male around, doesn't have to be penned securely or be kenneled twice a year, and doesn't have the ricks of uterine infections or mammary tumors.

A talk to your veterinarian may convince you that spaying or neutering is the best course of action for your pet. Interestingly, cats that have been spayed or neutered don't compete in shows against cats that haven't been because it's considered unfair competition. The former are generally in so much better condition than the breeding cats that they just bloom .,according to a DVM in Vermont, Dr.Robert Anderson and wife, Barbara.

kitty angels

Heavenly Pets

Unless we select elephants, turtles, long-living birds or reptiles as pets, the tragedy inherent in all our lives is that our pets won't live as long as we will. In choosing to give our love to a dog or a cat, we set ourselves up to experience the grief that comes when death separates us from a loved family member. We've heard people say too often, "oh, I'll never get another puppy (or kitten); it's too hard on me when he dies. "A hard lesson in life is that opening oneself to love does bring the threat of loss. Not opening oneself to love brings much more dire threats, such as loneliness and the absence of laughter that a klutzy puppy or a silly kitten brings to life.The risks of loving a pet far outweigh the risks of narrowing one's life.

The best antidote to the grief we feel after losing a beloved pet is another puppy or kitten. Not because the new will replace the old, but because life goes on and we do not abandon the habit of loving.

"It's time to sleep sweetheart." It's no easier for a veterinarian to put a pet to sleep than it is for the owner. Veterinarians are healers and helpers of pets, not executioners. But there are times when the good of the pet demands that the end is recognised. If it seems your pet is nearing the end, and usually we are aware of this, even though we may try to deny the evidence, have a serious talk with your veterinian and with other members of the family.

Injections given, in the euthanasia process: generally animals are given an intravenous injection of a concentrated anesthetic product specifically made for euthanasia. The animal usually expires within one minute after the injection. Pets who have had good health care all their lives have no dread of the injection. For them, this is another shot among the many they've had in their lives. Discuss beforehand if you wish to be present because you do have the right to attend. You will have to allow the doctor and the staff to do their job efficiently, which usually means that the doctor's assistant will hold the animal. The doctor doesn't want to miss the vein because the animal isn't properly restrained. However, you're generally allowed to touch the pet during the process. Don't be embarrassed if tears flow-it's very normal-and realize that because you've become well informed, you are making the best decision for your pet.

Abnormal grief: Finally, attention must be given to you and to other family members, especially being alert to the presence of abnormal grief. That is grief that lasts too long or seems to be excessive. This can occur especially with children or people who have no other family except the pet who has just been euthanized. There are grief counselors in many parts of the country. If there are none in your area, get some good professional assistance. Our emotional attachment to animals can sometimes be stronger than it is to people, and a lot of emotional stress may occur after the death of a pet, especially when euthanasia is involved.

We don't, fortunately, always have to make the hard decision. Some pets slip gently out of life like a quiet breeze, never having had a pain or illnesses, answering some decision of their own.

God bless you and your pets.

Bath kitty

Flea's anyone?

Forget all the worm medications you buy in the supermarkets. Many of the over the counter wormers may make your pet sick without getting rid of the worms.Worm medications work by poisoning the worms; to do this, the medication has to be more or less hard on your pet.the only way you'll know for sure that your pet is getting the medication it needs for the specific worms it has is to let your vet prescribe. Veterinarians have access to much safer worm medications than those you'd get over the counter

The same holds true for flea preparations, although to a lesser extent. Fleas are marvelously adaptable beasts. What wiped them out last year in your area may, this year,only make them laugh. Your vet is the one who keeps up with what's working and what isn't. Save yourself and your pet time,money, and grief by asking your vet what to use.

Flea collars are the most widely sold flea prouduct, and they also draw the most customer dissatisfaction. One reason for this is that people expect too much of them.when we look at a Great Dane and consider how much dog there is for fleas to roam around on, we laugh at the notion of fastening a flea collar around a Dane's neck and expecting it to keep the entire dog flea free. We'd have to put a flea collar around each ankle, one around the tail, and one in the middle as a belt, as well as the one around the neck, to begin to get flea control. It is silly too, to expect the flea collar to do the job if your dog is roaming through fields and woods. The number of fleas and ticks your dog can accumulate in a jaunt through the forest is more than a collar can handle. Some consider flea collars not relatively ineffective, but also more toxic than a pet should be exposed to on a daily basis.

Think about this before you put a flea collar on a small puppy or a kitten. There are other methods of flea control. Let the final word rest with your own veterinarian.

