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 Who am I?

  I like to tell people that my claim to fame is not founded in any Wiccan tradition that I know of. Rather, I am a follower of my own form of spirituality - with a strong foundation in 'Witchcraft.' (Yup, there is a difference.)  Now why the name "NYwitch" you might ask? Well, to be honest, I tend to shy away from flashy craft names and when I researched just what the word 'witch' meant in the local native american dialect, I found it to be 'Kennokai' pronounced NOW - YET - KEY. Translated, it simply means local wise person. So, to put it in even simple english terms, NYwitch worked for me. However, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Ron. My wife tells me I'm 38 years old, (I can never remember), and I have a nine year old son whom I do everything with. 

 Probably the most eventful part of my life I think was in the 1980's. It was during that time period where I stumbled into the world nieve as hell, and had to learn alot of stuff the hard way. I went from being kicked out of my fundementalist/pentacostal household as a teenager, to become a US Army soldier for a few years. And it was during this time in my life I experienced alot of personal growth, especially in the area of my spirituality. I found that what I was originally taught - didn't work for me. Nor could I convince others that I believed it myself. After the army, I spent some time in Bible School...(a story in itself)..and then moved on to New Hampshire where I met my wife Donna. If you have read anything from my Practical Magick homepage, you will know what happened shortly thereafter, like from 1990 to the present. Basically, I decided to base both my spiritual, and physical lifestyle on the teachings of Witchcraft, with a small blend of Satanism. 

 As for other interests, lately I've been either too busy, or too committed to have any. I work full time for New York State, at night I am a college student, (someday I might finish), and most importantly - a father. I suppose I am a better father than a husband - probably because being a dad is easier for me. My homelife is spent either online or in the yard or basement doing any number of projects. Since the beverage refrigerator is also conveniently located in the basementl, I probably should admit that I sometimes drink too much when doing these projects. A bad habit - that I have never been able to get rid of, but we all have our vices. ANYWAY, my son likes to follow me down there so he can work too. He builds things at his workbench with odds and ends I give him and then I buy his stuff.....I think the kid has about $100 in his little cash register that I've given him over the course of a couple months for his projects. Johnathan and I (when it isn't winter around here) on Fridays travel to the State Lands for a overnighter. We cook over the fire and chat the night away - when bedtime comes I make up stories. Sometimes/most times the stories will be about myself, and will be about something I did in the past.
I also use this time with him to work with him spiritually. The forest is such a great place to be for this type of thing. He is growing up so fast that I know its gonna be hard to let go - when the time comes.