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The Pentagon Girls!

The Pentagon Is:

Pics of the Girls:


Michelle looking like a potato while Maureen's sister "Bubba" dyes Alyssa's hair

Maureen wondering what is being done to her hair.

Michelle's new highlights

Alyssa getting her hair rinsed by Bubba

Maureen, Jacqui, Michelle, and Alyssa gettin it ready...

Here's us in action.

Alyssa, Moe, Michelle, and Jacqui- covered in whipped cream!

Well we needed a picture of Nina- the photographer. The one who's not covered in whipped cream! Wait a minute- what are Michelle and Jacqui doing to those whipped cream bottles???

NEW YEARS EVE 2001-2002
Here we are, waiting for Dick to start the countdown

Corky The Cow...the wonderful cake baked by Michelle and Alyssa. (a better picture will come soon)

Michelle and Moe takin a bite outta Corky

Michelle and Jen (our great friend who RULES!) the next morning

NYC fun
Nina, Alyssa, Michelle, and Moe on our city day.

The 4 of us with Bradd Pitt. Soooooo hottt!!!

Other Random Pics:
Michelle giving the finger to her ex's house

Moe...just rocking her bananas to sleep

Moe and Nina sitting in the red civic (Moes car)

Ok this is a good one. It's from Escapes. Look at those hot guys! OW OW! ONE WORD: BOBBY!

Michelle holding whipped cream.

Alyssa making a stupid face.

Michelle and Moe in the car.

This page is dedicated to Sneakers...he rules and we all miss him!


~Famous Quotes~
"Ps: You're ugly" -Nina P.
"Randomness is the key to a happy life" -Moe
"I want the biggest sundae EVER" -Jacqui
"I'm one of those girls who likes it hard" -Michelle
"Scuse me- you? yeah you? yeah you?...You're 5" -Alyssa
"Nina and I will squeeze in the front because we're ski- uhhh...we'll just squeeze in front" -Jacqui
"Just say it- because you're skinny...You're skinny and we're fat!" -Alyssa
"Where's Constantinople or whatever it is?" -Michelle
"I should know what the president looks like- I met him." -Nina
"Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it" -Moe
"Blah....Blah Blah....BLAH!" -Jacqui
"This one time...not at band camp." -Michelle
"JELOUSY" -Nina P.
"Yeah that is kinda homosexual" -Alyssa
"Wait is that Eddie from Friends?" -Moe
"I hope this place isn't too upscale for Maureen and Michelle" -Jacqui
"So...what's your story?" -Michelle
"Petraro for president...2024!" -Nina
"That's great for you...I love you for it!" -Moe
"Bahjubopbopbeediop" -Jacqui
"Board games bring families together"- Alyssa
"I just had an imaculate conception" -Michelle
"Can everybody please stop feeling for 2 seconds?" -Nina
"Can we not talk during this song?" -Moe


OUIZ: WHICH PENTAGON GIRL ARE YOU? (or for guys...which are you most compatible with?)
Directions: Write down the numbers 1-10 on a peice of paper. Then answer each question by putting the letter next to the number. Then find out your results below. Let us know who you the results on our guestbook!
1. You and your friends are making plans for the evening. Which of the following do you suggest:
a. Go to a bar or club - anything wild.
b. Make snacks and stay in for a movie night.
c. Go out to a diner and just chill
d. Drive around and blast music...or anything low-budget
e. Go to the movies.

2.Time to go shopping! What's the first store you go to?
a. Express
b. American Eagle
c. Pacific Sunwear
d. The pet store
e. Claires

3. While driving in the car you like to blast... a. Destiny's Child
b. Jewel
c. Incubus
d..Sarah McLachlan
e. Britney Spears

4. What job sounds appealing to you?
a. Radio DJ
b. Accountant
c. Social Worker
d. Music Therapist
e. Politician

5. Lets go out to eat. Where do you want to go?
a. A cute Italian restaurant
b. A Vegitarian restaurant
c. Ihop
d. Applebees
e. The Cheesecake Factory

6. Out of the following words, which would describe you most?
a. goofy
b. dramatic
c. loud
d. caring
e. smart

7. Hello and welcome to movie phone! What kind of movie would you like to see?
a. Comedy
b. Drama
c. Horror
d. Family movies
e. A cute romantic comedy

8. Which of the following describes you love life?
a. Long crushes and short relationships
b. Occasional fights, but mostly lots of love.
c. Best friends and great sex
d. Lots of "reruns" (breaking up and going back out again)
e. One long relationship with someone great.

9. After a stressful day of work, you like to...
a. Be lazy and do nothing
b. Go to the gym
c. Turn the stereo up all the way
d. Drive around
e. Do something productive

10. When you get the urge to do something nuts you...
a. find a random hookup
b. run around naked
c. get a tattoo
d. dye your hair blue
e. Stay out past 12

If you got...
mostly A''re most like Alyssa
mostly B''re most like Jacqui
Mostly C''re most like Michelle
Mostly D''re most like Moe
Mostly E''re most like Nina

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