Flea Control product dangers from Peta

Heat VS your pet

Heat is a factor when you're thinking about taking your pet on an outing. Even short trips are more stressful for an older animal.

In hot weather, plan trips to town either early, before the heat is up, or late when it's cool. Even for short runs, pets ought to stay home if it is too hot.

A parked car is a killer in heat, even if you roll the window down a crack. This is true for pets of all ages.

More and more cities and towns are passing ordinances that allow police personnel to break into cars where pets are in trouble from heat.

The stamina problem for older pets still exists.Just remember, if you're hot,theyr'e hot!

It can get over 110 F Degrees in your car! So remember, if you don't have to take your companion animal out in hot weather DON'T!

Dog Teeth


Pet dogs and cat's teeth are probably the most ignored parts of their bodies. You should examine your pet's mouth and teeth at least once a month for signs of discoloration, plaque, tarter and redness or swelling of the gums.

An even better plan is to have your veterianarian examine your pet's teeth, clean them, and extract those that are beyond help.

The next step is for your vet to give you directions for brushing your dog's or cat's teeth. Many of us have thought that biscuits or bones would do the job of keeping pet's teeth clean, but when you realize that dirty, infected teeth cause many serious, long-term health problems in older pets, it becomes clear that learning to handle your pet's dental hygiene in new ways is a major step toward making their aging years healthier ones.

Your own toothpaste should not be used, as it foams too much and animals don't like the taste. Special products for pets teeth are available. Most pets will tolerate having their teeth brushed if you start it gradually and persist.

One of the rapidly growing newer areas of veterinary medicine is dentistry. Not only are veterinarians getting advanced training in dentistry, they're performing on animals many of the same procedures, such as crowns and root canals, that our dentists perform on us. Indeed, dog show judges today never know whether the perfect bite they pass judgment on is the result of sound genetics or exemplary orthodontics. Veterinarians specializing in dentistry should be sought out if you or your veterinarian feels that your pet has more severe problems than routine care can handle.

The signs of breakdown include bad breath, discoloration of the teeth,and problems chewing.One of the main reasons for dental care all through your pet's life is that it prevents other serious problems.

Kitty's water bowl

Your pets water

Although many people buy filters for their drinking water,municipal water supplies are held to high health standards. As a matter of fact, a water filter that isn't kept scrupulously clean will be a worse health hazard than no water filter at all.

Private water supplies, such as wells and springs, are generally not covered under municipal pollution codes and can be dangerous. Even if this water contains no harmful bacteria or chemicals, some of it is very high in various minerals. This mineral content can encourage the formation of bladder stones.

In older homes, lead pipes may deliver drinking water from the safe municipal supply to the family's water glasses and pet's drinking bowls.

If you keep water available for your pets outside, keep it fresh. Most people are aware of acid rain and its toxic effects. Whatever particulate matter there is in the air also gets into your pet's water supply outdoors. The water may look fresh, but microscopic examination would tell a different story. Outside water dishes for pets must be removed during any spraying, then carefully cleaned before being put back into service. In this polluted day, pets that live to old age in the outdoors are truly hardy specimens to live through the chemical assaults to which their bodies are exposed. similarly, if you're spraying for insects inside, remove pet's water dishes so the spray particles won't contaminate them.

Many dogs and cats drink out of the toilet bowl. This is never a good idea, as several intestinal bacteria are passed from human to animal. Further, many people use continuous cleaning agents in their toilet tanks and having pets drink, whatever chemicals keep the toilet bowl sparkling clean isn't the best health regime in the world.Nobody knows exactly what several years of such a beverage will do to a pet.


The best balanced diet in the world can be ruined if a pet gets lots of improper treats.but every owner wants to reward pets with treats at one time or another.Here are some possibilities..Dry biscuits,especially from the companies that make natural foods,are excellent for cats and dogs.Catnip is cat heaven.Little pieces of chicken,tuna,or cheese are fine for cats or dogs.Liver baked until it's dry in a 200-degree oven is a favorite dog treat.All sugary or salty treats are not good for your cats or dogs.Candy and potato chips are o-u-t .Avoid all commercial treats that are loaded with preservatives.Be moderate in any treats.Balance the diet and feed your pet well,and you will take an enormous step toward good health and a long life.

Your kitty's urinary system

Your pets Urinary System

The urinary system consists of two kidneys, the uteters {tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder}the urinary bladder and the urethra, which is the tube through which the urine passes from the bladder to the outside of the animal's body. This is the cleansing or flushing system. It cleans the blood and excretes the liquid waste.

The following are signs of breakdown

As aging occurs, the number and size of the functional units in the kidneys decrease. In time the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine decreases, resulting in an increased volume of a more dilute urine. Your pet will have to urinate more frequently. but as the kidneys function less and less efficiently, waste products aren't being filtered out as well as they used to be. The net result is a slow buildup of toxins in the body. Sometimes, in serious cases, you may smell urine on your pet's breath. Get your pet to the vet immediately, because poisons are rapidly building up in its body.

This normal aging of the urinary system is another reason to be careful about what goes into our older pet's bodies, because the system that does the cleansing is working at an increasingly lower efficiency, so we shouldn't overburden it.

The annual check-up will tell us how our pet's kidneys are functioning through a blood test called a BUN, for Blood Urea Nitrogen.

Common Problems

The kidneys may fail to produce any urine. This is called renal shutdown. Toxins accumulate rapidly, and usually death occurs.

The kidneys and the bladder may be sites of infections. Changes in the appearance of the urine or the inability to urinate are signs of infection. You might see bloody urine or your pet might make frequent attempts to urinate or strain after urinating. Any of these tell you that a trip to the vet with if possible, a urine sample, is neccessary.

Crystals from an accumulation of magnesium amonium phosphate can form in the urine of cats and dogs, at times producing stones in the bladder. Note that in pets we speak of "bladder stones"instead of "kidney stones." Such stones are due to many factors, but diet and water are the biggest culprits. The most likely cause of bladder stones in cats is lower quality, inexpensive food. A diet with too much magnesium can produce crystals in the urine. These irritate the bladder, causing an increase in mucous which combines with the crystals to produce a plug in the small urethra of the male cat. This is truly an emergency situation. If help isn't sought immediately, death will occur.

Signs of bladder stones include straining to urinate, blood in the urine,and urinating on odd places,{especially true of cats}.

I found a home

Adopting a shelter animal

PLEASE take a few moments to view this. It is something everyone should see! It's meow or never Don't Buy, While Shelter Pets DIE!

Some of the best pets you'll ever find are waiting to be adopted from an animal shelter. A wonderful cat named Rose has been with us Dutchess County SPCA for quite some time now. Her owners had given her up because of personal hardships and after years of having a home, she was given to us. Our second hand Rose with her wide eyes and lovely grey tiger stripes wonders why she is here. I wish I could speak (cat) and have a way to ease Rose's stress.


Many shelter cats were previously owned and socialized. Consequently, they're more likely than strays to make a happy adjustment to a household.

Expert advice

The staffs at animal shelters can help take the guesswork out of choosing the right pet. Since they interact daily with the kittens and cats, they have a feel for their temperment.

Lower costs

Adopting a cat is less expensive than buying one. You can save money in medical costs too. Many cats have already been spayed or neutered. If not, shelters usually reimburse a portion of the cost. Despite the advantages, shelter animals can have higher stress levels. "Shelter cats have been in another home, snatched up and brought to a shelter with the strange sights and sounds of many other animals and then snatched up again and brought to their new home". But that's no reason to look down upon the animal. According to Nancy Peterson, Humane Animal-Bond Specialist for The Humane Society of the United States in Washington, D.C."It's more likely something was wrong with the previous owners; maybe they weren't as committed to the animal as they should have been.

"Making the Match

To make the adoption work, here's what experts suggest. Do your research. Find out as much information as possible about adoptions.

Good resources

Visit The Humane Society of the United States Website at HSUS and go to your local humane societies and animal shelters and ask questions. Find out everything you can about the kitten or cat. Is she good around kids? Has she ever lived in a multi-cat or multi-species household? How does she get along with the other animals at the shelter? Take your time. Compare an adoption to the dating game. Nobody meets a sole mate the very first time you go out with someone. You shouldn't have those expectations when picking a cat either. It's worth the wait to find the perfect pet. Be realistic. Talk to cat owners and read books, so you know what to expect. If you are a first time pet owner, some of their habits, such as shedding or scratching may annoy you. Seek help. Both you and your pet need time to get to know each other. If you have problems adjusting,call the shelter for advice.

seesaw kittys

Pet Insurance

Pet insurance just as health insurance has become an essential part of our own health care, insurance coverage for pets is an increasingly popular choice for pet owners. Pet insurance is available in a wide variety of coverages and can greatly benefit your cat's overall health and longevity by allowing for care you may not otherwise be able to provide.

Catastrophic coverage is designed to eliminate many of the tough choices pet owners face when their cat needs surgery or critical care. And coverage for routine care and vaccinations can give the added security of pet wellness. Ask your veterinarian about available pet insurance options.

New tricks

Teaching your cat tricks

You can train your cat to perform tricks. You'll get the best results when you offer food rewards such as a morsel of moist cat food or treat. Work with one command at a time. Be consistant and be patient.

Shake Hands: With your cat sitting in front of you, touch its paw and say "shake". As soon as your cat reacts and lifts his paw, shake it. Reward your cat with verbal approval along with a treat. Remember to repeat the command exactly the same way each time.

Wave: Hold a treat in front of your cat's nose but just out of reach, and move it back and forth with your hands in a waving motion while saying "wave". As your cat reaches for the food, it will appear as if she is waving. When you are satisfied with the behavior, praise your cat and give her a reward.

Sit up: Place your cat on a footstool or other raised area in a sitting position. Hold a treat over your cat's head and tell him to "sit up", do not reward your cat for standing or grabbing. When your cat succeeds, reward with a treat right away and repeat the command several times.

Come: Say your cat's name followed by the command "come". If necessary, tap on her food bowl to gain attention. When your cat comes, praise her lavishly and reward her. This is a good trick to try around mealtime, as your cat will eventually associate food with the "come" command.

Several Breeds of Cats

Abbyssinian Cat

Abyssinian:Very active, colorful and muscular. Medium in size, he has almond shaped eyes of green or gold. His head is slightly rounded on top and his tail is long. He comes in three special breed colors:ruddy (orange-brown ticked with dark brown or black), red (warm and glowing ticked with chocolate brown) and blue (ticked with various shades of slate blue.) His coat is soft, silky, dense and medium in length.

Burnese Cat

Burmese: A stable temperament and affectionate personality have earned this cat a high place on the list of favorite breeds. He is medium sized, very muscular and has a surprising weight for his size. He has an ample chest and a tail that tapers in proportion to his body. His ears are rounded and tilt slightly forward. Eye colors range from yellow to gold. Though best known to be a rich sable brown, this breed also comes in platinum, champagne and a striking blue.

Egyptian Mau Cat

Egyptian Mau: One of the oldest breeds of domestic cats along with the Abyssinian, he was first imported into the United States from Egypt in 1953. Even though the hind legs are longer than the front legs, the Mau has a well-balanced body. He has a distinctive spot pattern which applies to all colors: silver, bronze, or smoke. His eyes are goose-berry-green.

Himalayan Cat

Himalayn: This breed is a combination of a persian type cat with a Siamese color pattern cat. He has the body conformation of the persian and the vivid blue eyes and color points of the Siamese. These are seal point, chocolate,lilac point, flame point, cream point, tortoise point and blue-cream point.

Mainecoon Cat

Main Coon: This cat can best be decribed as a longhair. He comes in many colors and in most of the traditional cat markings. The color of the eyes varies with the color of the coat. He is not the result of the crossing of a cat with a coon, but has developed from the inter-breeding of the many cats brought back by Maine sailors from foreign lands. Most noteworthy is his size:he can weigh 16 or more pounds when full-grown.

Manx Cat

Manx: This tailless cat is sturdy in body and medium in size, with remarkably high hindquarters. He has an extremely broad and rounded rump and definate hollows at the end of his backbone, where his tail would be normally. He has a soft voice, a sweet disposition and comes in many colors and coat patterns. He has a thick, short neck and eyes that slant up slightly at the outer corners.

Persian Cat

Persian: This cat's sturdy body,massive head and flowing coat make it one of the most beautiful longhairs. His large, round eyes add to his sweet expression. He comes in a wide variety of colors and coat patterns. His long coat carries a full ruff and he has a short plumy tail. His ears are tiny, rounded at the tips and tilt forward. His nose is broad and his legs are short and strong.

Cornishrex Cat

Rex:there are two different breeds. The Cornish Rex has a long, narrow head with big flared ears, a roman nose and arched body. There are many recognized colors and patterns.

Devonrex Cat

The Devon Rex has a short, wedge-shaped head and a big low-set ears.the body is not arched. Neither the Devon not the Cornish Rex can tolerate temperature extremes.

Russian Cat

Russian Blue:He is long, fine boned, and muscular. His tail is long, his eyes are vivid green and round in shape. His body color is a bright, even blue. Lighter shades of blue are preferred. He has a short, dense, plush coat with a silvery sheen, wide set eyes, and ears with rounded tips.

Siamese Cat

Siamese: He is long-legged active cat whose dainty appearance belies his solid, muscular structure. His wedge-shaped head with large,pointed upright ears and vivid blue almond-shaped eyes gives him an exotic look. He is the most vocal of all the breeds and can climb and jump with great ease. The color points, which consist of his mask, ears, legs, feet and tail, should be clearly defined against his body color.The Siamese colors are seal point, blue point, chocolate point and lilac point.

Tell 'em the dog did it

Are two cats better then one?

I think so! After all, it's the fun and companionship for you and your cat. So if your'e convinced that a new pet is what you and your cat need, go for it. Make sure, however, that you have enough time and space to accommodate two animals and remember that a new pet means twice the number of supplies, toys, food and veternary visits.

This includes litter boxes! As a rule of thumb, provide one litter box for each cat plus one extra.

Try to make sure the newcomer's arrival goes smoothly. In general, the following combinations are best: mature, neutered cat and puppy or kitten, two mature neutered cats (either two females or a male and a female).

The newcomer should have limited access to the household until acclimated. Your other animals will know there is a new one in the house and if separated by a door they'll start to sniff and even play under the door frame sometime. After a week to 10 days, you'll know when it's time, let your newest family member explore your home. Some hissing and growling from your resident cat is only to be expected. He's showing the "new" guy who's boss. It's really best if you don't interfere. Just remember to show both pets lots of love, care, and affection and you won't give them any reason to be jealous.

In the beginning you should always be present when your new arrival is around the other animals. If either pet shows signs of not adjusting after a period of time or show signs of neurotic behavior, consult your veterinarian. Getting all your animals to adjust to each other may take some time. There is every chance that all will be well, and you will have become a two-pet household. After all, there's always room for one more!

Cat and plant

Beware of poisonous plants

The holidays are not complete without the festive plants you buy to enhance the beauty of your home. Many pet owners don't realize the danger's your dog or cat face from poisonous houseplants. Ask your veterinarian or university agricultural extention service for a complete list of dangerous plants.

Some indoor and outdoor plants which are poisonous to cats include: Amaryllis, Azalea, Buckeye, Castor Bean, Clematis, Corn Plant, Cyclamen, Daffodil, Daphne, DumbCane, Foxglove, Holly, Iris,Ivy, Lillies, Mistletoe, Morning glory, Narcissus, Oleander, Philodendron, Poinsettia, Precatory Bean, Rhodendron, Rubber Plant, Weeping Fig and Yews. You can go here to see a more complete list of poisonous plants Poisonous plants

Have a happy and healthy holiday with your pets.

Alone with my book

Alone again naturally

Even if you have a purring, attention loving kitty, you're probably aware of the common stereotype of cats as independent creatures with minds of their own.

Cats have often been described as loners, according to Sandra Toney, author of numberous books on cat behavior. This characteristic is strongly rooted to their ancestry.

One reason for their solitary nature is that they used to hunt for their food, the less competition they had, the better. That makes cats smart, highly evolved predators not, as the stereotype sometime goes, creatures with a distain for human companionship. As most cat owners well know,that stereotype is most often wrong.

It's meal time

Made for meat

Your domesticated friend doesn't have to compete for meals anymore, as his closest wild relative, the African wildcat does. But whether in the wild or at home, cats not only crave meat,they need it in order to survive. That's because they're considered "obligate carnivors," which means they must get protein and other nutrients from animal sources.

Because wild cats hunt solo, unlike dogs, who run in packs the pressure is always on to perform. That mentality translates into an independant attitude for domesticated cats, especially in feral and outdoor cats. If left to fend for himself to survive, today's house cat may revert to the behavior's of his wild ancestors, quickly turning his back on thousands of years of domestications. True to his wild roots, a feral cat hunts alone, fights to defend his territory and prefers to be left alone.

Solo cat

Solo but sociable

Many pet owners chalk up aloofness to a cat's many mysterious traits, and find it intriguing. Others try to tame the instinct. And it can be done. This is directly related to early socialization, that important time between weeks two and seven of a kitten's life. If a kitten receives lots of attention and handling during that time, he will be more social later in life.

The best thing you can do is to give him space and not push for affection. Patience and understanding are the key ingredients to turning a cat into a friendlier feline.

Cat in the bag

Hideaways, why do they do that?

Cats love to get away from it all-under cozy blankets,in a drawer or empty box.What's the lure of it all? Here are a few known reasons!

Scouting things out! Cats consider it their job to know their territory. They memorize the lay of the land so they know where to go in an emergency. They explore every nook and cranny. When they need it, they'll know where to go. Add something new to the landscap, such as boxes stacked or a bag on the floor, and a cat is drawn to it. The cat will want to know what this new thing is in his territory.

As for choosing the right spot, the place of refuge a cat chooses depends on what's happened. If she's running from a toddler, she'll opt for an out of reach spot, such as the top of a refrigerator. If she wants to nap, a cardboard box or clothes basket works.

Hiding is normal, but keep these things in mind. Illness: Sick cats are lured to quiet spots so they can preserve energy. If your cat is lethargic, isn't eating or acts strange, see your veterinarian.

Trama: All the pursuasian in the world won't bring a spooked cat out of hiding. Removing her prematurely could backfire. Better to leave her until she regains her confidence.

Safety: Make sure the secret spot is well ventilated and isn't near flammable materials.

The bottom line? Let your sleuth enjoy her private places as long as she's happy, healthy and safe.

Now sit back and relax a moment and find out some interesting info about your kitty!

kitty massage

Did you know?

Cats don't use a scratching post to sharpen their claws. They scratch to satisfy the instinct to stretch and clean their claws, in addition to marking their territory.

Exposing your kitten to many people is an important part of socialization and seems to lessen their fear of strangers. Kittens should also be carefully introduced to children. A kitten who is not socialized with children may reject or even bite them after it has matured.

If your cat prefers water from the toilet or from a puddle, gutter or pond, it's because the water in her dish tasts bad. Provide plenty of clean fresh water daily! This is critical to a cat's health.

It's now belived that purring results from a vibration in the wall of one of the major blood vessels in the chest. These vibrations transmitted to the cat's upper air passages, result in a purring sound.

You may notice that your cat will groom himself more in warm weather. That's because the saliva he deposits on his fur while grooming acts as a cooling mechanism, much like sweat in humans.

Your cat's paws are highly sensitive. This may be the reason many cats do not like to have them touched.

Your cat may approach her food bowl, sniff and eat only a small amount before walking away. this is perfectly normal, as cats tend to be occasional eaters. Don't confuse this behavior with finicky eating.

If your eyes were proportionately as big as a cat's, they would each be 8" in diameter.

While no one can know exactly how a cat sees color, one thing all researchers agree on is that cats definitely do not see color the same way we do. Cats probably see things somewhat like a person who is red/green color-blind. Reds appear dark, and greens appear somewhat lighter and duller.

gold kitty's line

I hope you enjoyed the tips I've given. May all your pets stay happy and healthy! Love from Suzy and Inca the cats and Cheryl

Please leave your pawprints in our Guestbook before you go. We'd love to hear from you! Thank Mew!


Thanks to Diabella Loves Cats for most of the wonderful graphics on this page. Please go visit her!

Thanks to Nancy's Animation Gallery for some of the great graphics found here. Please visit her site. There are loads of wonderful kitty graphics there.

Thanks to Catstuff Graphics for some of the great graphic's shown here. Please visit them won't you?

Thanks to Flaming Text for the banners I made over there. Go on over and make some for yourself too!

Thanks to Beware of cat For some of the great graphics here. Go have a visit with them won't you?

Thanks to Action Cat Get some great graphics and send some great cards too!

Here's a site that helps animals, has many alerts, adoptable animals from DCSPCA, petitions, boycotts, stories and pics, memorial pages, some great links for everyone in the entire family and much more! Take a look, enjoy and maybe help an animal while you are there! Fran and Tripod's

laughing kitty

Stay tuned for more articles and some more links that you will be sure to enjoy

cat mum kits

Love and God bless the animal lovers. Cheryl (DCSPCA)

The cats meow

DISCLAIMER:We are only giving tips and information here. They are not written in stone! It is the opinion of the website owner. Remember you must always check with your Vet or Holistic Practitioner for any medical or herbal advice as well as all doses of herbs/meds to give to your pet! You know when you companion animal is not feeling well. At any sign of abnormality, please bring him/her to the vet!

If anyone knows where the Dog with the teeth graphic comes from or the laughing kitty graphic or massage kitty, please email the WEBMASTER. We would like to give credit or get permission, if needed, to use it if it is copyrighted. Thanks!

Page created in the year of Our Lord 2003. On the 17th of July by "Purrfect Pages" for Cheryl and all the animals!

stainglass kitty

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Stainglass Kitty

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